31.1.03 |
finally got into the CNY mood...
kinda siao... was in sch... crapping with the council... crazily went ard to my tutors and wished them happie new year... hoping that they'll spare me the next time i fail tests... hhaha... but it was fun... then went out with lala and elza... was pretty cool... ate at delifrance... drank kopi at starbucks... talked alot... crapped alot... hehhe... then remembered all the cute mac adverts... i think mac adverts are the best... maybe should do spoofs of those for publicity for family day... coz i in pub comm... siao one... helped elza brainstorm for ideas for her to sell cookies on v-dae... trying to raise funds for OBA i think... so provide as much moral support as i can lor... coz i cant bake for nuts... gonna be real cool... council also setting up stall on v-dae... went temple to pray to my late grandpa... met all my little cuzzins... hahah... they're pretty cute... a tad notty... but i'm cool with dad... oni thing is that they kept bullying my dad... coz he's just to nice to little kids... though he a little scared of them... dunnoe how he survived me... i must be quite a brat then... coz i still am... did up the CNY deco in my home... hahah... recycled all the past years' stuff.. and some new hong bao creations... happie... coz i did it with my bro... =) though he oni did a bit... had reunion dinner... though small scaled... i think it was pretty good to have the 8 of us in the house eating together... busy schedules kept some of our dinners apart... never got to eat with my grand parents... =) happie happie... myabe thats wad happie CNY is all about... k k... must drink kopi... YC and mervin say must shou ye if wanna parents to live longer.. i want them to live longer... coz they're the best i could ever have... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:28 --Link to Post |
30.1.03 |
had meetings galore today...
first was games fest... with mr lim kim thye... grr... at least he accepted my program proposal... phew... at least dennis' work din go to waste... then went to discuss talentime deco... then ciaoz for games comm for o2... pengz... darn freaking long... left sch at abt 1945... met odac prez on the way to PC house... talked to him alot... he's a nice person to talk to... really... i dont really know him... but could even laugh at ourselves not knowing each others' names... and for being scared after watching the RING... hahhaha.... but he made me alight at the wrong stop... so had to walk quite abit... glad i met him... real cool... had lotsa fun today.... crapping with the klass... but the soccer game was unforgettable... even the most 'quiet' guy was like all crap and smiles... really... really happie to see the class like dat... sometimes i did take a step back... and ponder... why aint the klass like tat in school? =) love all of them... yeah~ 01 rules... when we play our hearts out... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:53 --Link to Post |
29.1.03 |
X-country today... so proud of our house captain... merser got position 34!!! *clap clap clap* hehhee... me got 62... ran my heart out liaoz... my contribution to cheetah house... considering oni top 75 will contribute to house points.. great thing is... cheetah won best house!!! woohoo!!! so happy... esp when merser when to collect the prize... hehehe... cool yeay? went to sakae sushi with council... was cool... ate alot... shared alot with audrey... we ate like 33 bucks worth of stuff... yummy!!! soft shell crab... hehehe... though it was oni 11 of us... kinda lousy for a reunion dinner for 32 councillors... but we were happie... love kt...audrey...dopey...shi2...tako pachi... and the guys of coz... =) i love salmon! k k... back to SPRING essay... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:24 --Link to Post |
28.1.03 |
think i was over reacting abit last nite...
feel much better today.. other than the over whelming fatique... have to start on my SPRING essay... wish me best... i'm still alive... ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:20 --Link to Post |
27.1.03 |
feel kinda terrible now...
my worst fears kinda materialised... i suspected it... feared it... but coming across her blog made me just see the light... i understand... we had our brush... but i really tried my best to make up for my unintended mistakes... i could never talk to her... i try to do small favours... talk to her... win her back... but failed... terribly... its kinda like in primary sch... when one would write best friends: blah blah blah blah blah... and how one would feel if left out from that list??? i was left out from a similar list... with a more mature twist of coz... it isnt unintentional... but i understand... just feel detested... something i never wanted ever to feel... i'm not a good person... but i try to be one... i'm not a bitch... i just want to get things done... may have stepped on toes by doing that... but i dont think i'm dealt justice... i cried and cried hard when i realised that she was hurt by me... worse that it was not intentional... i dont even know how many others i hurt... i dunnoe how to go about life now... thing is... i've tried to make it up to her... but i guess it just aint enuff... sorry... but i tried my best... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:52 --Link to Post |
day was pretty good ya???
was happily busy... got alot of stuff done... WITS done with first meeting... concluded on area of research... AJ Ideas... will do jiaen, shishi and me good.. considering its our job... but something kinda spoilt my day... proposal came back to me from talentime i/cS... that its '...very bad...' and reason? no theme... personally i do not think that constitutes a bad proposal... i slept late last nite... ran ard like siao... heatedly discussed ideas... and this is wad i get? wanted to rebutt the judgement that it's a bad proposal... but held back... 'fraid to strain relations... even if it really was... which i do not think so... at least not for the reason stated... they could have put it in a better tone... i was hurt... really... but think these really prepares you for worse ahead... i hope it does... but well... great things were.. realised that dennis is really a nice guy... he knows i'm busy with talentime and WITS... offered to write the games fest proposals during his breaks tmr... ask me to sleep early... maybe its my dark eye bags... it's oni a monday!!!! grr... will fight on... now... homework... and later games fest proposal... and redo talentime's if i've got time later... bless me... ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:27 --Link to Post |
26.1.03 |
the most amazing of things happened these couple of days...
bought a skirt from U2... *gasp* the horrors... and a pair of dress heels to got with it... gosh... actually kinda weird to see a pair of THICK tanned legs in heels like that... but couldnt resist the fact that the skirt was 13 bucks down from the actual 36... and the heels... at an affordable 20... but its so nu ren... think will oni wear those on CNY... then dump them into the depths of my overflowing wardrobe... went fiesta to have dinner with family... kinda shiok... everyone had their own bento set... but we just kept stealing from each other... the chawan mushi.. the agedashi tofu... my favourite salmon sashimi... my second favourite grilled mackerel... and of coz the unagi... yummy! had the urge to go jap today coz me and my sis caught the japan hour... looking (or rather...drooling...) at all the yummy food... kinda made us salivate for some nice jap rice... set us back by abt 110 bucks... for the 5 of us... but i think we were happy... i love my family... i really do... kinda promised my granny to take here on a ride on the LRT... and my grandpa too... they dont really get a chance to see sengkang... and i thot a ride ard it in the comfortable confines of the train will do them good... esp when its really convenient for wheel chairs to get thru now... but now.. need to find time to bring her... grr... just too busy... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:46 --Link to Post |
the sun rays slicing through the gleaming sail... waves splashing beneath the longboard... wind whistling by my ears... the adrenaline rush... the extreme speed... i din even need no motor or fuel... thats the power of the wind... the beauty of nature... actually ah... its more of the look on the beginners faces when they see youths flying past them like tat... being female seemed to serve a bigger blow... ----Stef stopped rambling at 15:09 --Link to Post |
sam asked me go beach today...
but couldnt lah... got homework to complete... and at the rate i'm doing them... i'll never finish... got two proposals to write... an essay that mr wee wants the few of us to write for a competition.. you say... chronic fatigue... aptly described... i must say... nice sunny weather out there... lucky i not going beach... will be even tanner than i already am... tan is a positive word liaoz... try dark.. black.. grr... everybody's making fun of my colour.. mr lim kim thye... dark horse? i only know you all got dark skin... even the ice cream man at yck mrt... bu yao qiao ke li? pa hei ah? bleh... but i'm happy with my colour.. cant imagine myself with fairer skin... really... now... its back to work... and maybe abit of CNY shopping if i could later... ----Stef stopped rambling at 15:03 --Link to Post |
25.1.03 |
freaking tired today...
did spring cleaning of the CR... was eventful... found a centipede... which we sprayed with the watergun... drown in the water... and flush down the toilet bowl... exterminated one ants nest... aint ordinary ants... big HUGE black ones... freaky... never see any of those ard before leh... we flushed the crack.... sprayed insecticide... bleh... eventful morning... but couldnt stay with them to finish up... coz got training... couldnt play bball with jerhsuan too... haiz... though we wanted to... water training today was superb... sailed upwind from siglap buoy to bedok buoy... wind was strong... and gusty... got slammed quite a number of times... then upwind from bedok to keta buoy... ankle hurt quite abit... coz my footstrap kinda loose... difficult to rail the board... then downwind from keta to padang... when there's wind ah... these buoys seem so close to one another... but in actual fact ah... they're actually almost a mile from each other... but its relative lah... padang back to bedok... did the circuit for about 4 times... already tired liaoz... coz i din eat lunch... stopid food centre closed for reno... then kept getting slammed and underpowered... kept pulling up the sail... *faints* sam left early... some hot date with his friends lah... he wasnt too cheerful today... lost his baton clip.. poor guy... think me better hit the sheets... damn tired... another long day of proposals and homework tomorrow... monday still got WITS meeting... first aid course... publicity meeting... all after sch... i dunnoe how... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:26 --Link to Post |
Like a peach, you enjoy the juice of life and all its lush ripeness! You are the friendly sort, and are quite frank and outspoken, which adds to your charm. charm? wad charm? You are quick to forgive and forget; and value your friendships highly. You have an independent and ambitious streak in you, that makes you a real go-getter. but i think i overdo it sometimes.. You are the ideal lover, fiery and passionate but sincere and faithful in love. ooooh... You don't however like to display all that passion in public. true... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:13 --Link to Post |
24.1.03 |
discussed games fest abit with dennis today...
then had meeting with thinking comm teachers... die... forgot to call william to update him on what mr ari said... grr... will do so tmr... went out for dinner with stella... had loadsa fun... being crappy... lame and corny... never really went out with her like dat before... think it was cool... had the jap noodles... my fav octo balls... and orange pineapple from orange julius... shiok! we were like rushing ard looking for ATM... bleh.. shopped ard quite abit with her too... saw lotsa nice stuff at U2... maybe will go back there when our time not so tight... coz saw this pair of jeans... with a lilac touch... for 20bucks... wad a steal... down from 50bucks.. woohoo! sometimes... it takes crappy times like these... to make you realise how close some pple are to your heart... =) ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:33 --Link to Post |
23.1.03 |
havent got chance to think abt my daily schedule...
maybe i should... down with alot of adhocs this semester... talentime--deco i/c.. orientation2-games comm family day-pub comm games fest-program i/c college day-assitant i/c movie fest-assitant i/c elects camp-overall i/c wits team... gosh... on hindsight i think i'm stretching things too much... got to a stage that i run from meeting to meeting... bring meetings home onto IRC... have discussions during breaks... seriously... i dunnoe why i'm working my heart out like this... i'm not in the exco... i'm not trying to prove anything... but just so happens that things fall into my scope... cant understand it... esp when i stay back almost every day... until 7 plus... still no time to finish my work... while other councillors happily pack their bags and leave at 4 or even 3... had to clear up the nexus today... it was really bad... students drank in there... spilled coffee... littered with bits of tidbits.. i even saw ants... we worked so hard just to bring the lounge up for them... and this is wad we get??? i know i'm complaining... but i really was burnt out... WITS needs us down every thurs for one whole hour... games fest proposal to be in by next wed... talentime deco proposal by next monday... seriously... i dont know whether i can keep up... i'll try.. and keep trying... ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:25 --Link to Post |
22.1.03 |
day was pretty short actually...
but had to stay back for lotsa stuff... going abit crazy... tmr got two meetings at 5pm... WITS and games fest... grr... dunnoe how also... which one to go to??? cant decide... both as important... friday got thinking comm meeting... argh... i like being busy... but not to this extent... today had aj ice day... had fun making the ice today... we werent very pro actually... but we had fun... hopefully the ice kacang was nice... =) had ice balls too... we made and ate them ourselves... got our hands all eeky and dirty... but it was cool... pardon the pun... did the aj voices board... played ard with spray paint... the councillors and i... muahahha... spray and spray... like free one like tat... its quite nice looking... but dunnoe... dont like doing deco stuff coz opinions will differ... and i hate trying to decide wad colours to use... and the like... =P but oh well... we did some of it.. gave my input... let the rest make the decisions... i think thats best... without making yourself sound too [fit-word-here]... slept like a log in the bus again... one of the few days i actually take public transport... hehhe... heng i alwaz wake at the right stop... phew... or else haf to walk a long way home... ran abit with amanda and yeesh... did the 2 rounds ard the sch... was pretty fast... coz amanda is one fast runner... but had a good run... build up for the 4 km tomorrow... =P oh yarh... the hep b screening... bleh... the nurse was nice... but grr... it hurt like so much... coz she poke in my left arm... then collected abit of blood... but some blood squirted out... as in... leaked out... from the puncture... then she poke my left arm... sucked more blood... argh... should see my face... really wanted to cry liaoz... but din lah... if i did... i think it'll freak the others out... ----Stef stopped rambling at 20:39 --Link to Post |
21.1.03 |
today.... not really much that i can speak about... relatively uneventful... but thats a good thing ya??? had a good time laughing at cherchin's presentation.... for civics.. muahahaha... damn freaking farnie... glad its representing our klass.... hope it'll do well... kinda screwed by meetings... practically have meetings EVERY day after sch... cant go home with lala... so sad... even breaks... have to grab food... eat on the go... on an average... it's like 2-3 meetings a day... bleh... dont really know if i'm up to this kinda lifestyle... arrive in sch at 0650... leave sch at ard 1900... gosh... i'm spending more time in sch than anything else... i need a life outside sch man... sam ask me go down to surf tomorrow... but i have AJ ice...welfare stuff....WITS meeting... grrr.... wont reach home b4 7pm i promise... *pengz* but i really wanna go out on friday... i need to get out of the sch-home-sch-home-sch-home-sch-home-sch-home-beach-home routine... it's killing me... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:05 --Link to Post |
20.1.03 |
aint much today..
except that the talentime banner screwed up big time... alwin and some others rolled it up on sat... then it got soaked in the pouring rain over the weekend... kinda got abit of the walls stained with cloth dye... and the banner paint... kinda got wet and yucky... just hope that it'll dry soon... and not that deco comm screw up big time like last year's... so farnie today... angeline dropped her calculator into the toilet bowl... muahhaha.... feel bad for laughing... but i found it farnie... luckily there was nuthing in the toilet bowl... phew... had a number of meetings today... woah... choosing pple for a adhoc aint such an easy task... had a terrible time.. but still... got my ad-hoc out... will announce it over GM on wed... hope i dont disappoint anyone... ran abit today... was slow... but great... knee hurt a little... dont know why... but kinda enjoyed running with the klass.. it builds camaderie... =) k... i better go get work done... and sleep early.. think mr ari caught me dozing off during his lecture... =P muahahhaa... hope he wont kill me at the next meeting... ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:39 --Link to Post |
19.1.03 |
went to the halfway house to make pineapple tarts today..
wasnt really much of an interaction with the pple there... just the ford thingy... where they mould the pineapple jam... i put it on the pastry... kinda conveyor belt... muahhaa... din get to try any though... maybe will drop by there again someday... and grab a bottle... its for a good cause... went to compass point with merser and lala... haha... it was fun.. appreciate these two friends of mine... well... glad i found them in AJ... couldnt really spend much time with them in sch or out of sch... but could still relate to them freely... and our conversation could never cease... love them both... =) on hindsight... i think my situation aint very favourable... being spread too thin... between my family...klass...council...ws team...bballers... somehow... can feel that my relationship with anyone one of those aint as strong as the others... much as i want to... dunnoe whether its me... or my lack of time with them... really dunnoe... sec school was still quite fine.. had my clique... things were rowdy... bballers had our little alley where we would just hang out... wsurfers had our base at the beach... klass had our usual table in the canteen... life was cool... it was... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:24 --Link to Post |
promised myself that i'll do home work over the weekend... but i din... kinda disappointed with myself... my lack of self discipline... argh... been re-thinking alot abt life actually... that things arent really what they seem on the surface... somehow... i dunnoe what to think... or believe... i grow skeptical of things i see on the surface.. but also doubt myself when i see further than that... am i misunderstanding the people ard me??? am i being overly worried or cynical?? i really dunnoe... am i trying too hard to understand wads going on ard me??? somehow... i cant find the answer... people that i once thot were nice proved otherwise... people that i once were wary of became the closest i could ever imagine... okay... that was exagerated... but you get the idea... this level of cynicism aint healthy... really... just wish i could be simple and naive all again... maybe life wouldnt be as complex... as painful... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:16 --Link to Post |
18.1.03 |
actually though he's abit dorky... he cant dance for nuts... during NYE party... he was dancing like a frog doing the macarena... he's really quite attractive... looks are slightly above average... few of us gers thot so... am quite impressed by his 8pack... all thanks to andrew's gruelling training... his ever-ready to help attitude... never leaves me to die on my own... crappy nature... sometimes a tad too crappy... brains... he got 8 pts for prelims... and a pretty good dress sense... not good as in wow... but good in the sense that he doesnt dress like someone he's not... that his style or the lack of one... really suits him... hehhe... and he never made me angry/sad in the 4+ years that i knew him... maybe i should intro my sis to him... or vice versa... then he'll be my bro-in-law... muahahaha... then i can bully him all i want... woohoo! hehehe... gosh... i'm gushing over sam like an infatuated teenager... wait a minute... i AM a teenager... and am quite infatuated too... =P ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:17 --Link to Post |
we're finally done with talentime banner... actually to think of it... my design is not that nice... but just glad its done... saw dennis, thanked him for all the trouble... but he was really nice... say it was a job well done... cass and the rest were pretty cool... helped us loads on this... yeay pple... thanks a bunch! went to beach to sail abit today... not much... ab 2 hrs... coz wind was damn good... but kept falling... kept uphauling.... grew tired after a while... =P feel so weak... uncle ben also say that i need more water time... that i cannot make it... haiz... was pretty sad when he said that... but he was rite... i'll just have to work harder... make the most outta the little time i haf at the beach... but uncle robert was really nice... i told him i kept falling during my gybes... then he said nvm... just work hard.. then he asked me do gym... work on arms... but told me to concentrate on studies... that one most impt... sam bought second hand pulleys from kek wee... this senior that i dont really talk to at all... and asked me to accompany him... so that wee can teach us both... i thot why not... then can learn how to set up at the same time... and take care of sam... coz that stupid guy lost his specs in the sea... when the wave hit him... actually kinda like my fault... coz he stayed back to wait for me... so that we could go out to sea together and spar... if he went out earlier... maybe that wave wouldnt hit him... he was really nice today... helping me lots... carrying my board... extending my boom... even asked him whether he was in love and therefore the good mood... oh yarh... back to wee... he actually asked sam whether i was his gf... *pengz* both of us were taken aback... and neither lost time in trying to explain... but was really happy when sam said this, 'we're very good frenz...' i dunnoe why but it felt nice... coz when you're uncertain abt where your frenship stood... as in normal frenz or what... then he reassures you with a statement like tat... =) i was happy... really... despite how insignificant that statement actually is... oh yarh... me and SZ realised... sam looks really nice with his hair longer now... and his specs lost... he has really pretty eyes ya know... can oni see them w/o his specs... too bad he not my boyfriend... muahahha... wasted... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:09 --Link to Post |
![]() How azn are u? brought to you by Quizilla ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:26 --Link to Post |
17.1.03 |
not to hide it...
but i do envy gy and her bf... not becoz of the guy... but its nice to have someone you could tell everything to... and at the end of the day... call him/her excitedly and tell him/her abt every single little detail abt your day... it was a total norm for me... while we were together... he'll pick me from sch... then i'll tell him every single thing on the way home... dont really knoe whether he's really listening or not.. esp with the full faced helmet... you cant really see his face... sometimes when i was really stressed at sch... bball/surfing/klass stuff... i would actually just break down and cry.. but amazingly... he just has the ability to make me feel all better again... =) i miss having him ard... having him to send me from place to place... miss fighting with him... over silly things like whether kenny's cuter then eric... 2 years we were together... we never got into any acidents... though he did once... w/o me on the bike... it was quite bad... on the expressway... and the worse thing was he tried to contact me... but i din answer my fone... felt so so bad... and he was quite gek... but like alwaz... he had to forgive me... and things were better again... sometimes i do think... will i ever find that someone again? kinda skeptical of love sometimes... but also think that its the most wonderful of things... something that to be embraced... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
so happy...
went out with my bballers today... though it was only 5 outta 8 of us... we had lotsa fun... GY's bf came to join us though... he was a pretty cool guy... council welfare sect... rugby vice cap... and pretty okay looking... =) glad she found him... glad he found her... =) back to the bballers... we went to the esplanade... thai express??? hahha.... ching ate until cried and cried... in the end i had to help her... coz i was the oni one who could take the spice... dad kinda trained me from young... to eat spicy stuff... rene darent even try... its rene b-dae... =) got lotsa prezzies with her... cool... she's really happie... glad she is... she's really one of the best friends i could ever ever have... wad was really cool today was when we were leaving... we just huddled together... like during matches... where we discuss strategy... jdin care abt the pple ard... excluding GY's guy of coz.. told each other how much we missed them... i really did... and hugged every single one of them... aww... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:50 --Link to Post |
16.1.03 |
nuthing much today....
not nuthing also... just nuthing really BIG... when you're busy... i think your blog just automatically gets shorter... oh ya... did pre-test for PE today... got a 13:!2 for 2.4km... which is quite an improvement from last year's... think the intensive training over the hols helped... maybe andrew was rite... once you ran 5.5... 2.4 is nothing... bleh... he's wrong... it was still difficult ya??? i couldnt catch my breath... hah... but i think the 5.5 taught us how to psycho ourselves... that we can overcome anything.. if we try hard enough... so i just kept running and running... i know i'm not strong physically... nor mentally... but i'm working on the latter.... hope i'll sleep well tonite... =) ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:31 --Link to Post |
now in school comp lab....
woohoo! so cold... nice song rite??? ya... think so myself... was totally in love with it... esp when i first watched moulin rouge... gotta go... ----Stef stopped rambling at 16:00 --Link to Post |
Nicole Kidman & Ewan MacGregor - Come What May
Never knew I could feel like this Like I've never seen the sky before I want to vanish inside your kiss Every day I'm loving you more and more Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings Telling me to give you everything Seasons may change, winter to spring But I love you until the end of time Chorus: Come what may Come what may I will love you until my dying day Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste It all revolves around you And there's no mountain too high No river too wide Sing out this song I'll be there by your side Storm clouds may gather And stars may collide But I love you until the end of time Chorus Oh, come what may, come what may I will love you, I will love you Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place Chorus ----Stef stopped rambling at 15:58 --Link to Post |
15.1.03 |
too much to do...
will have to skip blogging tonite... ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:39 --Link to Post |
14.1.03 |
quite happy actually...
both my designs for talentime got thru mr alex tan... woohoo! did one last nite... and one over breakfast... gonna try to start painting tmr... hope everything goes fine... only that deciding of the colors and the materials could be quite a headache... bleh... actually my idea wasnt well-received... amanda, kavi and yeesh all preferred Kaiting's design... but it so happened that Mr Tan pointed at mine... so oh well... we have to incorporate the two... whcih means i have to work into the nite... =P been pretty stressed out recently... like just now.. got too many things on my mind... dont really know wad and how to priortise... getting abit burnt out actually... was sleeping in my dad's car just now... for almost an hour... coz he picked me from bras basah... then went to pick my mum and sis.... slept like a log... even in the front seat... i could even nod onto his shoulder... thats how tired i was... kk... shall go bathe now... and work work work... =) ----Stef stopped rambling at 20:18 --Link to Post |
13.1.03 |
long day today...
ended sch at 1740 like dat... after PE... then rushed to canteen for talentime ad-hoc meeting... siong... was quite heated... coz deco was quite gek at the little time and high standards they expect of us... we're not superman... just two girls trying to put two ends together... will have to work into the night tonite... hope that i can keep up... went to get my ankle wrapped up... stupid thingy cost me 20 bucks... but it hurt a damn shitty lot when i walked... esp during water training on sat... kicked the daggerboard... and it hurted like nuthing... so... it's wrapped like a pig's leg now... dont think i can do flag raising tmr... hope can get a replacement... lotsa stuff to do tonite... so i better get going... =) ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:35 --Link to Post |
12.1.03 |
was rummaging the fridge for things to munch on just now...
then realised the marshmellow duckies which haf been in my fridge for almost a year... turned a little off... so had to throw it away... felt sad actually... coz it was actually one of b|az's miracles... still remember... he came to pick me from ECP... then he had this Liberty supermarket plastic bag... then inside got these little marshmellow duckies... it was damn cool... got white ones and yellow ones... i never beared to eat them... so kept them in my fridge... despite how many times my dad scolds me for flooding the fridge.. i never ate them... but i had to throw them today... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:22 --Link to Post |
Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious and organized. Likes to point out people's mistakes. Likes to criticize. Quiet but able to talk well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Trustworthy, loyal and honest. Does work well. Sensitive. Thinking. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Must control oneself when criticizing. Able to motivate oneself. Understanding. Secretive. Loves sports, leisure and traveling. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Choosy especially in relationships. Loves wide things. Systematic. how true... ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:19 --Link to Post |
11.1.03 |
so happy!!!
went surfing today... wind wasnt too good... but i plane-ed abit... damn shiok... was with sam, wq, lili, gerald they all... sailed together for most of the time... =) the latter 3 wanted to go suntec... but i din wanna go so far... so sam actually supposed to go parkway with me... coz we saw the adidas water bottle quite nice... then we wanted to buy... but his mum asked him go granny's place for dinner... told him it was alrite.. and went out with my family lor... had a good dinner... bought a couple of tops for CNY... its coming laioz leh... oretty fast ya... woohoo!!! lotsa red stuff... lotsa $$$.... hehhee... actually wanted to buy a skirt too... but sis was rite.. i dun wear skirts often... buy already oni waste money... =P its just not my personality.. and dont think i can carry off the look too... actually i'm quite passive in dressing... tend to play on the safe side of tees and jeans... coz i din wanna dress out of character... seen lotsa pple do that... and think thats its pretty yucky... even if they wear the nicest of clothes... they have to be able to carry it off... and that it must reflect their personality... =) send the box of different types of skittles to b|az liaoz... with a cute postcard and a letter... and a clothes peg with a flower... =) just wrote the letter when i was in sch.. then dropped by post office in AMK... sent it... stupid thing cost me $2.50.. hahha... hope it makes his day... the way his miracles alwaz makes mine... one of the best miracles was this series of mini chocs that were really sweet and nice... it had many favours... many different shapes too... and another series of jellibeans... that grew to be my favourite... since then... till abt last year... ate loads of those... GY also loved them lots... =) alwaz brought these miracles to sch... and we'll pass it ard in class... although i'm sharing my happiness... it generates more happiness... and makes me even more happi... wad am i talking?? hahha... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:51 --Link to Post |
10.1.03 |
promised myself to do some work...
grr... din get anything done.. rather slacked my evening away... but kinda happy that i did a short jog... abt 25 minutes? ya... when you've ran for 40 minutes before... 25 is short... was dying coz had caramel frap jumpin' in my tummy... hehhe... met shuzhen along my jogging route... was a coincidence actually... dont usually jog that area.. oh well... Windsurfing: really dunnoe wad i'll be doing now if not for wsf-ing... i mean its been a really big part of my sec sch life... and going for regattas are like second nature to us... really lor.. to an extend that we dont get sea sick at all.. kinda glad that i can go up close with one of the most beautiful things in the world... the vast sea... cant say ocean... coz it really aint an ocean.. but it's massive size and how far it stretches is really amazing... sometimes i would just put down my sail... sit on the board and look at the pretty little fishes... when in season... i see jellyfishes...shrimps...sea snakes... all sorts of things... its really amazing... being in the squad also gave me a chance to know all the wonderful pple i know now... the youth squad... with many in the U... and the most of us in JC now... the ex-national squad... consisting of ultra cool pple like andrew... dr ben...rachel...kerwan and the like... and last but not least... the coach who dotes on us the most... mr tan... who has been patiently behind us all the way... really appreciate all the support that we've been getting... and the least i could do is... spend more time training... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:24 --Link to Post |
pretty amzing actually...
day was pretty short... ended super early... at 1430... even could go eat AJ ice with my mates... then reach home at about 1730.... coz went to get snacks for my grandparents... cuz my grandma kinda likes the nonya kueh from bengawan solo... and my grandpa loves soya beancurd... hehhe... feel quite happy whenever i buy stuff for them ya? i dunnoe... coz it makes them happy? =) they're really sweet to me... so its only rite... so heng today no council stuff... made sure there werent any... then could go home happily... but got lotsa proposals to do.. minutes of yesterdae's meeting to type... homework to complete... and project to start on... grr... will try to do them tonite... but will go for a jog before embarking on anything... i think i ate too much today... since morning... i ate... chicken rice...almond jelly...fried hokkien mee...dug at someone else's curry noodles...AJ ice...a tall caramel frappacino from starbucks... bleh... think i could puke... but couldnt resist having a frap while walking ard alone at compass point... lala offered to accompany me... but i think she's tired lah... so asked her go home rest... actually wanted to get earrings for my sis... she lost the ones that i gave her... but the letter S is sold out... so sad... cuz there's a PRC scholar in my klass... its kinda difficult to pull her into the cliques actually... i tried my best to make her feel at home... but think it aint good enuff... i think she still feels a little off... haiz... cant blame... everyone knew everyone else at least 9 mths ago... but at least its only a 3 mth attachment... she's even included in our klass t-shirt.. ehheh... yeay! =) feel much closer to the councillors after o1 liaoz... CY was rite... it just bonds us together... dunnoe wads the reason though... seems there are 3 potential couples in the council liaoz... while one is confirmed... muahahahah... this is cool... Council: one of the reasons why i ran for it despite the negative repercussions on my academic work was that it was challenging... the challenge lies in the ability to manage stress... and divide my time properly... din really fulfil that... but it really made a huge difference in my life... got to know really wonderful people... helped me become more extroverted... made me learn loads abt life...people... all the amazing stuff i never thot of before... =) dont think i regretted joining council... just regretted not appreciating my fellow councillors enough... but the great thing is... i have another half year till council term ends... i will make it up to them... =) ----Stef stopped rambling at 18:46 --Link to Post |
9.1.03 |
had a super long meeting with mr ari today...
for welfare comm... woohoo! kinda glad that things are finally getting into place... last time when we were under miss koh... we like never see her one lor... sianz... now at least... we've got at least 4-5 stuff going for us... and we're like happily busy... but grr... cant talk much today... need to do one essay... and some tutorials... reached home at 2040.... due to the super long meeting just now... but still... we're happie!!! =) ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:19 --Link to Post |
8.1.03 |
today was pretty okay lah...
had a little trouble staying awake during ms daljit's lecture... coz i was sitting rite under her nose... not that it was boring.. it was a little dry, yes... but she made it lively... but i was really too tired... or maybe its just the weather... grr... CCA carnival wasnt much fun... kinda boring actually... council did nuthing much.... we actually walked ard without much to do... bleh... like job withdrawal symptoms... kinda officially elects' camp i/c liaoz... with grace... with CK as a i/c... and lenny as exco attached... kinda cool... coz i've alwaz wanted to do elects' camp... hehhe... esp after i heard of SA's... haah... anywaz... it'll be my first job as I/C... with oni movie fest and college day under my belt... stupid council... keep putting me in deco-related comms... in teachers day ad-hoc i was doing gifts... and abit of deco... in o1 logistics... i was in charge of backdrop... talent time... deco comm i/c... now fanily day they also want me to do deco... hey... dont they know i really cant draw, cant design??? argh... kk... will leave now... gotta go bathe... type proposal... do GP essay... abit of physics, chem, maths... argh... stressed ah stressed... =P ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:47 --Link to Post |
7.1.03 |
did the stupid chem test today...
grr.... sure fail one... die die die.... failing tests is such a horrible feeling... argh... today did something pretty cool for civics... something about reflections abt the past year... kinda cool... coz its something like this blog... so did it pretty quick... hmm.... maybe shall go abit into it... in my future blogs... kinda busy these couple of weeks doing homework that should have been done ages before... it sux... but i only have myself to blame... kinda envy sam, sk, lh they all... no need do homework... after singapore open just go jc enjoy orientation... i still have to pia like siao... =P oh ya... mr wee asked me whether i wanna try for pre-U seminar... would love the opportunity... thinking abt it... but got council... got windsurfing... got academic stuff... i really dunnoe how... but once again... would love to try... he wants an answer tomorrow... dont really know how... BLOG: made a difference in my life actually... i dunnoe how or why.... but it made me more outspoken... evident in this orientation... i could speak to a whole nature... of abt 130+ JC1s? without holding back... heh... its helpful... especially when i'm in council... the ability to talk really matters here... not only that... i think blogging has made me a better person too... writing stuff in here makes me reflect upon my day... thinking wat i did wrong... wat i did right... so that i can right the wrongs... and float on the rights... heh... crapping... but its been cool... though it takes up time... but really... its useful... now... its time to pia chem... ----Stef stopped rambling at 20:25 --Link to Post |
6.1.03 |
pull thru physics today..
passed the test with a 19/30... hengz... din do homework also can pass... but guessed alot... so its kinda heng... die die... yc said i wont be able to finish chem one... haiz... hope can pia abit... kinda dying liaoz... tmr still got a test... argh... wish me the best... ----Stef stopped rambling at 20:44 --Link to Post |
5.1.03 |
just realised that i got a damn shitty lot of homework...
kinda dead liaoz... got two tests over the next two days... loads of homework undone... a book report... and lotsa council work to catch up on... but seriously need to blog daily... its become more than just a routine... but something that keeps my sanity in check.... like yesterdae when mr pat lim screamed at me... i was feeling low... all the way thru wads left of the orientation and the way home... came home... blogged... got it off my chest... good thing i did... or i might have a nitemare of him screaming in my ear... =P maybe i shouldnt have trained so hard for WS... i din even do well for the competition... i let myself down... andrew, mr tan, my councilors who needed all the help they could possibly get... haiz... but at least i got to know new sailors... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:15 --Link to Post |
okay kelv...
okay... i might be in love with INA7... but fact is... its definitely not mutual... haiz... poor me... actually when surprised when i think abt it... i'm not someone who will you know... fall so easily for anyone... and know wad??? our frenship was as brief as three days... first spoke to him last sun... really got to know him on tues, NYE... and had to say goodbye on that very nite... its kinda sad... but would still smile at the fact that he was one of the first few to wish me happy new year after we all fired the red flares... think it was the gift of the band that really hit me... its still on my ankle... just hope red cat doesnt spot it.... haiz... too bad the grasshopper is already brown by now... but he was really fascinated with it... hope it was a good gift... =) i din mention... but know wad??? i dont know how... but mt faber came into our conversation that nite... that he and his mates visited it a few nites ago... and how pretty he thot it was... when i was last there... i thot it was damn pretty too... it's one of the places i held that close to heart.. coz it meant something to me... and my frenship with b|az.. =) dont know how he's doing... just hope fine.. really wanna call him and find out actually... but havent had the guts... its kinda sad... but i just have to walk on... life's like a treadmill... even with the largest setbacks... you just have to walk on... if not... you'll trip again... and its real hard to get back on your feet... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:14 --Link to Post |
4.1.03 |
orientation 1, 2003 is over... think we really did a great job... i had lotsa fun... hope the j1s did too... damn tired.. but still alive... cheorographed the ketchup dance in twenty minutes... me and kavi... woohoo! we're the best... montana was great... can teach them very easily... even the most rebellious guys did really well.. i damn happy... until mr patrick lim came to me and shouted at me... =( my morale went dirt low... but just tried harder... almost cried... but i just its something i have to put up with... even if i think i'm not in any wrong... =P shall go sleep it off... nite! ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:49 --Link to Post |
3.1.03 |
danced with shuai guy today...
crazy guy... act shy... say dare not dance with girl... can come and argue with me... *pengz* but he quite farnie lah... laoda say he tall... but i think laoda is the tallest guy i've ever seen! woohoo! can see council morale getting a bit too low for comfort... but after debrief... the cheers kinda made me tear... i dunnoe why... like kinda overwhelmed by the encouragement... and the fact that everyone's in it together... add oil council... one more day oni... suddenly everyone's asking me abt the INA surfer... gosh... din know people do read my blog... clarification: there's nuthing between us... just that i might have a slight crush on him... will try to get the photos and let you guys see okie? =) will keep it short... got stuff to do... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:48 --Link to Post |
still pia-ing my GP...
now having a break... keep falling asleep... sure got a lot of mistakes one... die die die... kelv ask stupid question... ask whether i in love with that indonesian surfer... love sounds too in depth liaoz lah... just that i idolise him... think that he's really cute/nice/funny... =)? would just say its a crush lah... i think thats the reason why i keep meeting his eyes... coz i sub-conciously keep looking at him... hehehe... suddenly i feel so minute again... crushing on someone so far away... oh well... dunnoe how he's doing now... maybe will write him when i get less busy... havent even got time to send ben's parcel out.. will just wait and see... actually kinda realised the crush on NYE... hmmm... no... after midnite... coz i sent the china sailors back to their hotel... then was supposed to make my way home... but din... went back to club... coz i remembered i left in a hurry... without saying bye to him... kinda ran back... couldnt find him... but he found me... kinda glad he did... coz would have slapped myself if i let him go back to indonesia without a proper gdbye... talked awhile... actually it was a whole hour that felt like a few minutes... now i'm thinking it aint just a crush... =P hahaha... hope he'll send me the photo i took with him... kinda doubt he will... but would love to post it up for you guys to see... he really looks damn shuai with the silly party hat... i dunnoe why oni the indonesians and thais look good with the party hats... hahhaa... maybe coz they got the style... woohoo! cant stop blabbering abt him... somebody! stop me! ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:06 --Link to Post |
2.1.03 |
cried like shit today when judah left...
damn sad.... wont get to see him for 5 long years... wonder whether things will be the same after then.. but hope it'll be... orientation quite fun... OG quite onz... quite okie... so not bad... but damn tired... coz woke early... was falling asleep in all the LTs... but bo pian... cant talk much today... except that got 5 essays to complete by tmr... or else i wont get my year end testimonials... shitty stuff... wont sleep tonite... but dont think i can tahan... wish me best... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:30 --Link to Post |
1.1.03 |
jud's really leaving tmr...
kinda sad... really really sad... sam asked whether we should go send him off... kinda like got orientation in my mind... but the thot of him leaving for 5 long freaking years ins worse... i'm even tearing as i write right now... wah lau... today the indonesians leave... tmr jud leave... day after china sailors leaving... haiz... i'll miss jud... really... wearing the band the INA7 gave me... heheh... it's not pretty... but kinda cool... esp when its off his wrist... actually they're really cool surfer dudes... coz indonesia got waves... then they can also wave surf... which helped Oka... one of my idols.. to achieve wad he achieved... by mastering the waves... k... shall sleep... gotta be at airport at 0430... nite! ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:00 --Link to Post |
think i was too excited about my crush that i forgot to comment on the more important stuff...
no wind yesterdae again... heavy rain... so we kinda stuuck on shore... did crappy stuff... limbo rock... took crappy fotos with adrian's digi cam... seniors even brought their majong table... siao... so we played alot of bridge and dai dee... hahha... coz i stupidly never bring my hw to the beach!!! argh... oh yarh... then went coach home to hang out... played connect 4 with one of the chinese sailors... muahahhahaa.... shiok! coz finally won him in something... beat him in two games... until he gave up... mauhahahahahaa... =) they are really funnie pple... really cool to be with... very warm yet humble... with no airs abt them... the HKG team were cute larh... the guys tried to grab jud and throw him into the water... but he was sick... so they grabbed sam instead... ahhaha... poor sam... but he din struggle... so farnie... then they threw him into the water... and sam said he kinda enjoyed the swim... =P macau guys were okay... me and SZ went to ask them to th dance floor... heheh.... sounds abit... but no... we weren't hitting on them... just wanted them to join in the fun... one of could even break dance... and sparred with the thais too... the thais... they're really a fun-loving lot... played alot... laughed alot... and they even tried hitting on one of the waitresses... mauhahaha... they're like dat... their seniors also... but heard they kinda a stingy lot... even when playing host in thailand... oh well... hmm... my favs.. the indonesians... not being bias coz of my crush.. but i think they got the most sincere smiles... and did i mention? they look really young for their age... spoke to the brothers the most... coz they were the oni two in the IMCO class.. the other two indonesians race the formula... =) really hope they'll come back next year... ----Stef stopped rambling at 14:09 --Link to Post |
din managed to blog yesterdae... coz stayed out the whole day for the sing open and the NYE party... kinda cool... danced alot... drank alot...(coke oni lah...and abit of alcohol...) but really happie... coz i made a good fren... kinda close to one of the indonesian surfers... sopandi... he's 19 this year... but he looks really young... like 15 and he's ard my height... maybe abit taller... spoke to him alot... coz alwaz see him alone... or looking in our direction... so would just go over and talk to him... and when we broke the ice... we would just look ard for each other... actually think me have a slight crush on him... jialat... hah... but he's been really nice... like when he asked me to help him remove the band on his hand... he said its for me... 'to remember...' we have a language barrier you know??? but still... managed to converse in broken english... and my lousy malay.. hahaa... din know what to give him back... so ran ard... plucked a leave... and made him a grasshopper... =) but he sorta crushed it while we were dancing... all of us... we dragged the macau guys in... the HKG and MCO coach... the thai boys... the china team... and we did stupid stuff on the dance floor... sopandi and his bro were really sporting... and they were pretty good dancers actually... quite amazed at that... =) back to my crush... actually i was kinda sad i had to leave... so he walked me to the carpark... my sis said he looked abit like USHER... hehhe... the singer... woohoo! hahha... did a quick exchange of addresses and HP numbers... maybe we could SMS if its not too ex... but simply... kinda hope he'll get thru the selections to come back for next year's sing open... maybe i'll sail better and can compete with him... haha... did i mention? he got good techniques.. and a really nice personality... =) they said his bro cuter... 22yo... quite true... but i spoke to him less... coz usually he's with the older indonesians... leaving poor sopandi alone... sad that he's leaving... so really hope to see him again next year... but till then... maybe i'll write to him... or wait for his sms... but just remembered that i din include the +65 in front of my HP number... dunnoe whether he knows or not... if not... dont think he can sms me... =) ----Stef stopped rambling at 03:38 --Link to Post |
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