. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
somebody slap me...
i gave up a free Jumbo Seafood dinner with the international surfers...
just because i promised my dad to have dinner with him...
fried rice and hokkien mee at Bedok Camp...
but i guess it was my way of appreciating my dad for taking time off work to send me to beach...
he's like the bestest...
even though he says the meanest things sometimes...
dinner with dad was important to me because i havent been eating at home this December...
despite being at home...
i clock less than one dinner at home per week...
which is terrible, really...
i have days in which i dont even see my grandparents at all...
which is absurd when we live in the same house...
i'm going back to hostel living very soon...
yes, dinner with my dad is very important to me...

today wasnt so bad...
kelvin and vivien were on the finishing boat...
while Yijun helped me to take photos on the mark boat...
a pity though..
i forgot to tell him not to use digital zoom...
so a lot of the photos were terribly blur...
not his fault...
though we have evidence of people using one foot to paddle while racing...

last day of Singapore Open tomorrow...
it's been fun working with everyone...
Hsin Ee...
Mr Tan's daughters...
and the old ah peks...
though it can be frustrating sometimes...
not the people...
the computer...
NYE dinner...
though i dunnoe how to pull the guy in...
maybe i'll just sit through the prize giving...
then take off with him to have our long-awaited Hagen Daaz fondue...

maybe this NYE...
i will give him the hug i was reluctant to give the last time around...


----Stef stopped rambling at 01:25
--Link to Post

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