. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
in a bid to salvage whats left of my reputation...
and in order to prevent being labelled as a Whiney Wussy...
i decided to save the previous two posts as drafts...
i'm not like hiding or running away from my emotions...
just that having people read that...
is like exposing ur innermost weaknesses...
and it doesn't help that i have people from my comm reading it...
"WHAT?! she's such a wussy and she's ordering me around!?"
i try not to order people around...
but you know what i mean...
SMU is reading too...
so i'll have to pretend to be all great and wonderful...
just so they'll think better of NUS as a whole...
i'm an ambassador okay?
not quite...
but oh well...

it was a good date today...
like i told Eric before the paper...
i needed something for me to look forward to after my Sensors & Actuators paper...
so a trip downtown with my favourite porter...
the guy...
he only carries my bag IF it is heavy...
and IF it is not girly...
blardy MCP...
was an early dinner at Pepper Lunch...
where i had the steak...
loved the beansprouts...
always did when i had it over teppanyaki...
real cool...
dinner came up to about 33 bucks...
but i guess for the novelty and a hey-i've-been-there...
it was a pretty cool dinner...
though it was physically hot...

decided against a movie...
coz no point spending the moolah on weekend prices...
especially on something we dont particularly want to watch...
unlike this...
he wasnt keen on window shopping...
because he is, afterall, a guy...
so we decided to head to That CD Shop...
to see if we could pick out something cool again...
midway i remembered about the Bertrand exhibition...
which was all the way from outside Wheelock Place to the Forum...
way cool aerial pictures...
with uber cool writeups...
and statements that just hit you hard in the head and runs away...
leaving you wondering what had just happened...
was intrigued, really...
not just the amazing beauty of these photographs...
but the accompanying texts do make a difference too...
it was a really long row of photo after photo...
but i perservered till the end of it...
so catch it before it ends in January...
and whilst you're at it...
see if you can spot the naked guy i spotted in one of the photo...
really small one...
(and i dont mean THAT one...)
so go ahead and indulge in a game of "Where's *naked* Wally?"...

shared an ice blended and apple strudel at Starbucks...
went into Borders because he was pretty keen on getting the latest Harry Potter...
something i was against..
buying a hardcover and having it stand out like a sore thumb against his first five paperbacks...
but he couldnt wait any longer...
fate had it that we couldnt find a decent copy of the adult-version...
so i managed to cajole him out of there with no further damage to his finances...
bumped into Olivier from Milk...
i was standing beside him browsing for the longest time without knowing he was just beside...
until his Chinese friend came along to join him...
for me it was weird to hear a mixture of accents in the conversation...
and needless to say...
i've always found that friend of his quite cute...
not quite...
MAJORLY cute...
so i looked up and was like, "Olivier?"
funny how he looked younger than he did the last time i saw him...
we didnt really close off well when i left...
because he was overseas on a shoot when i finally left for NUS...
it was cool..
great to see him again and to find out that Milk is doing good...
with more energy eh?
just what a photography studio needs...

which is what really attracts me to the creative industry...
like what P said...
where everything is alive and looks good...
which is true...
so vibrant...
so spontaneous...
so anti-formulaic...
with a tinge of pretension...
a class of elitism...
just terribly unpredictable and therefore utterly fantastic...
i am seriously in the wrong faculty...

Grey Global hasn't replied about my application for the internship...
i guess they dont want this engineer-wannabe...
let me console myself...
it might be a blessing in disguise though...
next semester is touted to be one of the worst in the ME syllabus...
where even external modules are highly discouraged...
though very necessary to ensure that i graduate in time...
oh well...

What's new?

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:54
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