. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
aint much today..
except that the talentime banner screwed up big time...
alwin and some others rolled it up on sat...
then it got soaked in the pouring rain over the weekend...
kinda got abit of the walls stained with cloth dye...
and the banner paint...
kinda got wet and yucky...
just hope that it'll dry soon...
and not that deco comm screw up big time like last year's...

so farnie today...
angeline dropped her calculator into the toilet bowl...
feel bad for laughing...
but i found it farnie...
luckily there was nuthing in the toilet bowl...

had a number of meetings today...
choosing pple for a adhoc aint such an easy task...
had a terrible time..
but still...
got my ad-hoc out...
will announce it over GM on wed...
hope i dont disappoint anyone...

ran abit today...
was slow...
but great...
knee hurt a little...
dont know why...
but kinda enjoyed running with the klass..
it builds camaderie...

i better go get work done...
and sleep early..
think mr ari caught me dozing off during his lecture...
hope he wont kill me at the next meeting...

----Stef stopped rambling at 21:39
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