30.11.05 |
few games that helped me survive my exams... or caused my ultimate poor showing at the exams... whichever you prefer... not very intellectually stimulating... but isnt that the whole point? ![]() Ben and Jerry's... ![]() Mansion Impossible... ![]() Pie Eating Contest... ![]() and i won! i slept from 3am to 1pm today... never felt so shiok in a long time... woohoo! ----Stef stopped rambling at 14:05 --Link to Post |
the exams are officially over for me... but it didnt end on a particularly good note... people dunnoe how to do... i also dunnoe how to do... people know how to do... i STILL dunnoe how to do... very sad... but it's the truth... i thought i could jump over qn3 and get back in time to input a couple of lines... thought it would be alright coz it looks really cheem and maybe everybody finds it so too.. did NOT! oh well... but this period is particularly dampening... because i can honestly say i put in a darn lot of effort into this semester... i blardy studied with YXY lar! YXY leh! and it looks like i wouldnt get results to show it... which is sad... and disappointing... at least it's over... and i had a great time with the girlfriends... met Stella at science... before heading over to Cafe Rosso... where we met up with Melissa... ![]() they have really pretty cakes and nice tea coffee to go along with... i had the Banana Pan-Pudding... which is like banana baked into bread with a nice drizzle of syrup and chocolate... topped with a dollop of vanilla ice cream... while the ladies had a cake and tea/latte... portions are small... but they're pretty sinful and rather gratifying at that... the nice lady who served us was polite... and didnt give us dirty looks when we downed glass after glass of their iced water... with lotsa fresh lemons in the flask... we finally decided to give the nice lady a break from filling up our glasses like every 5 mins... and headed to town on bus 7... decided on Wheelock's Fish and Co... coz the fish there is unlike their other outlets... damn nice lar! on the recommendation of Stella... we ordered the Mussels... a Cream of Asparagus... a New York Fish and Chips... and the essential Seafood Platter for One... couldnt finish them all... ate as we talked... talked as we ate... never realised how much i really missed them... thoroughly enjoyed myself... and i think they did too... there's nothing quite like getting together with your girlfriends... catching up... remembering old times... talking about our other halves... just so therapeutical... did a round in Borders... where i was stuck with this giant book of Calvin and Hobbes comics... a set of 3 that cost 150USD... christmas is coming, anyone? while the girls went to the ladies.. whoever said we were at Borders for books... contemplated getting the Potter-hardcover/sore-thumb for the guy... but he decided against it... Melissa went off to the driving range with her guy.... yes... she's probably the most tai-tai material/potential of us three... while Stella and i moved on to Far East... where i couldnt button up a jacket that was freaking size L... when i thought i lost weight... and saw pretty shoes and stuff... need to go shopping someday... without the shops closing down on me like today... decided against popping by the guy's place on the pretext of saying Hi... since his place is like 7 mins from town... with the true purpose being getting him to send me back in the nice purple car... i thought i should try to be more... less dependent/spoilt/ridiculous... so i made my own way back in the MRT... and the bus to PGP... where i got ambushed by the rain... the bunch of us alighted from the bus to a heavy bout of rain... the wind was blowing pretty bad... so we were all relegated to the back of the bus stop... with our backs facing the road... i ventured a peep at everyone else... and two things came to my mind... 1. we look like we're being punished... for not studying hard enough... and therefore failing the exams... 2. we all look like we were peeing into the bushes... guys and girls alike... i was on the verge of suggesting sharing a cab into PGP... but it was dumb... it will probably cost us like $2.60... and i didnt want to sound dumb... waited a bit till the rain slowed to a nice pitter-patter... before walking out and realising, "hey...it's quite nice and romantic afterall..." until... it started to POUR... and when i say POUR.... i mean P-O-U-R with 4 capital letters... like the Grohe taps... if it pours... Grohe reigns... i loved that ad... back to the pouring... yes... water was flowing down the slopes like waterfall... i was sliding off the surface of my dainty sandals... yes... the black thin strapped one... it brought a whole new dimension to the term luo tang ji... or drenched chicken, if you please... i never felt so miserable in my life... especially after thinking what a romantically nice drizzle it started out as... i felt so cheated... like having a perfect guy bring you out on a nice date... only for you to find out he's gay... not that it happened... just figurative ya? oh well... at least i have 3 Subway cookies to enjoy while i wait for my hair to dry and plonk into bed.. ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:24 --Link to Post |
29.11.05 |
i dont know if it applies to everyone... but when i'm happy... i add a skip to my walk... and thus... like to swing my arms with it.... of course not in a exargerated manner... i'm all of 20... and more... thing is... when i'm happy... i'm usually with him... and more often than not... i will try my darnest to swing the arm with the hand he's holding... and it's funny because he doesnt like to swing them with me... so he'll push his arm the opposite way as i applied my force... thing is... i would keep trying my darnest to trick him as to which direction i am swinging... so that for maybe a couple of swings we might actually go in unison... i fail... the guy is such a si yao mian zi... that even when we're at the carpark just under his place... and the only person who MIGHT see us swinging arms childishly is the burly security guy... he refuses to give in to my requests... nevertheless... i shall continue to strive in my mission... to achieve that one perfect swing... thats all i need... the perfect one... ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:19 --Link to Post |
28.11.05 |
i posted a nick about a question i had regarding a past year paper... jon responded asking why i did something so many years back... 3 nia leh... the other chao muggers did all 17 in the archives... then i posed him another question... only to realise it's a topic not tested... and got scolded... then he went mad... like REAL mad... trying to psycho me NOT to study... and that we should all die together... especially since it's ThermoDIEnamics, afterall... Exams drive us nuts - Part II parts to be sung to the tune of I Will Survive italicized... ------------------------------------------- † jon ??wannabe - ????? {Do not disturb - already disturbed} says: all die BUT I WILL DIE FIGHTING! I WILL FIGHT!!! Stef says: yes... † jon ??wannabe - ????? {Do not disturb - already disturbed} says: I WILL SURVIVE!! Stef says: SO STUDY † jon ??wannabe - ????? {Do not disturb - already disturbed} says: at first i was afraid, i was petrified thinking thermo had to come around and *%$%##* my life Stef says: but then i spent so many nights thinking how you done me wrong... i grew strong... i learnt how to get along... † jon ??wannabe - ????? {Do not disturb - already disturbed} says: with lecturers like mujumdar, and another called Chris Yap Stef says: so now DIE! † jon ??wannabe - ????? {Do not disturb - already disturbed} says: i don't know how to study for ME2121 Stef says: wahahah † jon ??wannabe - ????? {Do not disturb - already disturbed} says: go on now go, walk through the door sit in that seat in the middle of the exam hall open the paper, hope i don't faint when i see the questions there stupid cycles made my brain all blur i draw till dunno where † jon ??wannabe - ????? {Do not disturb - already disturbed} says: hey it actually goes with the actual tune!!! ------------------------------------------- we're not just mad... we're REAL mad... following is a screenshot of his full lyrics that he immediately finished after our outburst... really sounds good... especially the part about Saturation and Entropy... kewl shyt! ![]() check Jon out here... ----Stef stopped rambling at 17:14 --Link to Post |
26.11.05 |
in a bid to salvage whats left of my reputation... and in order to prevent being labelled as a Whiney Wussy... i decided to save the previous two posts as drafts... i'm not like hiding or running away from my emotions... just that having people read that... is like exposing ur innermost weaknesses... and it doesn't help that i have people from my comm reading it... "WHAT?! she's such a wussy and she's ordering me around!?" well... i try not to order people around... but you know what i mean... plus... SMU is reading too... so i'll have to pretend to be all great and wonderful... just so they'll think better of NUS as a whole... i'm an ambassador okay? not quite... but oh well... it was a good date today... like i told Eric before the paper... i needed something for me to look forward to after my Sensors & Actuators paper... so a trip downtown with my favourite porter... the guy... he only carries my bag IF it is heavy... and IF it is not girly... blardy MCP... was an early dinner at Pepper Lunch... where i had the steak... loved the beansprouts... always did when i had it over teppanyaki... real cool... dinner came up to about 33 bucks... but i guess for the novelty and a hey-i've-been-there... it was a pretty cool dinner... though it was physically hot... decided against a movie... coz no point spending the moolah on weekend prices... especially on something we dont particularly want to watch... unlike this... he wasnt keen on window shopping... because he is, afterall, a guy... so we decided to head to That CD Shop... to see if we could pick out something cool again... midway i remembered about the Bertrand exhibition... which was all the way from outside Wheelock Place to the Forum... way cool aerial pictures... with uber cool writeups... and statements that just hit you hard in the head and runs away... leaving you wondering what had just happened... was intrigued, really... not just the amazing beauty of these photographs... but the accompanying texts do make a difference too... it was a really long row of photo after photo... but i perservered till the end of it... so catch it before it ends in January... and whilst you're at it... see if you can spot the naked guy i spotted in one of the photo... really small one... (and i dont mean THAT one...) so go ahead and indulge in a game of "Where's *naked* Wally?"... shared an ice blended and apple strudel at Starbucks... went into Borders because he was pretty keen on getting the latest Harry Potter... something i was against.. buying a hardcover and having it stand out like a sore thumb against his first five paperbacks... but he couldnt wait any longer... fate had it that we couldnt find a decent copy of the adult-version... so i managed to cajole him out of there with no further damage to his finances... bumped into Olivier from Milk... i was standing beside him browsing for the longest time without knowing he was just beside... until his Chinese friend came along to join him... for me it was weird to hear a mixture of accents in the conversation... and needless to say... i've always found that friend of his quite cute... okay... not quite... MAJORLY cute... so i looked up and was like, "Olivier?" funny how he looked younger than he did the last time i saw him... we didnt really close off well when i left... because he was overseas on a shoot when i finally left for NUS... it was cool.. great to see him again and to find out that Milk is doing good... with more energy eh? just what a photography studio needs... which is what really attracts me to the creative industry... like what P said... where everything is alive and looks good... which is true... so vibrant... so spontaneous... so anti-formulaic... with a tinge of pretension... a class of elitism... just terribly unpredictable and therefore utterly fantastic... i am seriously in the wrong faculty... Grey Global hasn't replied about my application for the internship... i guess they dont want this engineer-wannabe... let me console myself... it might be a blessing in disguise though... next semester is touted to be one of the worst in the ME syllabus... where even external modules are highly discouraged... though very necessary to ensure that i graduate in time... oh well... What's new? ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:54 --Link to Post |
25.11.05 |
** admist all the DC Motors, Sensors, AC Power, Operational Amplifiers... i look over to him at him in my bed... starting to snooze away... i write on a Post-it... "I DONT LIKE YOU!" and pass it over to him... he takes my pen casually... strikes off DONT and gives it back to me... even when i was pouting and whining about how he didnt think of lunching with me... i still wonder "Why me?"... it's mad really... to think of such a question after almost 11 months... but i seriously think he deserves better... someone who is as rational... as mature... as smart... as himself... and i'm not even going into physicalities... someone i dont think i can ever be... maybe i should just thank my lucky stars and shut my trap up... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:48 --Link to Post |
23.11.05 |
to those who sms-ed me nice stuff... i am ok lah.. might have sounded a little off yesterdae... but i'm fine la... (also because my family is BACK! and i met the guy for dinner! and my nose cleared after using minty toothpaste! for my teeth, that is..) thanks for the sweet msges... much appreciated... thing is i din know what i was crying about also... coz i wasnt particularly sad or anything... just weird... oh well... exams drive us nuts... if you need an example... check out the following excerpt from my conversation with viv... ---------------------------------------------- Stef - somebody took my chocolates...somebody's gonna get hurt real bad... ok that doesnt make sense. pardon me....stuffing tissue... i want chocolate how come...u sick ah Stef - somebody took my chocolates...somebody's gonna get hurt real bad... yalor... i wanted to add, "stuffing tissue into my nose...not my bra..." just in case you misunderstand. i want chocolate .......OKAY......i wasnt thinking abt the bra haha Stef - somebody took my chocolates...somebody's gonna get hurt real bad... how i know? but cannot la... i dont even have enough for my nose....much less my bra. Stef - somebody took my chocolates...somebody's gonna get hurt real bad... (what the hell am i talking?) --------------------------------------- had abit of a fever... downed a couple of panadols... was having a heated internal debate... whether or not i should leave the fever on... go to UHWC, get an MC and a letter of consideration to hopefully pull up my grade... but i think not worth to risk burning my puny brain just for a better grade... so oh well... think i passed abit of the virus to the guy when we met for dinner after his paper... hope he doesnt get worse... so sorry... another paper today... hope it would be better! and in case it becomes a topic of interest..."NO, i DO NOT stuff my bra, thank you very much." ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:42 --Link to Post |
21.11.05 |
seriously... whats the point of studying when all the studying was of no use? Fluid Mechanics was a nightmare... in every sense of the word... 1. like a bad dream... 2. coz i fell asleep because i dunnoe how to do all the questions... crappy shit... never felt this dumb in my entire life... i think i said that last semester too... well.. it just gets better... i'm seriously thinking mechanical is not for me.. i say that all the time... but this sem... the intensive mugging with YXY has made me feel better about myself and my work... to the extent that i think ME is working out for me... aint that way... aint that easy... i'm seriously wondering why i picked something so obscure to chew on... i thought i can outsmart everyone by getting an engin degree and still go on to other jobs... jobs that need just "A Degree." and still be able to go into the engineering field if need be... i thought i could meet GUYS, GUYS and GUYS... well... the guys here... are mostly... erm... i'm not going to badmouth them the way they say ME girls buay chio, watever watever... but the fact that the guy is not from ME says millions... but then again... it may be because ME guys dont like me... WHATEVER! i asked the guy if i could like change fac and go to his or something... actually i was just blabbering... was damn frustrated... i think he very poor thing... have to tahan my rantings 24/7... urgh! back to MOM... ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:52 --Link to Post |
this is it... i'm gonna sleep now for my paper at 5pm... Fluid Mechanics... madness... just had an MSN conference... to settle all our doubts... funny how yxy is willingly to sit in and answer all our crap like that... well... i had to cook him instant noodles again for another 2 sets of solutions... give me clarity of mind... give me strength... give me some new-found intelligence... even if it lasts only for 10 days... ----Stef stopped rambling at 03:52 --Link to Post |
20.11.05 |
Jack Johnson - Better Together ......... I believe in memories, they look so, so pretty when I sleep And when I wake up, you look so pretty sleeping next to me But there is not enough time And there is no, no song I could sing And there is no combination of words I could say But I will still tell you one thing We're better together ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:30 --Link to Post |
19.11.05 |
i will never ever again doubt a person when he/she says that engineers are weird... yxy and i decided at 4pm that our respective rooms are terribly uncondusive... so we decided to head down to Engin... where all the muggers are... had dinner at Mac's first... because we both skipped lunch due to our weird time of waking up... say.... 2/3pm? i woke at 12... but i had waffle crisps for 'lunch'... then made our way to EA 6th floor... managed to finish 1.5 papers... which was TERRIBLY UNPRODUCTIVE for 4 plus hours of work... minus the goofing... the many trips to the toilet/watercooler/watever... caught the bus back to PGP by 11pm... even then... there were still SOOOOOoooOOOo many chao muggers around... then at 3am... i was so frustrated over a question that i ming ming know how to do... yet cannot get answer... i managed to convince yxy to visit my pantry once again... plus my one packet of instant noodles + egg + green tea... so that he can freaking explain to me the question... he was damn cocky la... getting a free supper for such an easy task... but his saving grace was that he made the walk across PGP at 3am in the morning... who freaking does that at 3am in the morning? just to answer a freaking question... we're mad... it's 5 am now, i'm stuck on another question... and YXY is offline... probably asleep... anyone interested in instant noodles and green tea? only if you are in ME2 and know how to do ME2134 AY04/05... ----Stef stopped rambling at 05:22 --Link to Post |
18.11.05 |
yesterdae was a bad day... like majorly bad... i was to be penalised 7.5% of a grade for ME2121... just because some *insert noun here* misplaced my lab report... which i worked on for 1 week of the mid-sem break... which i punctually handed in BEFORE the deadline... i sweetly helped my labmates to submit theirs as well... well... theirs was recorded... mine wasnt... go figure... and so the lab officer emailed me and asked me to resubmit... saying that there will be a penalty... i was like "wth..." you failed to let me know my report was not there since like half a semester ago... how would i freaking know you didnt receive something i submitted!?!!? it certainly isnt my fault that your submission box was an open one... where people can just happily take a copy and keep for their own reference... i dont know why anyone would do that... coz it's PURE EVIL... or maybe the lab guys just simply misplaced it... and cost me 7.5% of a grade... freak... dont try telling me it's so little... it makes the difference between grades... and when you are the kind who is bordering on failing... EVERYTHING matters... and so i printed out everything nicely again... costing me another 60 cents at the printing room... spent some time on the dumb P-h diagram... and made my way to the Lab... thinking i can convince them out of the penalty... apparently not... i din even look at the lab officer as he spoke to me when i was about to leave... coz i was already tearing... everyone knows how easily that happens... so i might occur to him as rude... but i was crying la.... coz the mark was important to me... this was the freaking lab that killed so many of my brain cells... the one that i had to type all my equations out... one by one... where some people simply copy and paste from past year's... FREAK! stella said this is bad karma... but i've been good... i mean really good... i hold doors for guys and girls alike... i smile and thank the canteen people... i ensure that my labmates' reports are submitted properly... i give my neighbour Oreo cookies... and i love my family... though i admit to bullying the guy... WHAT IS FREAKING WRONG WITH THE WORLD?!!???! i'm done. mailed the lab guy, my prof (whom i suspect to be overseas) and CC-ed 3 frens who can testify... they have yet to reply but friends are good stuff... Have you got yours? ----Stef stopped rambling at 14:18 --Link to Post |
17.11.05 |
why the guy... ...is THE GUY? while i really should be studying... i really cant swallow any more Sensors and Actuators... and i feel the above needs to be addressed... thing is... i'm not trying to be anal here... using the term 'the guy' when half of you know him in person... or heard me gushing about him with reference to his name... it started out because he didnt want his name or face splashed on my blog... i know my blog not famous... i dun want it to be either... just that he feels uncomfortable i guess... he is a private person... so me blogging about us is actually a compromise already... one that mutated from NO-blogging-about-US... to blogging-mushy-nothings-in-anonymity... not very anonymous if you wanna pick on it... especially at the start when we were trying to keep our relationship from our mutual frens... so the anonymity did help... soon when everyone kinda got to know about him... met him in person... and stuff... the term seemed to have lost its purpose... i get feedback that my use of the term is 'novel'... 'funny'... 'why like that?'... but it just stuck... coz it allowed us to maintain that buddy-like relationship we have... u wont catch us huggin' face-to-face for 30 mins in the MRT like i endured this couple today.. or frenching each other on the escalator up to Marina Square... or find our hands in each others' pockets or butt or watever... (but i do admit to an occasional bear hug of his potbelly whenever i feel like it... though he squirms, protests and runs away...) we're not into the mushy talk... the 'baby', the 'sweetie', the 'dear', the 'darling'... the 'honey baby sugar pie' stuff... so 'the guy' gives it a very nice... non-committal feel... just the way the guy likes it... it's nice too because at least he knows he is the ONLY guy... therefore the possiblity of such a term... heck la... he doesnt read my blog one... he say i boring... but then again... i can go out with ANY guy and still refer to the date as 'the guy'.... but not very possible coz no one else would want to go out with me... boohoohoo! and i think he say before... it makes him sound mysterious... like Ou De Yang who was really cute... i stress WAS... so people think he is very cool... when in fact he is not... ok la... i think his new haircut quite cool... so i guess the use of the term, 'the guy' for my boyfriend... serves no real purpose... save for adding the aura of mystery behind the ambiguous reference and blurred photos... that is probably our ONLY saving grace... it's definitely better than calling him the Toilet... ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:48 --Link to Post |
met the guy... was supposed to meet at 1830hrs... but considering how i was always late in meeting him... i decided to leave more than one hour prior... which didnt happen too actually... but i made it to City Hall MRT in about half an hour... from ulu PGP... everybody say "WAH SEY!" together! ![]() i know the guy said he wanted to treat me Fish and Co... but we DID NOT have this... coz if we did... we wouldnt have caught.... ![]() WOOHOO! kinda realised the movie was due to be out tomorrow... and it's the sort that you HAVE TO WATCH... it was FANTABULOUS.. it's freaking Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire la... hope they wont sue me for using their publicity poster... but you must must catch it... was fantastic... had my favourite Low-Carb Western Bacon Cheeseburger from Carl's Jr... low carb coz i love the lettuce... not coz on diet... though i need one badly... yummy! date ended with a lo-man-tik walk in the rain back to the MRT station... guy offered to send me back if we met up with his relatives KTV-ing at the SRC... but i declined... it'll be madness for them to see me in this state... in desperate need of a haircut... breakouts from too much chocolate... and sin yee's sweet sweet gift of a chocolate muffin from Coffee Bean... dark eye rings and all... truth is... i beri scared of his grandmother... i've got my dose of the guy... now it's back to the books! ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:02 --Link to Post |
15.11.05 |
i'm sorry to all those people who sincerely care about my grades... my parents... (coz they paid for my uni fees through their noses...no lah...CPF la...) the guy... (coz he seriously doesnt want to support me for the rest of my life...) but the local blogosphere is so interesting... i'm having a field day trotting from blog to blog... something i noticed really... X*axue must really be feeling the pinch of having all the attention taken away from her... to more useful areas... such as flaming girl-who-might-have-had-plastic-surgery-yet-dun-wanna-admit... dont you think she wants the attention back? now she posted something about pets and their owners who shower them too much attention... thats bound to get her blasted... usually... now everyone's just refreshing the xanga site like 20 times a day... so it's not getting as big as it would 2 weeks ago... so queer rite? just when you thought she should be glad about people finally letting go of the toilet issue... and on to attacking some other poor girl... she tries a stunt to pull them back? i dont know whether it is on purpose... but that part about pet owners seem very crafted... or maybe she's being nice... and trying to 'save' Clapbangk*ss... i dont know... it's a weird world out there... and i thought i am weird... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:13 --Link to Post |
14.11.05 |
been sniffling a lot... which is weird... coz i had just vacuumed down my room with the trusted Princess vacuum cleaner from sinyee... not sure whats going on... but my eyes are goo-ing away... maybe i rubbed them too much or something... k la... its not that gross... i find it hard to keep them open without a stinging feeling... thats why i cant really study... and i have to squint so that my eyes are less exposed to air... EXCUSES! that aside... it's been another length of time since i last met the guy... slightly more than 4 days... i just texted him about it... coz being alone in PGP can be quite sucky indeed... and he offered to treat me to Fish and Co. this wednesday! i dun care... i AM going! so i will study hard from now till then... i aim to finish my 3 pieces of helpsheets... and finish the Sensors and Actuators notes by then... wish me luck! but then again... he's been doing a lot of entertaining at home with his granny and aunt visiting from taiwan... will check with him whether or not he can finish his revision... i prefer bf with high CAP... than bf who abandons his revision just to take me out... but it's the thought that counts! *sings* laaa-lala-laaaaaa-lalaaa-lalaaa-la-laaa... ----Stef stopped rambling at 17:58 --Link to Post |
was watching Double Jeoprady on Chn 5... which was a good show... reminded me of Sympathy for Lady Vengence but very much milder... TV is bad for you! especially with the exams looming... and especially when YXY told me the lowest grade for ME entry in our year is 3.2... (not including the direct entrants...) which is quite high really... which also means i'm on the verge of being trampled to death by everybody... while indulging in the vice of the evil TV... saw a trailer for Arrested Development in Arts Central... the scene was pretty funny and it something went like this... ------------------------------------------------ *boss looking really stressed out* secretary: "so is there anything i can do to make you feel better?" *proceeded to give him a massage* boss: *with lewd expression* "well...it'll be even better if you could go downtown..." secretary: *sings* "when u're alone and life is making u lonely...u can always GO DOWNTOWN!" ------------------------------------------------ not funny? fine la... when you're stressed out... everything's funny... last nite was granny's bday which we celebrated at Hard Rock Cafe... all 22 of us... seriously weird choice... uncles' idea... so my mom just went along with it... was pretty weird when we stayed all the way till almost midnite... when the DJ was spinning dance music... with my 5 year old cousins... and 72 year old granny present... didnt quite like the service... food was ok... band was not bad... ok la... i just love live music... especially when the TV in front of you is screening England-Australia rugby... wah lau... so violent... so bloody... but i like... coz the referee quite cute... now it's back to the confines of PGP... MUG AWAY! ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:34 --Link to Post |
i've said this once... said this many many times... but... i'm so glad it's him... and not anyone else... one thing that went really right was telling my family about us... that way i din have to keep anything from the people i love... especially about the guy who means so much to me... so the two entities can co-exist... and we dont have to go around hiding.. praying that we'll never be found out... ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:02 --Link to Post |
13.11.05 |
----Stef stopped rambling at 22:46 --Link to Post |
i'm going nuts trying to make a decision... USP is offering an internship with Grey Global... this advertising company i remembered doing a quotation for while at Milk... they're really huge... explaining the cost of the project... so the internship is really attractive... pays around $600 a month... which is pretty good really... for a part time internship with flexi-hours of 20 per week... it spans from Dec to March... which means a good amount of money for Work and Travel, holidays or whatever... i'm talking like i applied and got it... far from that... Dec to March means that the intern has to clock 20 ON TOP OF school hours... this sem alone... i'm already going mad... my only other committment is the guy... who would be rather glad for something to get me off his back 24/7... i heard the engin modules next sem are worse... and i have to pile on the USP modules... i'm heading Sea Sports Camp... which i would probably give up if i really want the internship.. windsurfing trainings and competitions... 20 more hours for work will be insanity... but Grey is so big... this is probably my only shot at anything near the creative industry... who knows i might impress them and they actually grab me when i graduate? DREAM ON! but then again... it's the best way to find out if the industry works for you... before you actually need to go out there... into the real world... like P said... "success is not about working hard... it's about knowing the right people..." and man... it's true... all my temp jobs were through recommendations... and they rock... how how how? i dont know if i can manage... i probably cant... but then again... when was my life in the education system ever uneventful? secondary school... windsurfing, basketball, class committee... junior college... windsurfing, students' council, mad-woman-who-goes-around-class-terrorising-everyone... university... windsurfing, USP, 'the guy?'... (USP is included coz it's extra sai-gang with no perks, no purpose whatsoever... but i like...) i want to do another stress test... maxing yourself to realise your full potential... of course... it came with the complimentary breakdowns, panic attacks and whatnot... dad doesnt really have an opinion on this... but i dont trust my own... applications close on the 18th... please advise... ----Stef stopped rambling at 03:09 --Link to Post |
11.11.05 |
i finally ploughed through the entire ThermoDIEnamics syllabus... albeit rather forcefully and superficially... the midnight ride to West Coast Park Mac's did help really... to fuel this madness with fries, McDippers and iced tea... it was my first time at the park... never knew it was that fantastic... it shall be my motivation to chop chop finish the exams... so that i can go there and play... i think it's even funkier than East Coast Park... save for the fact that you probably cant windsurf... and the Mac's really pretty... East Coast is over commercialised in my opinion... or maybe i'm looking at West Coast at 1am... but still! i dont care! many thanks to Frank who offered the ride out to supper... sharing his shortlived good fortune of having a car on campus... pretty nerve-wrecking when i found out he just passed a month ago... *horrors* and blardy got overtaken by woman in MPV coz he so sloooowww... so supper with two stressed out Year 4s camping in the SOC labs was not bad at all... the birds are chirping... and light is slowly streaming in... wrote this entry in preparation for bed... but i'm all perky again... yes yujin... i write so much coz it takes my mind away from all the crap... not because i'm really free... maybe try finish the question i was planning to leave undone... coz my brain couldnt take it anymore... KANBATE! PS. it's crazy how i peer out of the window and realised i am not the only mad one around... MUGGERS unite man! ----Stef stopped rambling at 06:53 --Link to Post |
9.11.05 |
ok... i know what i said in the previous post... but i cannot take it anymore... just read through and edited my 20 page term paper... it's one thing reading a 20 page essay... and another ploughing through 20 pages of your own crap... never have i felt more superficial and unintelligent in my life... but i'm finally submitting it tomorrow... so plus the end of ME2103 with the 50% quiz on Monday... it's officially... 2 down... 4 to go... the 4 are not exactly my strengths by the way... just awaiting imminent death... check out what i wrote one sleepy night a couple of weeks ago... "...the art films address more pertinent issues of the India in those present." ?!?!?! have been ploughing through ThermoDIEnamics like an ox... am born in the year of the Ox okay... but it's a different thing trying to apply the concepts... till now... i'm still referring to solutions when i try the questions... the correct process of attacking the questions always evade me at the most crucial times... i think i made the gross-est mistake in hinting to the guy that i'm timing the number of days he wont contact me if i do not contact him via sms/call/smoke-signal/watever... coz the thing is... he takes the initiative to call me out of the blue and scream, "what are you doooo-iiinnnnggg?" in the most adorable sort of way... note: adorable is just the more polite version of downright irritating... but i likeeee.... else he would drop me an sms... in the middle of his lecture or after his test... "Don't anyhow anyhow ah..." which is what he says to me like 20 times in one day... and i'm NOT exaggerating... which is also very adorable... *tears hair from head* my point is... now i cant tell whether he calls or sms me because... 1. he wants to hear my sweet voice... 2. he just wants to find out how i'm doing... 3. he thinks i'm timing him with the humongous stopwatch you get at the ME laboratories... is that what you call shooting yourself in the foot? oh well... downed an entire packet of Van Houten's raisin chocs in place of dinner tonight... coz i had a instant noodle lunch at 3plus in the freakingly warm afternoon... am not feeling hungry... which is good really... save for the repercussions of the moment of weakness to the yummy chocs... time to go back to battling Entropy.. which is interesting really... Entropy: a measure of disorganization and chaos... and because the Second Law of Thermodynamics which leads to a situation where the increase of the entropy in a cold body is larger than the decrease in the entropy in the hot body when placed together, resulting in a generation of entropy... the universe is actually increasing in entropy day after day... which is equivalent to saying the universe is getting more and more chaotic... WOW! bet you never knew that there was a scientific explanation to this crazy world we are in... ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:05 --Link to Post |
8.11.05 |
![]() i think it's time for total combat... no more blogging unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY... and its thermoDIEnamics all the way... Just Do It. ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:33 --Link to Post |
7.11.05 |
courtesy of the Little Black Girl... in no order of merit... Seven things that scare me: 1. Waking late for tests/exams 2. Horror flicks 3. Loud, scary insects 4. Weird sounds 5. The Guy's dad 6. Dying painfully 7. Losing my family Seven things I like the most: 1. Sliced fish soup 2. Celery 3. Bittergourd 4. Windsurfing 5. Basketball 6. Sleeping 7. Money Seven most important things in my room: 1. Laptop 2. Photos 3. Siblings 4. Bed 5. Air-con 6. Quilt 7. Pillows Seven random facts about me: 1. I drink milk from the carton. 2. I am Peranakan. 3. I love my grandparents. 4. I take the NUS shuttle buses a few times per day. 5. I cheated in primary school Chinese ting xie. 6. I made my brother cry countless of times. 7. I hold my mom's hand when we go out. Seven things I plan to do before I die: 1. Learn how to cook the Papaya Titek. 2. Pay my nanny back in full for all she did for us. 3. Take good care of my parents for all they sacrificed for us. 4. Master the formula/shortboard. 5. Make the perfect Steak & Fries for the guy. 6. Watch an EPL match LIVE. 7. Travel to every single continent in the world. Seven things I can do: 1. Whine 2. Eavesdrop 3. Roll my tongue 4. Sleep like a log 5. Panick 6. Cry 7. Love Seven things I can't do: 1. Play any musical instruments. 2. Swim the freestyle without looking like a rolling log. 3. Be a pilot because of my (lack of) height. 4. Understand why the world is so warped. 5. Jaywalk without screaming. 6. Speak Mandarin without awkward pauses and a dictionary. 7. Survive without CHILLI. Seven words I say the most: 1. I 2. Dont 3. Like 4. You 5. Are 6. Chicken 7. Backside Seven celeb crushes: 1. Tay Ping Hui 2. Howard Lo 3. Oka 4. Johnny Depp 5. Haley Joel Osment 6. Andy Lau 7. Owen Wilson am not including the part about 7 pple to do this... coz no one does it... nor reads... "hello?" heello....heeelllloooo...hello....heello....*echo* ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:32 --Link to Post |
6.11.05 |
how sweet... my boyfriend added a clause behind his offer to send me back to hostel on sunday night... but must be early hor. Chelsea playing Man U... *voice trails off sheepishly* while i admit it is a match i really really wanna catch too... the 50% quiz on Monday is wwwaaayyyy too important... but so idiot right? soccer is more important than me... was just watching CNA's What Women Want...Really... hosted by Diana Ser... and this week's had her interviewing... *gasp* Tay Ping Hui! *drools* Leslie Kwok! though i think he looks 10 times better without the goatie and with SHORT HAIR... guys SHOULD NOT have LONG HAIR... NO! *ching ching* 1929 hotelier! sorry la... i forgot your name... but i remember your SLK... *huh?* some french Pierre guy... Brand manager of Dom Perignon... watever la... *faints* HOWARD LO! have i ever mentioned my serious crush on him? wah lau... he's such a SNAG la... and i love geeks! I apologise for the liberal use of CAPS, i'm just very against LONG HAIR and very into HOWARD LO. but then again... i'm way into my Alpha male... even though he's not tall, dark or extremely handsome... he is la... in my heart... *pukes* not sure if i wrote about it before... but when i watched My Boyfriend is Type B... i was like... OMG! the guy is SO like that... minus the sweet things the screen character does... like pretending he's gay just to get back at the teacher who bullied her... the guy finishes the calamari i liked so much while i was engrossed in my minestrone... the guy refuses to believe when i say the Normanton Park exit on AYE is to the condo ONLY... the guy refuses to listen to my take on the shortest route to Harbourfront Mall.. and other littler stuff... nevertheless... the guy is still the best... the only one who wont run away in disgust when i drooled while laughing at Simpsons... or when i fart under his duvet... or when i repeat "you are a chicken backside." 20 times everyday... ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:28 --Link to Post |
4.11.05 |
------------------------------- Stef says: i'm taking engineering though i dont really have much of an interest in it... P says: well, when u graduate, let me know if u are still keen on being a producer P says: who knows, i can recommend u and [sic] lobangs Stef says: well...i DO like casting cute hunks... P says: feel free to contact me if u wanna get into this crazy industry...i can look around for u ------------------------------- it feels good really... though it's also possible that P's just being polite... she's probably the best thing to have come out of my 6 months temp-ing everywhere... and the irony is... we only spent a couple of days working physically next to one another... in a time of blaffling tutorials, wat-the-hell webcasts... and friends who stress you by mugging like chao muggers... knowing that you have a backdoor to somewhere is very comforting to know... especially when i enjoyed my time at Milk so... like i told P... i thrive on stress... does not apply to academics... and the advertising/design industry is all about that... a huge hierachy of people stressing one another out... client stress me... i stress modelling agency... fun leh... i absolutely love how crazy and spontaneous the industry is... so i'm really hanging on to P's words... on a very fine thread though... it is also very sad case that i'm studying something i have dont have much interest in... much as i always thought that happiness is more important than the moo-lah... it is just a very idealistic view of the world... which isnt very ideal afterall... thing is... i'm still keen on chasing the alternative lifestyle... and not the well-worn path... but at the same time... an insurance that comes in the form of an engineering degree doesnt hurt as well... but then again... being female... there is less pressure to do particularly well too... i'm not succumbing to societal stereotypes... but at least i know there is a possibility of being able to fall back on someone else... especially if all else fails... so... i'm not kidding when i say i wanna be tai tai... ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:32 --Link to Post |
i had a serious encounter with a humongous scary insect... the really loud kind... damn freaky coz it crash landed right beside me... my instinctive reaction was to scream... but i stopped myself when i realised... instinctively too... there was no one to save me... unlike the time i saved diana... dont ask what got into me... maybe just coz we only had one another... i ran out... making a mental note to scold the guy for not being around... not that it's his fault... but i'll just do anyway... i grabbed a plastic takeaway container from the kitchen... probably mine coz i bought a whole load of those previously... walked stealthily back to my room... and karp-ed it... sounds easy? no way... coz that wasnt the end of it... it was even scarier coz it started making loud scary noises knowing it was trapped... by that time i was shaking real bad... i couldnt take the cover and karp it from the bottom... coz my table is thick... and the insect would probably fly out and attack me... or at least i thought it would... so i slide a piece of paper under it... wrapped the container with the paper... then scotchtaped the whole thing... forced the lid on... and threw it in the rubbish chute... abit evil... but hey... i poked a little air hole for good karma... all in record time... so no pictures... scary... freakish... kinda makes me rethink the ultra cool impression i have of being able to live alone... no father, brother, maid, guy to kill cockroaches and other scary things for me... met the guy's indon fren for dinner at Soup restaurant... who picked up the bill... which wasnt nice really... coz by right we are the 'hosts'... dinner was okay... loved the soup though... coz i love soup... ALL soups! walked around the whole of suntec... which is boring, in his opinion... which brings me to think Singapore really sad case in terms of entertainment... well... we have world -class airport! ....then wad? he's probably one of the only frens of the guy's that i really talk a lot to... the others make me clam up a lot... including his bestest buddies... i guess i had this feeling of being judged and evaluated whenever i meet The Friends... and thus, i had to suppress my insanity... but funny how the conversation only truly flowed when it came to soccer... guys... will always be guys... ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:25 --Link to Post |
2.11.05 |
i think i had just renewed my crush on my EE tutor... that sounds so wrong... but i think he damn ke ai la... plus his low, accented voice... the short, slightly spiky hair... with a spanking new tan... plus the fact that he's probably smart too... when he looked up at us when my friends and i were leaving the room... i almost fainted la... too bad no more tutorials liaoz... haiz... else i'll promise not to pon EE like i'm ponning thermo now... yxy's gonna scold me for slacking... =( but then again... you know i'm kidding right? sometimes i when i read about people being in love with two people at the same time... i find that so absurd... stop trying to justify it... c'mon think about it... figuratively speaking... how big is your heart? can two people occupy that one single space simulataneously? just so weird... i think if you truly feel for somebody... it should be the entire thing... therefore the term wholeheartedly... of course... crushes do not count... they are just there for mere entertainment sake.... just like how guys continue looking at pretty girls even when they are holding a girl's hand... dont think i dunnoe! just coz i never catch you doesnt mean you never! if there ever comes a time when you start feeling something for someone else... i think it's time to review the whole situation... maybe that original someone doesn't hold his/her place anymore... but it's so easy to be swayed... prettier gurls... hunkier guys... smarter, richer hunks... slimmer, gentler babes... just to name a few stereotypes... so i guess the most important test in any relationship... is to stay faithful... not just physically... but being able to restrain from any form of emotional attachment to a 3rd party... dishy EE tutors included. ----Stef stopped rambling at 12:28 --Link to Post |
1.11.05 |
------------------------------- Him: so seriously, do you want me to buy dinner over for you? i'll be in clementi anyway... Me: nah...it's ok lah...you enjoy your dinner... Him: okay...see you tomorrow then! Me: *starts making whiney noises* you dont care about me! hungry, tired and alone in PGP... Him: ONE LAST TIME! so do you want me to buy dinner for you or not?! *cycle repeats at least 3 times* ------------------------------- weird huh... coz seriously... i dont really need him to buy dinner over for me... although my PGP dinner kakis are happily celebrating Deepavali... diana, you celebrate Deepavali, no? and sin yee ate already by the time i got to her... but i really enjoy reading blogs (or surfing porn) over a packed dinner alone... i had my favourite bittergourd, celery and fish crap today... which sounds utterly healthy... but weirdly enough... i LOVE it! ok... i'm digressing... but my main point is... i didn't exactly need the guy to bring Boon Tong Kee to me... in the nice bag they use... but i continued whining about him going about in his everyday chores without thinking abt me... or at least i think so la... like last night when he was out with his buddies... HE DIN REPLY MY SMS!? ok la... i know that's freaking common... but i just enjoy over-reacting... and he knows it... so it gets really funny sometimes... coz he'll get very frustrated in a funny way... and we'll both start laughing... till our tummy hurts... sometimes it gets me my chocolates too... it's not like he has any way out of this predicament anyway... 1. he cant buy dinner over... coz i said no... 2. he cannot dont buy dinner... coz i would start whining again... 3. he cant hang up on me... coz that will be the crime of the century... and only i have the license to do that... so he has to put up with it for the longest time... until i relent... and decide it's time to stop testing his patience... but he has to go through it over and over... just because i find his reaction so amusing... but then again... i just love the way he chuckles over the phone... he has this really real laugh... that makes you feel genuinely funny... it's easy to feel fakely funny when you try telling jokes and ur family just -_-" at you... very often... i have things happening in my life that i find so amusing... which i will then relate to the guy... but after like 10 months together... i usually start these accounts with a disclaimer... "i'm gonna tell you something... i found it funny... but you probably wont... so just bear with me..." and yeah... he usually doesn't find them funny... but he asks me to tell them to him anyway... so sweet... so... it is spontaneous moments like these... over the phone... while we're walking along the streets... and i'm peeping over his shoulders at couples engaged in excessive PDA... that i rib him... make a couple of sarcastic jibes... that leave us in stitches... it is moments like these... which makes me feel that i'm making him happy... something which in turn... makes me happy... even if it means frustrating the hell out of him. ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:33 --Link to Post |
![]() my first try at posters... hope the rest of the committee approves of it... please don't spot the spelling error... and yes... i cant get enough of collaging photos... this one done manually okay? not much of a choice when you're not proficient with Photoshop/Fireworks... ----Stef stopped rambling at 17:39 --Link to Post |
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