20.12.05 |
Wilson finally uploaded the photos from the camp... not a lot... but definitely better than the stuff that could come out of my old, lousy BenQ... i forced myself not to bring it... just so we wouldnt have lousy photos no more! here are some of the more interesting ones... DAY 1 ![]() day 1 briefing... Philip was hilarious really... had everyone cracking up... good start to the day i guess... ![]() Joey and Zhiqun... two of the enthusiastic non-committee people who have been joining our activities regularly... joey is part of the twin... JoJo Brothers... term as coined by Charlene... ![]() Lu and Justin fixing up the hard sail... only managed to rent 7 boards for the commitee to share... so we brought out the spider-webbed sail for the comm to try-out... would have been easier to handle if the wind wasnt so strong... ![]() mahjong... teeny weeny tiles Paul brought to camp... the guys were squinting so hard... it was so funny... Pek Hong cant stop grinning from ear to ear too... ![]() bridge/dai dee... we all made sure we had lotsa packs of cards to go around... handy dandy stuff... no wind = play cards... cant sleep = play cards... waiting for toilet = play cards... nuthing to talk abt = play cards... the night didnt end there... Kelvin drove Yijun, John, Linc and myself out.. where we dropped Linc off at home so that he can go for track training the next morning... and the rest of us could go get supper... Bedok 85 it was... bak chor mee... carrot cake... chocolate ice cream.. strawberry Pocky... few of the things that some campers couldnt do without... DAY 2 ![]() warm-up prior to the run to Bedok Jetty and back... lotsa guys... lotsa people who volunteered to stay back and make breakfast... all dun wanna run... think we dunnoe... ![]() justin and myself... i think my shoes matches my running attire... woohoo! and my legs very black... ![]() breakfast... hot drinks... kaya, peanut butter, chocolate and toast! ![]() manning the breakfast counter... Kunshan and Lu... ![]() satisfaction guaranteed! JoJo Brothers... and Phil... ![]() Vivien, myself, Philip and Wilson... not bad a shot, really... except Wil made his own head very big... and we all say he very zi lian... ![]() Justin launching... caught by a good wave... ![]() Albert uphauling... the morning's wind was light... but when it came to the afternoon... aint so easy after all... ![]() Weiming sailing away... i think he has one of the best sailing postures i've seen in some time... ![]() off they go! hopefully not to drift far far away... we had to dispatch our rescue crew a few times to sail back the equipment few bays away... this involves the crew walking long distances BAREFOOT and stepping on many casurinas... aka 'little durians'... pain... ![]() the preparation... Charlene and Vivien in the background.. Yauhong brought some of his Med friends to join us too... so we were really running on overload with probably a total of almost 45 NUS people on beach... which added a nice carnival feel to the whole event... though we didnt train as hard as we really want to.... Mr Tan had a chance to know the good ones better... remember their names... and actually give them individual advice that followed up in the following trainings... so it was an excellent start to our training program... which had been running smoothly thus far... minus the miscommunications with NTU a number of times... ![]() guys and the beehoon... i dunnoe why Lu's head turned out like that... maybe he read too much Harry Potter and he learnt the secret behind the moving pictures... ok... SO not funny... ![]() "Fellowship of the Wings" (as captioned by Wil...) i begged my hardest to be accepted into the exclusive group... only to be rejected... i think they knew i was only after their chicken wings... ![]() the Fellowship finally sitting down with their wings... well-deserved wings, i must say... look at how red they are... and we didnt provide alcohol... nor did anyone bring them... ![]() da ladies... and a cake-stealing hand... ![]() dont ask whats with that look on my face... plain weird... but i din read half as many Harry Potters.. ![]() pretending to work very hard... but we can all see the otah and fish opened up... ready to makan... actually i joined them once... and we told the others we had to "open everything up and try them"... "else we wont know whether they are cooked properly"... ![]() BBQ Wheelbarrow #2... we had two wheelbarrows... Baolun and his girlfriend, came to join us... which was great really... the more the merrier... though i dont think they ate very much... as dentists... i dont think they would approve what we were putting into our mouths... charcoal-black hotdogs.... charred wings... ... the night rounded up with the clearing up... the leaving of some campers... because of prior appointments... ultimate fatigue... but the rest went about our chalet-like lifestyle of mahjong, TV, and BARTOGS! which was this utterly funny game i finally picked up from the YUNners... "give it to me, baby... uh huh, uh huh!" inside joke... DAY3 ![]() day3 morning... when the rain decided to crash our camp... this picture was after Melvin was singing some weird self-composed on-the-spot song... that was really pretty funny... though i cant recall the content... ![]() card group 1... Tesma, Kelvin and Weiming... Joey, Vivien and Kunshan... ![]() card group 2... Joel, Vijay, Frank and Huiqian... ![]() card group 3... Lionel, Charlene, Pek Hong and Paul... licking their strawberry Pocky sticks... and yes... Paul has a very PORN look on his face... ![]() weiming's chu qian yi ding... which he didnt share... so sad... although the wind was light because of the prior rain... Mr Tan came down nonetheless to do a theory session... but when he came... some of us felt some wind... and being the ever deprived wind freaks... despite getting more than we could handle on Day 1 and Day 2... we chiong-ed out again... only to find the wind disappointing... we did get a few good rounds of the sausage course... but it was hard work pumping and tacking continuously... trying to figure out where the wind was coming from... ![]() group photo... minus Albert, Liang, John, Jamie, Weiqiang, Junda, Lele, Lu Zhe... Hon Kit, Ben, Darren, Kelvin & Liren... ![]() and of course, the very essential informal! no one ever looks normal here... but whoever said Normal was the REAL us? we wrapped up the camp with the clear-up... returning of certain stuff to school, PF, PA office... then car/cab rides to Parkway where we took up one long table at the foodcourt... and most of the guys ate two portions of food... especially since it was 4pm... and everyone was starving... i shared a cab back with Justin and Zhiqun... made Justin pay so much for such a short ride... and it was a cranky lady who drove the cab... never felt so frantic being in a taxi before... she was rushing to change shift.... especially after being horned at by the taxi behind while we put our large bags into the trunk... grr... got home... knocked out... but still managed to wake for another round of food with daddy and mommy... wahaha... NUS Windsurfing Training Camp... probably my best camp thus far.... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:29 --Link to Post |
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