. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
Stef says: i'm taking engineering though i dont really have much of an interest in it...

P says: well, when u graduate, let me know if u are still keen on being a producer

P says: who knows, i can recommend u and [sic] lobangs

Stef says: well...i DO like casting cute hunks...

P says: feel free to contact me if u wanna get into this crazy industry...i can look around for u

it feels good really...
though it's also possible that P's just being polite...
she's probably the best thing to have come out of my 6 months temp-ing everywhere...
and the irony is...
we only spent a couple of days working physically next to one another...

in a time of blaffling tutorials, wat-the-hell webcasts...
and friends who stress you by mugging like chao muggers...
knowing that you have a backdoor to somewhere is very comforting to know...
especially when i enjoyed my time at Milk so...
like i told P...
i thrive on stress...
does not apply to academics...
and the advertising/design industry is all about that...
a huge hierachy of people stressing one another out...
client stress me...
i stress modelling agency...
fun leh...
i absolutely love how crazy and spontaneous the industry is...
so i'm really hanging on to P's words...
on a very fine thread though...

it is also very sad case that i'm studying something i have dont have much interest in...
much as i always thought that happiness is more important than the moo-lah...
it is just a very idealistic view of the world...
which isnt very ideal afterall...
thing is...
i'm still keen on chasing the alternative lifestyle...
and not the well-worn path...
but at the same time...
an insurance that comes in the form of an engineering degree doesnt hurt as well...

but then again...
being female...
there is less pressure to do particularly well too...
i'm not succumbing to societal stereotypes...
but at least i know there is a possibility of being able to fall back on someone else...
especially if all else fails...

i'm not kidding when i say i wanna be tai tai...

----Stef stopped rambling at 01:32
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