. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i had a serious encounter with a humongous scary insect...
the really loud kind...
damn freaky coz it crash landed right beside me...
my instinctive reaction was to scream...
but i stopped myself when i realised...
instinctively too...
there was no one to save me...
unlike the time i saved diana...
dont ask what got into me...
maybe just coz we only had one another...
i ran out...
making a mental note to scold the guy for not being around...
not that it's his fault...
but i'll just do anyway...
i grabbed a plastic takeaway container from the kitchen...
probably mine coz i bought a whole load of those previously...
walked stealthily back to my room...
and karp-ed it...
sounds easy?
no way...
coz that wasnt the end of it...
it was even scarier coz it started making loud scary noises knowing it was trapped...
by that time i was shaking real bad...
i couldnt take the cover and karp it from the bottom...
coz my table is thick...
and the insect would probably fly out and attack me...
or at least i thought it would...
so i slide a piece of paper under it...
wrapped the container with the paper...
then scotchtaped the whole thing...
forced the lid on...
and threw it in the rubbish chute...
abit evil...
but hey...
i poked a little air hole for good karma...
all in record time...
so no pictures...
kinda makes me rethink the ultra cool impression i have of being able to live alone...
no father, brother, maid, guy to kill cockroaches and other scary things for me...

met the guy's indon fren for dinner at Soup restaurant...
who picked up the bill...
which wasnt nice really...
coz by right we are the 'hosts'...
dinner was okay...
loved the soup though...
coz i love soup...
ALL soups!
walked around the whole of suntec...
which is boring, in his opinion...
which brings me to think Singapore really sad case in terms of entertainment...
we have world -class airport!
....then wad?
he's probably one of the only frens of the guy's that i really talk a lot to...
the others make me clam up a lot...
including his bestest buddies...
i guess i had this feeling of being judged and evaluated whenever i meet The Friends...
and thus, i had to suppress my insanity...
but funny how the conversation only truly flowed when it came to soccer...
will always be guys...

----Stef stopped rambling at 00:25
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