15.12.05 |
the t-shirt thingy is truly driving me nuts... it's even worse than an engin module... thing is... i have ZERO artistic flair... so i have no idea why the hell i volunteered... i really had enough of playing with the softwares and thinking what will people think... can i say that i am really constrained by the fact that i must include sponsor logos? i think all hope of myself being the least bit designer-material is down the drain... i am destined for the realm of mediocrity... and unartistic blandness... nevertheless... i will not give up without a fight... i lost sleep and the oppportunity to rest my achey self after the windful day at sea today... here are the blardy shirts... SHIRT 1 ![]() using the text to form abstract sail and board... still look like the recent PA Championships shirt... urgh... but it looks more Billabong-ish with the layering of the word WINDSURF... ![]() logos at back... which is like walking advertisement... but that is what they pay us for rite? ![]() simple, minimalistic front... which i really like... coz i love the guy's quiksilver polo that has lines and small words/graphics across the chest... the one he wore on our first date after we got together! ![]() and the more flashy back... that supposedly looks like the Sail Melbourne shirt... i know, i know... all my ideas from somewhere... but hey... if i can come up with superb ideas of my own... i wont be in engin ok? that aside... the guy has been really sweet the last couple of days... he has been helping his parents out at the office... so we dont get afternoons together... i have late meetings... and nites he sleeps early... like yesterdae... and he drove all the way to ECP... waited 45 mins for me at the carpark for my meeting to finish... which didnt... even at 945pm... when the meeting was supposed to have started at 7pm... but the important people were late... so 8pm was the official start... we took a turn for Compass Point... coz i offered to treat him Starbucks... for his kind deed... he declined... but he probably knew how badly i wanted a Mocha Frappacino... that he was willing to pay parking even though we had to get out in like 30 mins... though i had to send him an sms prior, about how it would be so nice if he could pick me up after my meeting... today was no different... coz i offered to pop by his place for some software i need... and upon hearing his tired, tired voice... volunteered to go home myself after that... instead of readily agreeing... and staying at home throughout the nite... he drove down to Suntec where the bunch of us finished dinner and Ben and Jerry's (!!!)... sent Vivien home... and then me... even though he was visibly fatigued... he is the bestest... really. ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:54 --Link to Post |
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