. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

actually though he's abit dorky...
he cant dance for nuts...
during NYE party...
he was dancing like a frog doing the macarena...

he's really quite attractive...
looks are slightly above average...
few of us gers thot so...
am quite impressed by his 8pack...
all thanks to andrew's gruelling training...
his ever-ready to help attitude...
never leaves me to die on my own...
crappy nature...
sometimes a tad too crappy...
he got 8 pts for prelims...
and a pretty good dress sense...
not good as in wow...
but good in the sense that he doesnt dress like someone he's not...
that his style or the lack of one...
really suits him...

and he never made me angry/sad in the 4+ years that i knew him...

maybe i should intro my sis to him...
or vice versa...
then he'll be my bro-in-law...
then i can bully him all i want...

i'm gushing over sam like an infatuated teenager...
wait a minute...
i AM a teenager...
and am quite infatuated too...

----Stef stopped rambling at 22:17
--Link to Post

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