31.12.05 |
somebody slap me... i gave up a free Jumbo Seafood dinner with the international surfers... just because i promised my dad to have dinner with him... fried rice and hokkien mee at Bedok Camp... but i guess it was my way of appreciating my dad for taking time off work to send me to beach... he's like the bestest... even though he says the meanest things sometimes... dinner with dad was important to me because i havent been eating at home this December... despite being at home... i clock less than one dinner at home per week... which is terrible, really... i have days in which i dont even see my grandparents at all... which is absurd when we live in the same house... i'm going back to hostel living very soon... yes, dinner with my dad is very important to me... today wasnt so bad... kelvin and vivien were on the finishing boat... while Yijun helped me to take photos on the mark boat... a pity though.. i forgot to tell him not to use digital zoom... so a lot of the photos were terribly blur... not his fault... though we have evidence of people using one foot to paddle while racing... last day of Singapore Open tomorrow... woohoo! it's been fun working with everyone... Hsin Ee... Mr Tan's daughters... and the old ah peks... though it can be frustrating sometimes... not the people... the computer... NYE dinner... though i dunnoe how to pull the guy in... maybe i'll just sit through the prize giving... then take off with him to have our long-awaited Hagen Daaz fondue... maybe this NYE... i will give him the hug i was reluctant to give the last time around... HAPPY NEW YEAR! ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:25 --Link to Post |
29.12.05 |
day 2 of Singapore Open.. and it's really killing me... i'm not even handling press side and the participants... just money... results... registration... things like the tally cards... distribution of the stickers, t-shirts... i reached home at 2130 hrs today... i left the house this morning ard 0830 hrs... even though my dad sent me... we took freaking long because of the traffic jams... but truly... was really a frustrating day... trying to deal with a bug in the scoring program... it not doing things i want it to do... calling/smsing Alex from Sports Club regarding the SPPP application for NUS Champs... working out the accounts... mindboggling when you dont have accounting background... thinking of how to get money out... when i'm not recognized yet by the bank as the official treasurer... trying to deal with HKG's protests/redress and requests for the results... churning out the correct set of results to be forwarded to the press every evening by 7pm... having a near argument about DNS and DNF... and having someone tell me i was wrong in following the other guy's instructions... it's driving me nuts... PEANUTS! it was driving me nuts really... especially when i was supposed to do subject registration... and the internet connection at PF really sucks... called the guy countless of times... tried to hint to him to pick me up from PF... to no avail... trudged home on 3 buses... was napping in bus 27.. only to be awoken by Linc about the NUS Champs budget that i edited last nite... saw a young couple on the green seats in front of me... blatantly ignoring the old ladies standing beside them... what is the world coming to, really? after a terrible day... i really wanted to scold them... after i stood up to give up my seat.... but i didnt la... din want to risk a black eye... it's a sad sight really... to see that the bulk of the people behind the Singapore Open being the old ah peks... maybe with the exception of the few like wh and he... still going strong yes... but it just occurred to me... what will become of BSAS? of windsurfing in Singapore? oh yes... they surf regularly... good for them... but who's looking at the bigger picture? i hate going through events feeling like that... it's nice when everyone works hard together for a desired end result... one that makes you feel good... even if you go without sleep... running ard the whole day... you feel that it's worth every bit... the guy is right about not expecting so much from people... we all have our own priorities.. and it differs from person to person... but please stop badmouthing associations like Boardsailing... although it doesnt look it... we're really working very hard... for no compensation at all... i have the eye bags/rings to vouch for me... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:23 --Link to Post |
27.12.05 |
Christmas day itself was cool... it was supposed to be a simple lunch of catered food with my dad's side... but 2 families from my mom's side dropped by too... so it became a mini Chinese New Year celebration too... mom made up for the lack of gifts with angbaos... played catching at the playground with my little cousins... and boy... it was fun... reliving the good ole days of running ard mindlessly... went to Serene's place for dinner and a stayover... watched TV over pizzas... then sent Carrie to the bus stop... while the rest of us took a walk along the Siglap Park Connector... sitting there to talk a while... over Slurpie and Florida Natural sweets... finished the Hazelnut Mini icecream on the way there... made our way back to the main road where her place was situated... had yummilicious oyster omelette and you ji mee sua... made our way back... bathed... talked... surfed net... then went to her room to watch VCD... five of us on the bed... bed collapsed... at freaking 0330hrs in the morning... how exciting. but it was freakish la... we were all debating how she would get it from her sis and parents... abt the broken bed... we all slept in the study that night... on hindsight we should have camped out at the living room couch... that morning actually... and slept until 10am... woah... breakfast was soft boiled eggs and toast at a nearby kopitiam... all for just 2 bucks per pax... so shiok... met the guy at Parkway for lunch... ended up at Swensen's... where he got a burger as usual... and we shared an apple crumble... which made me so full despite not having a main course... coz i had breakfast not too long ago... took a bus down to PF... where we planned to surf... found the boy behind my torn sail.. got him to repair it for me... though the guy and myself had to put in some work too... wind was non-existent... so we decided to make full use of time and do some important shopping... catch Narnia/Wallus and Gromit if we could... but our walk through Suntec took some time... Salomon was having a 60% sale... guy bought a shirt... and two Nautica tshirts... we bought present... and looked for present... but wah lau... so hard... decided to go Marina catch Narnia... but only the 6pm one fits our plans to reach home before the Chelsea game... single seperate seats... no go... ate at Changing Appetites.. as recommended by Weiming... good service... (3 waiters asked whether we would like iced water when they saw that we din have...) sizeable portions... affordable prices... pretty yummy indeed... shopped ard somemore.. saw that the skirt i bought at full price recently is going at 30% off... and some Project Shop-looking bags that are quite pretty... save for the fact that my dad has been on my back about my bags clogging up the space... i think i should hide some of them at the guy's place until i move back to PGP... the guy bought his gift exchange gift.. and we made our way back to watch Chelsea - Fulham... where i slept through most of it... allowing his mom to catch me bleary-eyed under his quilt... asking what i want for my present... woke up to a nice cuppa coconut drink with flesh! fresh from the coconut... woohoo! then Chelsea won... lalalaa... guy sent me back thereafter... where we counted empty cabs on the road... i lost count. ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:29 --Link to Post |
25.12.05 |
had our Christmas Eve training session... was pretty surprised that we broke our turnout records... we had 18+2 today.... plus 2 because of the people from NUS but came much later... 20 on Christmas Eve... this was considering how the regulars like the JoJo Brothers, Lionel and Paul werent around... i'm amazed myself... it was fun... even though the winds let us down... and it started to pour like less than one third into the training... saded... Justin and myself were supposed to pick out the vagabonds... people without Christmas Eve plans... and head down to Orchard to bask in the Christmas spirit... to get sprayed by foam... in the end... it was only the two of us.... he decided it was too scandalous to make good our plans... so he headed home after dropping me at Parkway... and i finally agreed to go to the guy's place for his family dinner... after i whined about not being invited... but apparently his mom asked him to invite me... and he told her i might be busy... WITHOUT asking me... i also scared to go la... even if you dont want me to go... it'll be nice to be asked, no? then his dad asked him again today... so i thought it wouldnt be nice to bluff them that i am busy and be rotting at home instead... and they got 1.5kg Hagen Daaz cake... so i went over... his aunt and uncle were already there... helped out a little in the kitchen with the guy and his maid... while the adults played mahjong with his grandma watching them... his cousin came... and dinner started... which was a nightmare by the way... they noticed my terrible Mandarin... my incorrect chopstick skills... (offered fork and spoon...) and my love for lobster sashimi... it was a lot of food... and a lot of stuff i dont ever eat at home... live prawns that were succulent... sashimi... abalone and broccoli... crabs... oxtail... and other stuff like... chicken wings... kai lan... stirfried lobster... beef... fish... all for the 8 of us... quite a waste really... couldnt finish it all... had Japanese oranges... huge grapes... and other fruits... plus the 1.5kg Hagen Daaz cake... and i think i sound very sua ku... i know they dont eat like that everyday... but wow... for me, it was probably the most extravagant homecooked meal ever... my parents dont believe in these kinda stuff... my mom thinks its better to eat more rather than eat excessively good stuff... so not even an occasional can of abalone... they dont stinge... but its like the logic behind 6 cups of Kopi-O to 1 cup of Starbucks... though my family adore Starbucks pretty much... and even during CNY... there wouldnt be the expensive stuff... maybe the sambal timun that we so adore yet only cook once a year... even though the ingredients are like chilli, pork belachan, and cucumbers... i think depriving yourself of it... makes you want it even more... clams in our hee peow & cabbage soup... my aunt's pong teh and chap chye... steamed fish... steamed prawns... and stuff like the chinese leek... so i dont really have an incessant craving for these i-feel-rich stuff... in fact... they scare me... which is weird... coz i can eat them... and i do like them somewhat... but its like a guilty indulgence... a feeling i cant shake... like the shark's fin soup we were served at Kerwan and Rachel's Ritz Carlton wedding... WHOLE fins... many many... 80+ tables... *blank stare* there was a slight frenzy over the xmas gifts coz it was last minute that i decided to go... i got his parents a box of Famous Amos... coz i only had 15 mins in Parkway to grab something... and on a budget too... so i got macadamia cookies... nuts that i remembered they liked... his aunt manged to conjure up a box of Rochers... the same chocs i was passing around at PA earlier in the day... his grandma managed to come up with something... and scared me to death coz it came in a Dior paperbag... an Elizabeth Arden moisturiser of sorts... the guy gave me a pretty Billabong cap... while i gave him an ugly Puma cap... which happened to be the exact same colour as his favourite/only Nautica one... how dumb of me... and his mother kept apologising for not getting a present for me... promising to make it up to me soon... on the phone even... when i answered his phone coz he was driving me back... which was, like i told her, unnecessary... i'm not the gift-giving sort too... just that with the guy... i thought it would be nice to do a little exchange before we start taking each other for granted... and also because he might be the only one who will give me a present this year... what a start to Christmas... Merry Christmas, everyone... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:09 --Link to Post |
24.12.05 |
December is always a happy month... so here are a couple of shots of the bdays thus far... it's a mad rush to New Year's... and i'm really sorry for not being nice/thoughtful/sweet enough to get gifts for anyone... if it's any consolation... i havent gotten the guy anything yet... YET: because i'm making one last attempt tomorrow morning before training... yes... i hate shopping... especially when you cant find the things you really need... ![]() aunt's bday on 121205... thats some time ago... looking stinky coz i went for a jog... ![]() nanny's bday on 231205... which was yesterday... can see that she was happy her home was one rowdy place... everyone was there... though it would have been better if the little kid she was looking after wasnt so terrible... cooked up a storm... really good food... love her soups... oh man! us kids shared a pair of earrings from Poh Heng for her... went to get it with my mommy... hope she likes it... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:11 --Link to Post |
22.12.05 |
![]() Fluid Mechanics didnt kill me... blardy Mechanics of Materials did... blardy hell... studied so hard for it... and my first ever A with Visualization... the hours of Solidworks helped! even though i had to tahan the utter humiliation of having the TA check out the problems i have with my software which miraculously disappears everytime he comes around... but at least studying with YXY helped... by 0.04... thankew thankew! you are my saviour! ----Stef stopped rambling at 17:21 --Link to Post |
visiting my nanny on Monday... kinda made me realise how lucky i was that the guy's parents speak Mandarin... and not dialect... hearing myself grapple with Hokkien... having them mixed up with the Malay i use occasionally back home with my domestic help... is atrocious really... but it's exactly Peranakan... mixing bits and pieces of Malay and Hokkien into a blend we call our own... still utterly funny... and not very good if i'm trying to impress... it's been fun understanding more languages and dialects than i can speak really... yesterdae at PA... the staff spoke in Malay probably thinking i wont understand... i am Peranakan la... though he was so soft over the phone i couldnt really make out the entire conversation... i was only eavesdropping because it had something to do with our request to use the buoys... like my dad said... it's better to keep quiet about ur language abilities too... it's not much of an ability anyway... half the time i can understand little bit but i cant speak... but a dialect i would really really like to learn is Cantonese... so cool... so nice-sounding... i think i developed a crush on Sam coz he can speak Canto... plus the fact that he got 6pack... kidding la... okok... i'll go back to fearing 5pm... when my results come out... ----Stef stopped rambling at 14:33 --Link to Post |
he said the only way i can get a Canon Ixus55 from him this Christmas... was if i bought him a 42" plasma TV... in ur dreams... but that also means no ixus55... boohoohoo! and he just cut his hair... it reminds me of how he looks in his NS days... damn cock... i say... but seriously la... he joined us at Carl's Junior after work today... and i couldnt exactly register that the guy who is joining us at our table is my boyfriend... took me a few seconds... maybe also because he was wearing a tshirt i have never seen him wear before... after the movie was supposed to ask my dad to send the guy, viv and weiming back... we had to squeeze a little coz my sister was in the car as well... the guy think he very hero.. then decided to disappear from us to go try catch the last bus... as usual.. my dad decides to play catching with him... okok... because i wanted him too as well... daddy was saying he was acting like a little boy... coz they could all hear him on the phone... when he simply refused the ride... had to drive right in front of him at the bus stop... before he finally agreed to hop in... so backside... make us go one big round... watched King Kong with the comm... plus Darren... Paul and Lionel had dinner with us at Carl's... but Lionel watched the movie... and Paul wasnt too keen... so it was the 8 of us in the cinema... was a pretty squirmish movie... eeks! the bugs! pretty freaky also la... and sad... why must King Kong die?!?! i kept grabbing the guy's thighs... then i grabbed viv's knee once... i think i scared her... wahaha... not bad a movie la.. just a little draggy... quite unexpectedly funny... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:34 --Link to Post |
20.12.05 |
Wilson finally uploaded the photos from the camp... not a lot... but definitely better than the stuff that could come out of my old, lousy BenQ... i forced myself not to bring it... just so we wouldnt have lousy photos no more! here are some of the more interesting ones... DAY 1 ![]() day 1 briefing... Philip was hilarious really... had everyone cracking up... good start to the day i guess... ![]() Joey and Zhiqun... two of the enthusiastic non-committee people who have been joining our activities regularly... joey is part of the twin... JoJo Brothers... term as coined by Charlene... ![]() Lu and Justin fixing up the hard sail... only managed to rent 7 boards for the commitee to share... so we brought out the spider-webbed sail for the comm to try-out... would have been easier to handle if the wind wasnt so strong... ![]() mahjong... teeny weeny tiles Paul brought to camp... the guys were squinting so hard... it was so funny... Pek Hong cant stop grinning from ear to ear too... ![]() bridge/dai dee... we all made sure we had lotsa packs of cards to go around... handy dandy stuff... no wind = play cards... cant sleep = play cards... waiting for toilet = play cards... nuthing to talk abt = play cards... the night didnt end there... Kelvin drove Yijun, John, Linc and myself out.. where we dropped Linc off at home so that he can go for track training the next morning... and the rest of us could go get supper... Bedok 85 it was... bak chor mee... carrot cake... chocolate ice cream.. strawberry Pocky... few of the things that some campers couldnt do without... DAY 2 ![]() warm-up prior to the run to Bedok Jetty and back... lotsa guys... lotsa people who volunteered to stay back and make breakfast... all dun wanna run... think we dunnoe... ![]() justin and myself... i think my shoes matches my running attire... woohoo! and my legs very black... ![]() breakfast... hot drinks... kaya, peanut butter, chocolate and toast! ![]() manning the breakfast counter... Kunshan and Lu... ![]() satisfaction guaranteed! JoJo Brothers... and Phil... ![]() Vivien, myself, Philip and Wilson... not bad a shot, really... except Wil made his own head very big... and we all say he very zi lian... ![]() Justin launching... caught by a good wave... ![]() Albert uphauling... the morning's wind was light... but when it came to the afternoon... aint so easy after all... ![]() Weiming sailing away... i think he has one of the best sailing postures i've seen in some time... ![]() off they go! hopefully not to drift far far away... we had to dispatch our rescue crew a few times to sail back the equipment few bays away... this involves the crew walking long distances BAREFOOT and stepping on many casurinas... aka 'little durians'... pain... ![]() the preparation... Charlene and Vivien in the background.. Yauhong brought some of his Med friends to join us too... so we were really running on overload with probably a total of almost 45 NUS people on beach... which added a nice carnival feel to the whole event... though we didnt train as hard as we really want to.... Mr Tan had a chance to know the good ones better... remember their names... and actually give them individual advice that followed up in the following trainings... so it was an excellent start to our training program... which had been running smoothly thus far... minus the miscommunications with NTU a number of times... ![]() guys and the beehoon... i dunnoe why Lu's head turned out like that... maybe he read too much Harry Potter and he learnt the secret behind the moving pictures... ok... SO not funny... ![]() "Fellowship of the Wings" (as captioned by Wil...) i begged my hardest to be accepted into the exclusive group... only to be rejected... i think they knew i was only after their chicken wings... ![]() the Fellowship finally sitting down with their wings... well-deserved wings, i must say... look at how red they are... and we didnt provide alcohol... nor did anyone bring them... ![]() da ladies... and a cake-stealing hand... ![]() dont ask whats with that look on my face... plain weird... but i din read half as many Harry Potters.. ![]() pretending to work very hard... but we can all see the otah and fish opened up... ready to makan... actually i joined them once... and we told the others we had to "open everything up and try them"... "else we wont know whether they are cooked properly"... ![]() BBQ Wheelbarrow #2... we had two wheelbarrows... Baolun and his girlfriend, came to join us... which was great really... the more the merrier... though i dont think they ate very much... as dentists... i dont think they would approve what we were putting into our mouths... charcoal-black hotdogs.... charred wings... ... the night rounded up with the clearing up... the leaving of some campers... because of prior appointments... ultimate fatigue... but the rest went about our chalet-like lifestyle of mahjong, TV, and BARTOGS! which was this utterly funny game i finally picked up from the YUNners... "give it to me, baby... uh huh, uh huh!" inside joke... DAY3 ![]() day3 morning... when the rain decided to crash our camp... this picture was after Melvin was singing some weird self-composed on-the-spot song... that was really pretty funny... though i cant recall the content... ![]() card group 1... Tesma, Kelvin and Weiming... Joey, Vivien and Kunshan... ![]() card group 2... Joel, Vijay, Frank and Huiqian... ![]() card group 3... Lionel, Charlene, Pek Hong and Paul... licking their strawberry Pocky sticks... and yes... Paul has a very PORN look on his face... ![]() weiming's chu qian yi ding... which he didnt share... so sad... although the wind was light because of the prior rain... Mr Tan came down nonetheless to do a theory session... but when he came... some of us felt some wind... and being the ever deprived wind freaks... despite getting more than we could handle on Day 1 and Day 2... we chiong-ed out again... only to find the wind disappointing... we did get a few good rounds of the sausage course... but it was hard work pumping and tacking continuously... trying to figure out where the wind was coming from... ![]() group photo... minus Albert, Liang, John, Jamie, Weiqiang, Junda, Lele, Lu Zhe... Hon Kit, Ben, Darren, Kelvin & Liren... ![]() and of course, the very essential informal! no one ever looks normal here... but whoever said Normal was the REAL us? we wrapped up the camp with the clear-up... returning of certain stuff to school, PF, PA office... then car/cab rides to Parkway where we took up one long table at the foodcourt... and most of the guys ate two portions of food... especially since it was 4pm... and everyone was starving... i shared a cab back with Justin and Zhiqun... made Justin pay so much for such a short ride... and it was a cranky lady who drove the cab... never felt so frantic being in a taxi before... she was rushing to change shift.... especially after being horned at by the taxi behind while we put our large bags into the trunk... grr... got home... knocked out... but still managed to wake for another round of food with daddy and mommy... wahaha... NUS Windsurfing Training Camp... probably my best camp thus far.... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:29 --Link to Post |
18.12.05 |
i think being attached is detrimental to one's social life... it's mad... i've noticed how i shy away from mass gatherings esp with people i am not that close to... preferring, instead, a Sunday spent reading and hanging out with the guy... not sure if it applies to the guy as well... but his army friends tend towards last minute gatherings... and very often... he's already out with me.. and he'll tend to decline... he had better... wahha... but that doesnt include the funny responsibilities i've been taking up of late... sea sports... bsas... windsurf as it is... it's been eating a lot of my time... and whenever i complain to the guy about being busy... he bites back... saying that it was my choice... he doesnt go further and rub salt by saying, "so live with it!" though he occasionally bring up the option of giving it up... with regards to sea sports.. he wasnt very keen about me taking it up... especially after the stress and crap he saw me go through the previous semester... i think he'll be right... it's 7 modules next semester... with 2 6-8pm classes... engin + USP is killing me... slowly... but surely... but i've really been enjoying surfing sessions with the comm... plus the many others who join us regularly... it's really cool really... even on weekdays... we hit 11 people... and yesterdae... we had 15 people... not including lincoln we joined us later to discuss NUS Championships... like i was telling Justin... didnt matter to me if we dont keep the ITWC trophy this year... though it would be very nice to... thats why we're training so hard... but i think we've achieved the our overall objective... the bigger picture... more and more non-committee people have been joining us during the weekends... so much so that equipment is really a problem... but it's great! yesterdae alone... we met NUS pple who expressed interest in joining us for our activities... people we havent met before... which is unbelievable! Justin and myself think it's the website and the countless posters... and probably the overall image we projected with the webby... something fun... something laidback... it was the comm's objective to promote windsurfing to the NUS population... enriching our varsity life by giving fellow windsurfers opportunity to interact and bond... what we said in our very first meeting... after the camp... after the recent sessions... i can truly say... "We did it!" at least the work was worth it... worth every bit... ----Stef stopped rambling at 14:15 --Link to Post |
the guy is going on his trek tomorrow... and i cant help but worry.. i always do... even when he fails to sms me when he gets home after driving me back... i would start to think about all the scary things that could have happened... and freak myself out... thing is... i'm sure he can take care of himself.. but i just cant help it... it's been a really busy period... Justin and i see each other pretty often because of Sea Sports, Windsurf... that he says we're going to know every pimple on each other's face man... no good... so i havent been thinking a lot... neither do i get to hang out at the guy's place for hours on end... watching tv programs... or reading... coz he is really tired after work at his parents office... and weekends are usually spent at the beach... i miss his quilt... and Judy's cooking... he doesnt seem to want me at his place very much either... though his grandmother did mention something to me along the lines of... "holidays are here... do come over more often to play..." wahaha... maybe it's the fatique... the knowing that he has to send me home thereafter if i stayed at his place till late... i am very capable of cocooning myself in his quilt refusing to go home so early... okok... i ought to be more understanding... coz the guy rocks. ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:36 --Link to Post |
15.12.05 |
the t-shirt thingy is truly driving me nuts... it's even worse than an engin module... thing is... i have ZERO artistic flair... so i have no idea why the hell i volunteered... i really had enough of playing with the softwares and thinking what will people think... can i say that i am really constrained by the fact that i must include sponsor logos? i think all hope of myself being the least bit designer-material is down the drain... i am destined for the realm of mediocrity... and unartistic blandness... nevertheless... i will not give up without a fight... i lost sleep and the oppportunity to rest my achey self after the windful day at sea today... here are the blardy shirts... SHIRT 1 ![]() using the text to form abstract sail and board... still look like the recent PA Championships shirt... urgh... but it looks more Billabong-ish with the layering of the word WINDSURF... ![]() logos at back... which is like walking advertisement... but that is what they pay us for rite? ![]() simple, minimalistic front... which i really like... coz i love the guy's quiksilver polo that has lines and small words/graphics across the chest... the one he wore on our first date after we got together! ![]() and the more flashy back... that supposedly looks like the Sail Melbourne shirt... i know, i know... all my ideas from somewhere... but hey... if i can come up with superb ideas of my own... i wont be in engin ok? that aside... the guy has been really sweet the last couple of days... he has been helping his parents out at the office... so we dont get afternoons together... i have late meetings... and nites he sleeps early... like yesterdae... and he drove all the way to ECP... waited 45 mins for me at the carpark for my meeting to finish... which didnt... even at 945pm... when the meeting was supposed to have started at 7pm... but the important people were late... so 8pm was the official start... we took a turn for Compass Point... coz i offered to treat him Starbucks... for his kind deed... he declined... but he probably knew how badly i wanted a Mocha Frappacino... that he was willing to pay parking even though we had to get out in like 30 mins... though i had to send him an sms prior, about how it would be so nice if he could pick me up after my meeting... today was no different... coz i offered to pop by his place for some software i need... and upon hearing his tired, tired voice... volunteered to go home myself after that... instead of readily agreeing... and staying at home throughout the nite... he drove down to Suntec where the bunch of us finished dinner and Ben and Jerry's (!!!)... sent Vivien home... and then me... even though he was visibly fatigued... he is the bestest... really. ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:54 --Link to Post |
13.12.05 |
funny i havent been blogging as much... now that the exam are over... maybe it's coz i'm no longer cooped up in my tiny room... without any other forms of entertainment... but been busy nevertheless... am fully booked for the rest of the week... save for some afternoons that i might choose to shop around on my own... did abit of shopping at Far East by myself yesterdae... after i visited my cousin at Funan... getting totally blown over by the Ixus 55... but listened to my dad about how we dont need to spend that kind of money... and how i was reluctant in spending that moo-lah as well... didnt get it in the end... shopping alone can be quite nice... though i usually prefer getting a second opinion on things... minus that of the salesperson desperately trying to make a sale.. but people like the guy can be too discouraging at times... especially with weird things i like... i went back and got the shoes he didnt like... and couldnt find anything near the bag i gave away... oh well... been trying to come up with shirts for the upcoming 26th Singapore Open... and boy... i'm having a terrible time... apologies to my own Publicity people... after this stint... i will never look you in the eye anymore! you guys rock! ![]() shirt that looks like our ITWC one... too similar... though i really like it... it's hard to put the sponsors logo anywhere really... we have quite a few... like 5... ![]() something for the back... or across the chest could be quite cool too... might be too simple... coz we're not talking about Uni-students-liking-minimalistic-look here... this might go with a column of sponsor logos down the right of the front profile... ![]() something that looks slightly more infantile... and a tad too much like the recent PA Championships shirt... it's saving grace is that it looks like something from OP... and that was kinda in the brief i was given... spent a large part of last night downloading fonts... got some cool stuff... that will be useful for my own use as well... just realised u cant use them for MSN... coz the other party needs to have the font to see them as well... so oh well... will be put to good use in designing stuff... oh which i hope there wont be much to do anymore... it's a pain in the neck... especially when you dont have Photoshop... pain pain pain! ----Stef stopped rambling at 15:56 --Link to Post |
11.12.05 |
i blardy FORGOT about SC chalet... CK did message me... but to my old number... so i happily hung out at the guy's place... reading newspapers and watching TV... while the gang was having fun in Sentosa... =( guy and i had our favourite subs... found Ben and Jerry's at United Square... had a yummy Chocolate Chip and Cookie Dough in a Waffle cone... we ordered a hand pint for takeaway too... Coffee Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! for his dad... coz he loves trying out coffee ice cream every where... but he doesnt like it... and he only like Baskin' Robbins Coffee ice cream... something you cant get in Singapore anymore... rushed to his place with the ice cream in hand... not wanting to end up with a pint of cream... met him today for some shopping... bought a skirt for myself... and a bag that i ended up giving me cousin for her birthday coz i couldnt find anything else... i really liked it... but the guy thought it was just normal... oh well... met the extended family for seafood at ECP... good stuff.. bill came up to abt 400 for the 14 of us... including a 20% discount and no service charge... free appetizer and desserts... next week is pretty mad... meetings and meetings galore... trainings and gatherings... siao liaoz... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:01 --Link to Post |
10.12.05 |
just concluded the annual Windsurfing Training Camp... it was a blast really... the organizers, especially Charlene, were impressive... and i had a great time... the response was much better than expected... and we really maxed out PA's equipment... everyone showed marked improvement... and it was great to see people who are really interested... going up to the coach... or coming up to one of us to find out what is wrong with their surfing... and how to get better... or even to teach them new stuff... way cool really... think the comm is truly headed in the right direction... NUS Championships and the other smaller events would be cool too... damn hyped up... by the very fact that the camaderie extends beyond the comm itself... it was a busy 3 days... and weeks prior... but man... it was worth every minute... plus every bruise, cut and aching muscle... ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:18 --Link to Post |
4.12.05 |
it's been mad after the exams... i feel even more drained now... it's been errand after errand... meeting after meeting... long online discussions with the Training Camp organizers... i had one for Seletar Speed Crossing today at PA... i have another due for Singapore Open tomorrow at PF... i have something on Monday though i cant recall for now... i have a meeting with SSC for project funding on Tuesday... then a ITWC one with SMU and NTU in the evening... (and some weirdo smsed me about meeting on Tuesday morning to start discussing about "programs" until i asked who is he and which event.... wrong number.) i'm also trying to fit in as many people i need to catch up with as possible... met Stella and Melissa after my papers... met Yunnboon for dinner last night... he popped by to collect some NTU forms he asked me to print for him after our dinner... and got real stunned when he bumped into my parents who were just back from work... who were real stunned because they've never seen him before... despite the fact that he lives on floor above us... meeting Alwin Lai for lunch and kopi tomorrow... Silie will have to be slotted in somewhere before i head off for camp... which will happen Wed, Thurs, Fri... after which i will drag myself out of my comfy bed to go for AJSC chalet... which is a must-go considering how i havent seen so many of them for so long... 0102 gathering is something i have to organize... hopefully mid-Dec... over a weekend when the guys are liberated from camp... and of course... the bballers, though we were supposed to have something like immediately after exams... but no sound yet... but being this busy sucks... i havent had time to do what i need to... like have a haircut... which resulted me in taking my studying-mode hairstyle out of the privacy of my own room... the tie-fringe-because-it-falls-into-my-eyes hairstyle... I GIVE UP! i dun give a damn anymore! i need a proper surf attire asap... i seriously dun want a bad tan line... nor turn my fellow campers into statues by exposing my exam-accumulated fats... oh man... sometimes it baffles me why i even got myself into all this shite... i havent even started work on Sea Sports Camp... and it's long overdue... that'll come after Training Camp... i hope we'll be in time... thing is... i'm not earning a keep for all these... it's sai gang through and through... but i guess i'll answer my own question... it's the people who drive me... no doubt. had a great time crapping with Charlene, Justin and Yijun over grocery shopping... Melissa SMU, the NTU vice-presidents... and of course, the NUS windsurfers too... that aside... some young punk under Andrew borrowed my sail and tore a freaking hole in my lower panel... i was damn angry coz he didnt have the basic courtesy of smsing me personally to let me know... it was Hsin Ee who did so... the blardy idiot also left the batons in the sail.... tensioning the entire thing till there is no tomorrow... coz it results in the possibility of breaking the batons... especially since he detensioned the outhaul... i blardy wanted to break his bones... and told Andrew that he should screw him upside down, inside out for me... especially when he screamed/scolded/shouted at us to de-tension our sails... take out the batons and de-rig whenever we have tears when we were under him... the blardy kid DID NOT... i know he's just a kid... but shouldnt he have that basic courtesy? on hindsight i think i overreacted... but thing is... i really took pains to take care of that sail... and i never once tore it... save for the ugly oil patches after one bad oil spill out at sea... damn sad... coz the sail went to Penang and Pattaya with me... tided me over a couple of Singapore Opens... and of course, was the source of the ultimate pleasure of planning on high winds... it was my laogong really... how should i feel when he gets torn like that? i think i rambled long enough... i suck for having a not gracious enough heart... for being so lousy with time-management and everything else... for being a Whiney Wussy... ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:20 --Link to Post |
2.12.05 |
finally back at home... such a great homecoming you know? parents came by after work... loaded the ten thousand boxes into the car... piled right up to the last passenger seat... i still have to go back for my lappy and to officially check out... drove by the guy's place... to collect the Taiwan sausages his aunt brought over for us... came home to dinner at 9pm... where we had great seafood tom yam... my favourite sweet potato leaves.... pork stew... someone knew i was coming back... it was like there was no way anyone could feel lonely in this home... laughing when my mother practically squeaked when she spoke after drinking tom yam... and gobbling up every single thing on the dinner table... i never ate so much in a long time... but then again... you cant count... Fish and Co with the girlfriends... Pepper Lunch with the guy... Hard Rock with the extended family... Carl's Junior with the guy... and many many more... but thing is... i havent been eating regularly in campus... i wake at weird times... and end up having my favourite Oreo Milkshake for lunch... which is really yummy coz you crush Oreos... stir in some milk until everything gets mushy... and fill the cup up with milk... yummilicious! the irregular meals may be the cause of my mom saying i've run down... yeay... and i still couldnt button down a L sized jacket at Far East... but i just thought about it the other day... the fact that we have 9 (yes, NINE!) people altogether in this HDB Exec. flat of ours... which is A LOT of people by any standards... the guy's place is twice as huge and they have half our numbers... we should declare war! when i was younger... the fact that i didnt have my own space was stifling really... whenever i have a disagreement with Dad... it was always on the back of my mind... so why couldn't he give us the basic decency of our own space... and i'd always dream of how freaking nice it would be to have my own study table... we dont even have one now... but then again... if it weren't for all the squeezing... the sleeping together... watching TV together... i dont think we would achieve such a closeness... a closeness that i really cherish in my family... doesnt just apply to my immediate family... but with my grandparents and aunt as well... when's there's really a good show on TV... there's really no space for everyone to sit in the living room... a 5 seater sofa... a rocking chair... my granny has her own wheelchair of course... and how many families can say that? of course... now that i have an option to have my own room in PGP i jump at that chance... i enjoy it really... even though i miss home badly sometimes... but at least i dont cry my eyes out like on the 6th day of training in Thailand.. 9 people is ok for me... at least i know there are 8 pple who are ready to launch an attack on the guy.. should he bully me... like not replying my sms/calls... *roar* ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:42 --Link to Post |
1.12.05 |
i'd always complain when the guy takes longer than usual to reply my sms/call... i'd be thinking why hasn't he done so.. couldnt he spare even 2 mins out of his 'busy' schedule just to perform that simple task.. and get really pissed because i'm like always actively waiting for his reply... like happy-expectant-puppy... by expectant i dont mean pregnant... so last night i was really busy... juggling 8 MSN windows... and all decided to abandon me after some time... but i was more engaged in the H.K. Cafe game... wahaha... my max was something like 2380... so hard!!! but that's besides the point... my point is that it was freaking easy to ignore his sms... and get on with doing my own things... especially when own things do not include eeky ThermoDIEnamics... or the ever complex Fluid Mechanics... especially when i was debating with Frank whether or not we should go for supper... whether his NTU friends were renting a car... and tempting me with saltless fries from West Coast Mac's.... the friends din manage to get a car... and the two of us ended up taking the long walk to Fong Seng and back... after which i did some more H.K. Cafe.. and some rudimentary packing... i was so afraid all that clicking and packing would wake Sin Yee up next door... she had a paper today... going back to my point once again... it's so easy being the insensitive one... ok... thats a tad too strong... the one who doesnt-care-much-for-whether-or-not-one-replies-each-msg-with-enthusiasm... in fact... it's quite enjoyable... so oh well... i guess there is no end to 'expectant little puppy'.. but maybe it's time to hang loose and not be so uptight about it all... it wouldnt be fun to end up like how i did with the real b|az... that will be the last thing i want to happen... ----Stef stopped rambling at 14:26 --Link to Post |
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