. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
had meetings galore today...
first was games fest...
with mr lim kim thye...
at least he accepted my program proposal...
at least dennis' work din go to waste...
then went to discuss talentime deco...
then ciaoz for games comm for o2...
darn freaking long...
left sch at abt 1945...

met odac prez on the way to PC house...
talked to him alot...
he's a nice person to talk to...
i dont really know him...
but could even laugh at ourselves not knowing each others' names...
and for being scared after watching the RING...
but he made me alight at the wrong stop...
so had to walk quite abit...
glad i met him...
real cool...

had lotsa fun today....
crapping with the klass...
but the soccer game was unforgettable...
even the most 'quiet' guy was like all crap and smiles...
really happie to see the class like dat...
sometimes i did take a step back...
and ponder...
why aint the klass like tat in school?
=) love all of them...
01 rules...
when we play our hearts out...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:53
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