. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i think being attached is detrimental to one's social life...
it's mad...
i've noticed how i shy away from mass gatherings esp with people i am not that close to...
preferring, instead, a Sunday spent reading and hanging out with the guy...
not sure if it applies to the guy as well...
but his army friends tend towards last minute gatherings...
and very often...
he's already out with me..
and he'll tend to decline...
he had better...
but that doesnt include the funny responsibilities i've been taking up of late...
sea sports...
windsurf as it is...
it's been eating a lot of my time...
and whenever i complain to the guy about being busy...
he bites back...
saying that it was my choice...
he doesnt go further and rub salt by saying, "so live with it!"
though he occasionally bring up the option of giving it up...
with regards to sea sports..
he wasnt very keen about me taking it up...
especially after the stress and crap he saw me go through the previous semester...
i think he'll be right...
it's 7 modules next semester...
with 2 6-8pm classes...
engin + USP is killing me...

but surely...

but i've really been enjoying surfing sessions with the comm...
plus the many others who join us regularly...
it's really cool really...
even on weekdays...
we hit 11 people...
and yesterdae...
we had 15 people...
not including lincoln we joined us later to discuss NUS Championships...
like i was telling Justin...
didnt matter to me if we dont keep the ITWC trophy this year...
though it would be very nice to...
thats why we're training so hard...
but i think we've achieved the our overall objective...
the bigger picture...
more and more non-committee people have been joining us during the weekends...
so much so that equipment is really a problem...
but it's great!
yesterdae alone...
we met NUS pple who expressed interest in joining us for our activities...
people we havent met before...
which is unbelievable!
Justin and myself think it's the website and the countless posters...
and probably the overall image we projected with the webby...
something fun...
something laidback...
it was the comm's objective to promote windsurfing to the NUS population...
enriching our varsity life by giving fellow windsurfers opportunity to interact and bond...
what we said in our very first meeting...
after the camp...
after the recent sessions...
i can truly say...
"We did it!"
at least the work was worth it...
worth every bit...

----Stef stopped rambling at 14:15
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