29.1.04 |
woke up to a really dark room...
the rain was so heavy that the sun was really blocked out... 11am seemed like 6 plus in the morning... toughie... coz sam and i was planning on hitting the water this afternoon before going for gym... plans fail... like alwaz... under the hands of the weather... do weather have hands? *shrugs* but it's good too i guess... have time to myself... maybe will head down to the library... need more books... ryan, my bro's best bud's bro, told me the LOTR series aint such a good read... so i need more books to last me thru these couple of days... he's quite a witty guy actually... so when we talk... we out all out to outwit each other... and end up laughing half the conversation away... dunnoe why i'm in the reading mood now... no explaination... but nevertheless... it remains a good thing... was at the airport's bus terminal yesterdae... you know the soft yellow lighting?? i dunnoe why... but it gave a very surreal feeling to it... plus the fact that it was raining and therefore, cool... it felt like i was out of sg... rather, in some dream-like place... i HAD to convince i'm heading to the beach for training and not anything else... i've alwaz had the dream-like feeling whenever i'm out of sg... esp during my trip to perth with my primary sch when i was younger... when i was in this huge toy store with my pals... i guess it happens becoz everything around seem so foreign... DUH!??!? just the not-familiar feeling... it was the same in thailand too... though we were treating the area like our own neighbourhood by then... walking ard alone... going to the net cafe... sending our laundry to the nice ladies in the back alleys... buying our favourite cheese dogs and meiji milk from 7-11... or chatting/smiling-when-we-dun-understand with uncle mi... the fruit seller who gives the thai wsfing team free fruits... our taking the mini-bus down to threpprasit road's nite markets... it felt like we were in another world... like when we were drinking in Hollywood... this club everyone seems to love... except sam with tissue in his ears... me planted motionless on the barstool... and loony mao-ing the nite away... MAO: thai for drunk... i was practically floating in that place... must be the alcoholic influence... the deafening music... the pumping bass... and the blinding lights... but back to the dream-like feeling... ever had a dream that was so real u swore it was??? or an experience so unbelieveable you had trouble convincing urself it was?? really a thin line that separates these two... wouldnt even be a line actually... just a blotch of grey... i like grey... but thats not the point... does the dream-like feeling oni apply in situations that is pleasing to the individual? if so... i dont mind living in dreams sketching out my entire life... having everything going my way... i guess when they give something to you... ...they take something from you as well... ----Stef stopped rambling at 12:20 --Link to Post |
28.1.04 |
was thoroughly a wasted trip to the beach...
wind was practically non-existent... not to mention how drenched i was... walking in the not-so-light rain to NSC... from PASSC... did abit of board maintainence though... sand papered the entire hull... not supposed to do that actually.. but it's the training set... so... hung up the sails as well.. got abit pissed with the guys for not hearing my logic out before putting me down... making it quite awkward for me in front of the new in-charge.. but heck... we grew to take no heed of each other... am more than halfway through teenage textbook now... maybe i should just finish up... and start on two towers tmr... i dunnoe whats the rush with all the books... i guess the feeling of having accomplished something... like finishing a book... feels good... gawd i'm starting to get psychotic... get me a job soon!!! work my mind abit... before you see those eight legged things webbing its own haven among my wasted brain mass... would be going down again for water training tmr... then stay in for gym... i HATE the 20mins on the rowing machine... seriously... it sucks big time... maybe i'll get more mileage tmr... but considering i'm sailing the afternoon away... the chances of that happening... practically zilch... brought lotsa french toasts to the beach today... supposed to feed my team... and clear the stock at home... did i mention??? the bane of having a large family is that... u have 3 different pple buying a loaf of bread each... and coming home... only to reach that we'll be having 4 loaves of bread to finish at the end of 3 days... forgot to pass some to loony... but sam had some... and kept some for dad... knew he'll be hungry after a long day at work... and also to lessen my guilt... having him come all the way east to pick me up from NSC... met WQ, gerald and the PA peeps loading up equipment for kuantan... wished them a good journey... then dad drove all the way home... coz we were gonna have yusheng today... yummy! reading shanghai baby kinda reminded me how sweet love could actually be... how it just takes away one's frustration after a bad day... and that oh-so-empty feeling one gets in the stomach ever so often... dont really know how the expression goes or came about in the first place... that 'love completes a person'... to a large extent... i guess it was true... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:24 --Link to Post |
finished shanghai baby liaoz...
pretty fast actually... considering i spent less than one day... less than 8 hours actually... cant really give a review though... coz i dont really know what to make of it... its a translation though.. so i guess some of the magic was already lost with it... next book would probably be the teenage textbook... reckon i had better read it before my teenage years run out... am edging perilessly towards adulthood.. better do all the things i'd like to do before i hit good, fat 20 years of age... would be hitting the beach today... cant help it... sam and loony so onz abt training... even when they are schooling... jobless and useless me cant possibly stay home and rot can i? bo pian... probably take the skate scooter with me... and skate from the bus stop at PA to nsc... hope i'll find my training board... its been like 7 mths since i used it... ----Stef stopped rambling at 11:33 --Link to Post |
27.1.04 |
spent part of the afternoon at the library...
with hazelnut ice blend in left hand... apple & cheese crumble in the right... reading shanghai baby... borrowed that... two towers... and the teenage textbook to last me through the week... or more... shanghai baby is kinda sexual... lewd in the description of copulation... shed light on the darkness of the modern adult world... dont know how much of that applies with safe, clean sg... but i guess it made a good read... am at least halfway through it liaoz... made my way to NSC for gym... took a bus to TJC... met wq there... then took a cab in... which reminds me... i havent paid her my share of the cab fare... she's leaving for kuantan with the PA peeps... to look-see the AWT... and surf shortboards... i'd be content to sail longboards in sg... it's been ages since i last trained... gym today was siong... considering how long i havent been to an sg gym... was on the rowing machine for 20mins straight... which churned a distance of about 4km... sucks... compared to the guys' that's peanuts.. but i am contented with peanuts for now... just as long my head doesnt threaten to black out... did hangs... but still couldnt do a single pull-up... thats my motivation.. am just very glad that i havent gained weight since my pattaya days... and i'm hoping to train until i hit 50kgs... and do my first pull-up... then i'll be a very happie girl... moon brought some thai songs with her... played it in the gym... damn nice lor... esp the song which topped the charts in thailand... havent got any idea what they were singing... but damn... it sounded so good... wanted to bring home and save into the pC... but forgot to take it from her... darn... will probably go back to my book... hmm... or maybe surf ard some more... and see whether there are any job adverts that i should send my resume to... ciaoz. ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:08 --Link to Post |
thought my dad was really game enough to pose for this pic...
nice huh??? love my dad to bits... he rocks... dad.JPG ----Stef stopped rambling at 13:19 --Link to Post |
26.1.04 |
quite a crazy day actually...
met up with yixiang... for the afternoon... then came home to go for a short run... supposedly to break the 3 weeks of non-activity... breeze was cool... cold, in fact... esp when you sweat it all out... and the wind blows at you like dat... man! it reminded me of morning runs in pattaya... only that i was in the all-familiar comforts of my estate... was back from a bad injury... so din want to push myself too hard... but saw this army guy who overtook me conceitedly... got abit carried away... and sprinted a large part of my run to catch up with him... sadly... din catch up... and found myself gasping for dear life... did about two rounds around the estate... clocked abt 16 mins... before lifting some logs at the fitness corner... wasnt feeling too good by then... but wanted to finish abit at least... took the lift up... then realised i was starting to black out... scary feeling really... when lift stopped at my floor... i dragged myself to my door... and almost collapsed after pressing the doorbell... mom said i look really pale... and frankly... i got really scared coz i couldnt even see straight... everything was a dark blur... and my head felt very empty... felt like a PC shutting down... though i dont really know wad that feels like... scary... really... started crying when i came into the house... cant furnish myself with a reason for feeling so horrible... except for the possibility of dehydration or lack of iron... man... see how everything goes... am planning a jog tmr morning... before hitting the gym in the evening with the team... datapool hasnt called... company that was supposed to employ me... darn... that means i'm still unemployed... =( anyone interested to contribute to the "help-stef-lead-extravagant-lifestyle" fund? it'll probably pay for my movies when i do get bored on weekdays... dinners with my pals at nite... maybe a couple of coffees per week... yummy desserts like tiramisu and pies... and of coz... my transport ard the island... onz??? just send a cheque... its that simple and convenient! and if you're wondering how much to send... 100 bucks would probably last me abt one week... so... send a couple of hundreds to save yourself the double stamp fees... for now... its look for a job time... ----Stef stopped rambling at 20:58 --Link to Post |
25.1.04 |
IQ test
Your IQ score is 140 This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on Emode's Classic IQ test. Your IQ score is scientifically accurate; to read more about the science behind our IQ test, click here. During the test, you answered four different types of questions — mathematical, visual-spatial, linguistic and logical. We analyzed how you did on each of those questions which reveals how your brain uniquely works. We also compared your answers with others who have taken the test. According to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is a Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results. fwah... is 140 good??? ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:15 --Link to Post |
me and my sibs again...
----Stef stopped rambling at 00:11 --Link to Post |
just watched world idol on star world...
totally awestruck by how wonderful some of these pple sound... esp the norwegian, british, belgian and the canadian... simply fantastic... not many would actually agree with me... but i just love such programmes... where the plain, ordinary folk get a shot at stardom... esp like kurt nielsen... yes... he looks like a hobbit with a gap in his teeth... but boy... he sounds terribly good... catch part 2 tmr... at 9pm... on Starworld (starhub chn18)... you wont be sorry... even if u dont like the singing... the illogically, entertaining 'simon-cowell-of-poland' shoots their egos down pretty well i guess... chu san was quite uneventful actually... din go mr tan house with the rest... coz accompanied my mom to her colleague's home in admiralty for lunch.... had really good nasi lemak and curry... and one angpao... pathetic for 1 day... but i guess its the spirit of the festivities that matter... not the number of red packets... but the money in it actually... =P dad's friends that we usually visit were out... aunt was working... so we actually had no where to go... afternoon was spent in the car... when parents practically went ard sg to look for our missing grandma... coz she seemed pretty down these couple of days... then went east coast food centre for lotsa food... i had prawn mee...chicken wings...rojak...coconut... man! and uncle told me i was getting fat the day before... but you know what... i really dont care! =) dunnoe why... but have been having that feeling of insecurity the last few days... even though its CNY and all... cant help but feel expectant of a phone call... not the one from the loanshark company telling me i got the job or otherwise... i dunnoe... but felt the dire need to talk to someone... even though i kinda dislike chatting on the phone... was surprised that ben leng called at 2am on new year's day... was happy to hear his voice after so long actually... actually... i think i miss those friends whom i used to spend hours chatting on the phone with... in primary school especially... tammie...jane...maria... in secondary sch... serene...bernie...wf...ben...judah... i guess as ur life starts to speed up... and u have less time for your friends... they slowly drift away from you... then when everything comes to a stop... like after the a levels for me... it all tends to feel a little empty... and i start wondering how do pple like ben k. manages to work... meet up with his friends at like 1130 at nite... and still survive the next day... did i mention how i alwaz marvelled at the wonder of conversations... and held in admiration pple who were particularly articulate and fluent in their mastery of the language? spoke with ben k. twice so far... amazingly short conversations coz i was usually space-filler while he waits for his friends to arrive.. one of those articulate idiots who alwaz seem to make conversation seem a breeze... he reminds me of judah alot... with that slangish accent which u cant really tell whether it was american/australian/british... coz i cant differentiate anyway... wf's bro is quite powerful with the language too... though i thought he did a better job with it written rather than spoken... i wonder where i lie... am thoroughly aware of the fact that i dont speak really well... am better written than spoken... but i think i had better turn that ard... before i tell the next interviewer that i dunnoe why i applied for the job... damn! ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:06 --Link to Post |
23.1.04 |
Hilary Duff-So Yesterday
(So yesterday) (So yesterday) (So yesterday) You can change your life (If you wanna) You can change your clothes (If you wanna) If you change your mind Well that's the way it goes But I'm gonna keep your jeans And your old black hat ('Cuz I wanna) They look good on me You're never gonna get them back At least not today Not today Not today, 'cuz If it's over let it go and Come tomorrow it will seem So yesterday So yesterday I'm just a bird That's already flown away Laugh it off Let it go and When you wake up it will seem So yesterday So yesterday Haven't you heard that I'm gonna be okay You can say you're bored (If you wanna) You can act real tough (If you wanna) You could say you're torn But I've heard enough Thank you You've made my mind up for me When you started to ignore me Do you see a single tear It isn't gonna happen here At least not today Not today Not today, 'cuz If it's over let it go and Come tomorrow it will seem So yesterday So yesterday I'm just a bird That's already flown away Laugh it off Let it go and When you wake up it will seem So yesterday So yesterday Haven't you heard that I'm gonna be okay If you're over me, I'm already over you If it's all been done, What is left to do How can you hang up,If the line is dead If you walk out, I'm a step ahead If you're movin' on, I'm already gone If the light is off, Then it isn't on At least not today Not today Not today, 'cuz If it's over let it go and Come tomorrow it will seem So yesterday So yesterday I'm just a bird That's already flown away Laugh it off Let it go and When you wake up it will seem So yesterday Haven't you heard you're so (yesterday) If it's over let it go and Come tomorrow it will seem So yesterday So yesterday I'm just a bird That's already flown away Laugh it off Let it go and When you wake up it will seem So yesterday So yesterday Haven't you heard that I'm gonna be okay ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:47 --Link to Post |
the all important photo of the day...
us, nanny, plus zhonghan! cute boy ya??? nannyandherkids.JPG ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:42 --Link to Post |
granny and i...
funky rite??? the red top that she's wearing... grannyandi.JPG gurls... my sister stacy... cousins charlotte and charlene... and plain old me... gurls.JPG ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:26 --Link to Post |
din blog after reunion dinner the last nite...
but man... it was good... CNY eve was spent very well... at least to me... it felt good to be with my family... spent the morning shopping for my mom CNY clothes... manage to choose two tops for her... after throwing her into the changing room and many many tops to choose from... bought brooms... CNY couplets... had a snack and drink at KFC... bought almond cookies... was happy... coz it wasnt alwaz that i get to spend time with my mom like that... afternoon was spent clearing up the mess in the visible parts of the house... expecting guests for reunion dinner and chu yi... so HAD to make it at least presentable... put up the deco... and hongbaos to add to the redness... was careful not to overdo it though... shuffled in and out of the kitchen... preparing reunion dinner with our chief cook... my domestic help... auntie su... mastered the art of peeling prawns... and taught her how to do it with the shells still perserving its entire original shape... skilled right?? of coz... coz its me... then cut up the cucumber and pork for dad's favourite sambal timun... cut up the little green stuff for condiments... man... i felt so productive... so useful... so happy... think i'm showing signs of a workaholic... only truly am REALLy happy when i busy myself inside out... nuthing to do also find things to do... bleah... dad will beg to differ... esp when i procrastinate abt packing up my books... chu yi was another busy day... cooking lunch for about 20+ almost 30 pple... siao siao... run around the whole kitchen... but fun lah... at least i din have to go entertain the little devils who came visiting... so i survived CNY Day 1 unscathed... phew... did interact alot with the little cousins on my visiting rounds... but luckily... we din bump into the terrorising bunch... *breathes* met khim kieng and khim kie.. aka dove commercial's Sunshine Girl... pretty bunch... really forgot to take picture with them... damn... or else i can post it... and receive 10,000 requests for their phone numbers everyday... ate alot at grandaunt's place... her yam paste with gingko nuts... is truly fantastic... love those stuff... bet she's better than fang tai.... had dinner at uncle swee teck's place... charlene and gang came over too... took lotsa pics... pretty cousins i have really... check out the CNY link i have below... but guys... forget about getting their phone numbers... THEY ARE STILL MINORS... happie to see every one actually... getting the place all rowdy and full of life... one of my happy days... truly... tmr... nanny's place... camera HAS to go with me... simply HAVE to take photos with the lady i owe so much to... for taking care of me in the earliest 12 years of my life... did i mention the money exchange the week before??? i wanted to give her money coz i won some from sg open... and she wanted to give me money like alwaz... both of us so stubborn... we simply exchanged the notes... when i get my first paycheck... she's getting part of it too man! bro's asleep on the couch... waiting for me to accompany him to the room... coz he's too SCARED to walk alone in the dark... so i better ciaoz now... this CNY has been a riotious one so far.... have a great feeling that the year of the monkey is gonna be great for me... even the geomacers said the ox's luck will improve 3-fold... i certainly hope its true... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:15 --Link to Post |
21.1.04 |
colourful AMK central... teresa back from HK... =) ----Stef stopped rambling at 13:35 --Link to Post |
20.1.04 |
came back pretty late last nite...
by most pple's standards its early la... but i'm a homebody... hate being out there... away from the homely comforts... yes, i'm a total slacker... but its also becoz my legs seem to take me alot less further these days with the ankle prb... so pardon me... i'm a happier person at home... love being out with friends too... just that i love having a curfew... weird... oh ya!!! shucks... i was in the same LRT train as this shuai ge... we alighted same station and everything... but i was pretty drained after the long day... so walked really quickly home... and damn! i din know he was just behind me... and the best part! he lives in the same block! so my lift door closed before he could even reach for the button... damn... if only i knew... i'd walk a little slowly... then i'll get to see him a little more... =( that aside... am starting to believe entirely in the saying that wad goes ard comes ard... maybe johnston's rite in saying that i should review how i treat pple... not maybe... definitely... i'm da kind who gets too busy sending sms-es that i neglect replying sms-es... feel so mean towards pple that should matter... and i guess its time i change... start on my journey towards being a better person... but judging from the way i am now... think i have a long long way to go man... ben khong said that wad the interviewer said on friday sounded more like a 'wait for our reply after CNY...' damn... i kinda want the job... or A job for that matter... dying to grow up and face the world... watch out world... here i come... ----Stef stopped rambling at 13:32 --Link to Post |
19.1.04 |
just back from my first half of the day..
went to the polyclinic to get a referal to a specialist abt my leg... it was horrid though... waited like 2 plus hours just to see the doc for 5 mins... and paid like 8 bucks for that stupid letter... worst part... the doc was such an a**hole... piangz... told him abt my leg... then he asked... so wad do you want us to do abt it??? harlow~? you're the doc... YOU'RE supposed to tell me... then nvm... after that i ask fo referal to TTSH... then he... are you sure you want one? the waiting time is abt two-three months... just make sure you dont complain... i replied very matter-of-factly... which is true... I AM NOT COMPLAINING... just give me the freaking letter and less of your sucky attitude... hey... so wat if you're a doctor... if thats the way he works... he's not in it for the passion... just the money and the prestige ya? then do me and alot of other pple a favour... quit the job and go be a GP... you'll probably earn more! but wait a minute... your attitude sucked so much... no one would frequent your clinic ya??? damn... too bad! that aside... was late in meeting teresa in sch... but found her after search long and hard... was quite tough... coz she gave me her sis' HP number... and it was a hongkong number... then i rem the extension wrongly... went to eat AJ ice with her, pq, aud, her sis and her sis' bf... quite yummy... but i guess we had a bit of a prb keeping the conversation going... meeting again tonite though... when the non-slackers finish work... then maybe dinner... at orchard... realise i cannot make appointments with pple... i tend to forget all the little details to consider when setting time and place... lousy me... quite frankly... first time i have to 'host' a friend from abroad like that... dunnoe where to bring her and wad to do... dunnoe wad to eat later also... coz its a 10+ pple group... everybody's coming at different times... and we are poor young working adults... but i'm not working... i'm just a pai ka... darn... probably bring her to walk at esplanade... but dinner IS a huge problem... leaving home at abt 5pm... still raining cats and dogs over here... hope it stops soon... i miss the mild warmth of sunshine... ----Stef stopped rambling at 14:57 --Link to Post |
this you got to see...
few of the most important pple in my life... seven.jpg had a gathering today... at ching's place... we had steamboat...yusheng...tangyuan...cake...'sparkling juice'... hehhe... but the company was simply fantastic... actually the word fantastic doesnt do justice to the fun with had... and laughter we shared... miss those pple alot alot... took freaking alot of photos... alot with rene in it... coz it was her b-dae yesterdae ya? hehhe... made her a gigantic card... card.jpg think i almost made her cry... coz it came with a jigsaw puzzle that combined all our names... a sheep... a mr muddle book... and lotsa love from all of us... hope she liked it... jy couldnt join us though... CNY period... working hard in noel... the gift company... overtime until wee hours of the morning... poor her... but rich too... meeting them again soon to watch the last samurai... cool! then in feb for ching's b-dae and a bball session... weird that we are a bball team yet we NEVER play bball together anymore... gy mentioned we seemed like yuppies now.. minus the 'excutives' part of that word... you know... the work in the day... and meet friends and play at nite... i guess we grown a little older... but with that i treasure them more... early afternoon was spent at NSC... with my favourite idiot, sammy boy... just got a haircut... and i think he looks really funky with it... think that boy is really scared of being late when meeting me liaoz... late for 10 mins he scared until msg me that he'll be REALLY late... no prb buddy... i know pple who can be late for 45 mins... withour batting an eyelid... *points at cyndi* hehhe... rigged up the sails... met the new coach... oh well... oni sam went out to sea... i stayed on beach... helped work out my sister's maths sums that baffled her for two days on end... then dad came to pick me to go ching's place... really like chauffeur rite??? my dad is simply fantastic... keke... continue tomorrow... another long day coz i'm going to see the doc abt my leg tmr... and meeting teresa who just came from hk for a visit... think i'm the oni smart ass who gave her a number to contact when she's back... no one else did... but i'm also the idiot who din get her contact number... and asked her to meet in sch when the bulk of the council is at work... damn... i'm such a idiot...... or is it 'an idiot'? watever!!! busy day... but must pack my book shelf!!! ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:23 --Link to Post |
17.1.04 |
just back from lunch and buying stuff...
made our way to BenQ warehouse... and got the digicam for 199... not bad a buy really... and the SD ram for 75 bucks... no optical zoom... but i guess the digital zoom would suffice... we got so used to the MANUAL zoom... walking forward and backwards... who needs optical zoom? =P but runs on AA batteries... and can used rechargeables... but at least... its abt 3+ Megapixels now... compared to the 1.5 we were using... but we saw benQ's next range... looks set to be quite suave indeed... went for meat bone tea... better known as rou gu cha... shiok... 28 bucks for the 4 of us... but the niceness of the uncles/aunties serving us was worth every bit of it... parents spoke to them like old pals... and they kept replenishing the delicious soup... 5 stars! for excellent service and that oh-so-homely atmosphere... and needless to mention... the scrumptious food! bought stuff to make rene's card liaoz... passing to her tmr... its gonna be a HUGE card... hope it comes out nice... coz she's my bestest pal in the whole world... i suck at buying presents... but hope the effort on her card would suffice... meeting the team at ching's place for BBQ/steamboat tomorrow... all of them are gonna be there... so it'll be the octet... and hopefully manna would join us... since she's on vacation from her vet studies in aust... miss the bunch... would definitely bring the new BenQ cam for tmr!!! ----Stef stopped rambling at 16:47 --Link to Post |
song got me thru horrid training in thailand..
was humming to myself during runs... David Tao-ÕÒ×Ô¼º ×òÌìÍíÉÏ×öÁ˸öÃÎ ÎÒ×ß½øÈö¹þÀɳĮ ¿ÕÎÞÒ»ÈËÕ¾ÔÚÌ«ÑôÏ ÉãÊÏÁùÊ®ÁùµãÁù¶È ¿ìÒª·Ù»¯ÎÒµÄÑÛÖé ºöȻһ³¡´óÓê½µÏÂÀ´ º¹Ë®±»ÄÇÓêË®³å×ß ½áÊøËÄÊ®ÌìµÄÕÛÄ¥ »ÄÄ®ÒÑת±ä³ÉÁËÂÌÖÞ ²ÊºçÏÂÓÐÒ»¿Ã´óÊ÷ ´óÊ÷ÉÏÓÐÒ»¸öÆ»¹û Ò§ÏÂÒ»¿ÚÎÒ¾ÍÈ«Ã÷°× ¿É²»¿ÉÒÔÈÃÎÒÔÙ ÈÃÎÒÔÙÒ»´Î »Øµ½ÄǸöÃÀÀöÊÀ½çÀïÕÒ×Ô¼º »©À² À²À²À²À² ÌìÔÚÏÂÓê »©À² À²À²À²À² ÔÆÔÙ¿ÞÆü »©À² À²À²À²À² µÎÈëÎÒµÄÐÄ ²»ÓÃ˵ÎÒÖ»»áºú˼ÂÒÏë ²»ÓøúÎÒ˵ÎÒÖ»»áÍýÏë »©À² À²À²À²À² ÈÃÎÒÈ¥ÁÜÓê ÎÒֻϣÍûÄܹ»ÔÙ Äܹ»ÔÙÒ»´Î »Øµ½ÄǸöÃÀÀöʱ¹âÀï ÕÒ×Ô¼º ¼·ÔÚ¹«³µÏñ¸öɳ¶¡Óã ÉÏ°àÏ°àÿÌìÊǹæÂÉ Õâô¶àµÄÈ˵½ÄÄÀïÈ¥ ÿ¸öÃæ¿×д×ÅÎÞÄÎ °Ö°ÖÂèÂè±Ë´ËûÓа® ÄѵÀÕâ¾ÍÊÇÉúÃüµÄÕæÀí? ¿É²»¿ÉÒÔÈÃÎÒÔÙ ÈÃÎÒÔÙÒ»´Î »Øµ½ÄǸöÃÀÀöÊÀ½çÀïÈ¥Ì ¶ãÔÚÎÒµÄÎÝéÜÏÂoh ˯ÔÚÎҵı»µ¥Àïoh Ìý×ÅϸÓêµÎµÎ´ð´ðµÎµÎ´ð´ð »©À² À²À²À²À² ÌìÔÚÏÂÓê »©À² À²À²À²À² Ñ©ÔÚ¿ÞÆü »©À² À²À²À²À² µÎÈëÎÒµÄÐÄ ²»ÓÃ˵ÎÒÖ»»áºú˼ÂÒÏë ²»ÓøúÎÒ˵ÎÒÖ»»áÍýÏë »©À² À²À²À²À² ÈÃÎÒÈ¥ÁÜÓê ÎÒֻϣÍûÄܹ»ÔÙ Äܹ»ÔÙÒ»´Î »Øµ½ÄǸöÃÀÀöʱ¹âÀï ÕÒ»Ø×Ô¼º ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:17 --Link to Post |
16.1.04 |
went for job interview today...
did the craziest thing... 'why do you think you're suited for this job?' frankly i dunnoe... and i said that... GAWD! my life's kinda hanging over the edge right now... dunnoe whether we're (me and qi) are employed... until the lady calls us after CNY... good break i suppose... the heels... or rather... just my shoes is killing my back... damn... walked almost the whole of orchard with qi... in heels!!!?!??!!? yeay... irrational... but bo pian... skipping training tmr... i'll either break my back... or do something horrid to my ankle again... sucky... but heck... coz andrew's heading to johor for the shortboard race... WQ's on MC since india... and loony has some newspaper collection exercise... sam's probably the oni idiot facing the rough seas... worried for him... but i really cant... the future of my ankle is in peril... i still wanna do the catwalk you know? get real! was just thinking abt it today... you know... abt how my dad/mom/family alwaz comes to pick me after training and all... and how my team mates call me spoily becoz of that? dunnoe really know whether or not i am... coz i do relish the chauffeuring my dad does for me... but is he being over-protective... or really simply just NICE... i would choose to think the latter though... i mean he does that for every single person in the family... ya protecting us... but even for strangers? dont think the protective part would come into effect here... maybe i AM spoilt.. but i feel loved... starting to sound like that infamous Dove shampoo commercial... really... i guess the time in the car with the whole family... though the growing us kinda fit a tad too snugly in the back seat... its family bonding time man... over dinner... almost everyday... it feels good... and even if it means i'm labelled spoilt...pampered...watever... as a result of that... frankly... i really dun mind... *blissful smile* coz NSC is really a difficult place to get to w/o a car... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:55 --Link to Post |
15.1.04 |
![]() ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:50 --Link to Post |
14.1.04 |
Linking Park_-_Points Of Authority
Forfeit the game / Before somebody else Takes you out of the frame / Puts your name to shame Cover up your face / You can’t run the race The pace is too fast / You just won't last You love the way I look at you While taking pleasure in the awful things you put me through You take away if I give in My life My pride is broken You like to think you’re never wrong (You live what you’ve learned) You have to act like you’re someone (You live what you’ve learned) You want someone to hurt like you (You live what you’ve learned) You want to share what you’ve been through (You live what you’ve learned) You love the things I say I’ll do The way I’ll hurt myself again just to get back at you You take away when I give in / my life My pride is broken You like to think you’re never wrong (You live what you’ve learned) You want to act like you’re someone (You live what you’ve learned) You want someone to hurt like you (You live what you’ve learned) You want to share what you’ve been through (You live what you’ve learned) Forfeit the game / Before somebody else Takes you out of the frame / Puts your name to shame Cover up your face / You can’t run the race The pace is too fast / You just won't last should i? You like to think you’re never wrong (You live what you’ve learned) You want to act like you’re someone (You live what you’ve learned) You want someone to hurt like you (You live what you’ve learned) You want to share what you’ve been through (You live what you’ve learned) You like to think you’re never wrong / forfeit the game (You live what you’ve learned) You want to act like you’re someone / forfeit the game (You live what you’ve learned) You want someone to hurt like you / forfeit the game (You live what you’ve learned) You want to share what you’ve been through / forfeit the game (You live what you’ve learned) ----Stef stopped rambling at 20:30 --Link to Post |
miss these pple man!
steamboating at chings place on sat... woohoo!!! and its rene's b-dae... baby_apple_me_lala_ying.jpg ----Stef stopped rambling at 20:23 --Link to Post |
13.1.04 |
nuthing much today...
'cept going to the sinseh again for my ankle... visiting my nanny after that... (exchanging $50 notes with one another coz we both wanna give each other money...) playing with boy-boy... the kid she's be looking after... quite frankly he's a smart kid la... but utterly mischievious... buay ta han... was climbing all over me... playing with my hair... asking me for lu cha... but its cute how he asks for jie jie when my nanny tried to put him to sleep... and again when he woke up... maybe its simply for the reason that i was novelty in the home of mostly adults... kor came back from sch... was telling me that U life not easy... that my parents were worried abt me... that i should maybe have less commitment in sch ya... so that i can concentrate on my studies... he just bought a 2nd hand car ya? a honda civic... muahaha... next time i go their place... i'll have a chauffeur back home liaoz!!! kor wan sui! ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:19 --Link to Post |
12.1.04 |
shot in sch...
frankly... i quite miss it... so here's a shot of us... after morning assembly... trying to waste time before lectures... AJsquare.jpg ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:55 --Link to Post |
went for the job briefing in tekok ayer street with tabber today...
everything abt the job sounds ok... except for the fact that... ...we are expected to work 0930 to abt 2200... ...we have to walk alot... ...we earn approx 60 bucks per day... ...we have to walk alot... ...and i mean alot... piangz... go ard shopping malls... help NETS change the stickers on the shop windows... eeks... so many!!! 20 bucks basic pay... 50 cents per shop... frankly... i'd rather sit at home and wait for handouts for my parents... besides... my ankle is acting up so bad... walking hurts a shitty lot... so we walked out of the briefing... had sugar cane juice at the hawker centre... and went walk walk at chinatown... where angel bought two tops... i was trying hard to control myself... coz have been spending too much on CNY clothes... which... on hindsight... really dont look THAT good on me actually... back to crapz... was just reading xiuz' blog... spotted my name in his Thank You speech... was so gandong... wasnt expecting it... and i guess sweet gestures are the sweetest when you least expect it... xiuz... thank you for that... coz it really made my day... though you better make sure my name isnt there just coz of free movie ok!!! =P back to the ankle... its getting really bad... was limping a little ard chinatown... and then kinda knew the trouble i was in... 1. explaining to andrew why i havent been training for almost 2 weeks... 2. explaining to the sinseh why my ankle still like that after 2 sessions... (esp since he asked me not to walk ard too much...) 3. the amount of money my parents have been throwing to the sinseh to treat my bad ankles... 4. the amount of weight i have been putting on since i havent been able to jog or work out... 5. the clothes that mightnt fit anymore... 6. the pain! oh the pain!! will go to the sinseh tmr... and maybe bring with me something to bite... the previous session was so painful i almost came to blows with the sinseh... back to coach andrew... did i blog previously abt him??? think i really scared of him or something... dreamt of him on nite over the weekend... and like feared.. he was angry that i din train... and started using vulgarities... i went up to him and started explaining abt my injury... and how i din want to end up limping for the rest of my life... quite frankly... i dunnoe how many of you guys actually notice... but some pple have been telling me that i have a slight limp... even when my ankle is supposedly ok... kinda gets me worried... coz i dont want it to worsen in future... or hinder watever i wanna do in future... started crying and crying... in my sleep... damn... thats how traumatising andrew can be to me really... he's one person that i can never convince with logic... dunnoe whether it is that i'm not logical enough... or too logical for the 'i-am-alwaz-right'-kinda egoistic male... talking/arguing with him alwaz reminds me of how i used to quarrel with wf/luke... just never seem to be able to get my point thru... hiaks... talking abt wf... granny asked me abt him today... asking for alexander... she knows him as alex... why he hasnt been ard... amazing coz granny has been gradually losing her memory.. and sometimes she even asks who am i or mistakes me for my sis... and i'm supposed to be her fav grand daughter... but the most amazing part is that she rems that wf's mom is wheelchair bound... something i dun rem telling her... or wf being ard her that much to tell her that... *shrugs* ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:42 --Link to Post |
11.1.04 |
tabber say guy told her there is 'persuasion' involved...
so 'persuading shops to let us take down and put up decals for them'?!?!?! isnt that SALES!?!?!?! damn... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:43 --Link to Post |
10.1.04 |
did my first call sourcing for a job liaoz...
am going down to telok ayer with tabber for a briefing... how far is that a 'yes-you've-got-the-job'... i dunnoe... but it's not a useful job... something u can put into ur resume and say... "hey...i havent been slacking for the past 18 years of my life... but i guess its something we can pass our time with and lesser the burden on our parents... erm... helping some events co. with decals at various shopping malls? sounds bleah... but accordingly... though he said he couldnt tell us how much we'll be paid... he mentioned it'll be safely within the 60-70/day region... and if we're hardworking... 100 bucks??? maybe not... we're slackers ya know... but its better than slacking at home... draining my parents' cash... times aint good ya know? went for breakfast with parents today... and followed them ard on their errand running... man! they do so much on their days off... feel guilty for not helping out in the house as much as i can... in one morning... we ate my fav raw fish and congee at maxwell market... went CPF building to query abt the ERS shares... AAS to pay for road tax and insurance... bought 4D... pumped petrol... before dad dropped me and mum at the hairdressers... i got a trim... and guess wat... mom suggested i get a dye... and i did! hehehhe... *evil prawn laughter* mom regretted sia... coz it cost her a whooping 95 bucks... plus the cut of course... colour is called Twig... by L'Oreal... did i spell that right? hmm... its a little reddish... but cant really tell what it'll look like after a couple of washes... am hoping its nuthing THAT obvious man... i've had enough trouble looking thai... i dun wanna look like thai with angmoh... but its fun la... so far sis havent noticed... so hengfully its not that obvious... will be getting down to write a resume now... wish me best... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:16 --Link to Post |
9.1.04 |
went to the sinseh...
scolded me for running ard too much... ankle prb went all the way to the knee and hips... man... felt so guilty i put off rigging up my sail... and headed home instead... with a big bag on my back... met this friendly auntie at the clinic... started chatting... abt jc... abt her daughter who just got into jc... hehe... sweet... still looking ard for job... saw interesting stuff... din get down to sending out resumes though... coz i havent got one... maybe i should just stay home everyday and stop spending money... maybe then i dun have to work ya??? but thats not the point... maybe wait for qi to come home... then we source for jobs together??? alwaz good to have company... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:10 --Link to Post |
qi, nunune and me!
BTN 111... 26 year-old indonesian... sweet and friendly lady... =) WQ.nunune.me.JPG ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:20 --Link to Post |
just back...
actually almost an hour ago la... just came out from the shower... joined the council at downtown east for a BBQ... still smell like bak kua... coz was standing like a hawk over the BBQ pit... BBQ-ing my heart out... guarding that precious piece of chicken more like it... but proud of the fire the girls started today... guys din help much... and the all-male group in the next pit din do as well... their fire paled in comparision... muahhaha.... had a good time la... but somehow din really like the way ** spoke to me... yesterdae was the same thing... in the mrt... c'mon... if i interupted the conversation assuming the wrong thing he could have alwaz told me nicely... the way he did it sounded more like a rebuke than anything else... piangz... i din have to take that silently really... but any form of retaliation would prove futile anyway... and 'where got pple put butter on crabsticks!?!?' din like the way he questioned my intellect... i was stunned for a while as to why i did it... so i retreated humbly... only to recall it was to prevent the crabsticks from sticking to the foil... 'why you put butter on the crabstick!??!?!' why dont you take my place over at the pit and do your own cooking instead... u %&$@*% !!! if you read that... and realised its you... dun worry... probably no one would know... coz very little pple read my blog... and kinda hoped you would realise that your manner of speech was indeed quite offensive... grrr... signed up for the basic theory test liaoz... on the 13 of feb... pple plz remind me... its on a friday... lallaa... really scared i forget... but hopefully liteng will rem... we aiming to get our licenses by end of 2004.. wish us best... going to the bonesetter again tmr... ankle still pain... and it seems like its getting worse... maybe its the mass dances i was struggling with on finale night... couldnt resist dancing with all those pple... now i suffer the consequences... pain!!! and another 20 bucks into the sinseh's pockets... he better get it fixed... probably take a cab into NSC as well.. then FINALLY set up my sail... and board... and sail the weekend... before andrew comes back and realise we havent been training... but seriously... i'm trying hard to get my ankle fixed wor... the pain is killing me... and i dun wanna limp for the rest of my life.... will ciaoz to sleep before dad wakes up to watch 22 monkeys running after one ball... oops... not supposed to say that.... i'm supposed to like soccer as well... okay... watch 22 well-paid...and usually good looking...monkeys running after one ball... muahhaha... ciaoz... ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:08 --Link to Post |
8.1.04 |
just came back from orientation finale nite...
mass-dancing the nite away... cheering our hearts out... being with the pple who mattered alot to me in sch... felt good... like a student all over again.. except that we were kinda old actually... actually... very old liaoz... conversations were usually started with.. 'eh where you working ah?' hahha... and the job pays were flying all over the place... '$6.50 per hour la...OT $8.90 per hour la...' am feeling so slack... so un-adult-like... alwaz pple ask me why not working... i tell them i'm training full time... but... is that really wat i want??? train every day... travel all the way to nsc... to train everyday??? quite apprehensive leh... and looking at how all my peers earn money now... cant help but feel the need to contribute to the family... and put a stop to my money-sucking ways... money flows out now like water from a waterfall... hiaks! will spend tmr morning looking into the papers... then meet cyndi to sign up for basic theory test... then make our way to the chalet... will train extra hard on weekends... and try to gym at nite... wish me best... PS: anyone got lobang for jobs, contact me ya??? prefably those that pay 20 bucks an hour... OT at 30 bucks... flexi hours somemore... keke... seriously... anything that can learn stuff... and sustain my simple life... ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:19 --Link to Post |
7.1.04 |
taken in thailand...
but no wonder andrew alwaz scold me... my stance is really bad... SIN23001.JPG ----Stef stopped rambling at 13:07 --Link to Post |
6.1.04 |
went to the bonesetter's today...
am walking normal... but my ankle hurts when i press on it... and occasionally when i attempt some funnie footwork... today was probably the worst session... hurt quite a bit when he rubbed on it... pain... but just tahan... heard he got reputation for scolding pple who winced too much... but the many times i've been there... never kena scolding before.. din want today to be the first... came on home... was on the LRT... got this small boy with the biggest pairs of eyes i ever seen... was smiling at him... and he smiled back... even waved bye bye to me when i left the train... he made me smile today... not like i wasnt smiling already... but he made me a happie gurl... on the way back home... kinda dawned on me how expensive everything was getting... mom's been asking me to get a job.... she says its not for the money... but to keep me occupied... but somehow i feel that i'm kind of a burden on the finances... since everything's getting so expensive now... no longer cheap sch tuckshop food... paying adult fare on the public transport system... no input of money (other than the little bit from singapore open...and the edusave award..) i keep saying i want something that can accomodate my training schedule... but quite frankly... i should decide now how far i wanna go with wsfing... maybe its time to put my feet on the ground... and stop floating ard with my dreams... ----Stef stopped rambling at 14:01 --Link to Post |
our laogongs and laopos...
our baobei sails lor... look damn chio here rite... of course... WQ take the pic one mah! sails.JPG ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:49 --Link to Post |
went to send WQ, sam and andrew off today...
help with the loading of equipment.. and got my dad to send us to the airport... bow came as well... and he was really nice to talk to actually... coz we were stuck outside the check-in rows... am wondering why all these nice pple aint my coach instead... but thats besides the point... actually felt a little stupid going to send them off actually... had to wake at 4am... rushed down to meet them at NSC at 0445... then had dad to send us to the airport... crazy becoz the oni papa ard was the papa of the person who wasnt going... then stayed outside the check-in area chatting to bow... then the bunch had to go in at 0615... felt like a stupid idiot... going all the way... then having to take a bus back to sk as well... spoiling my bio clock and all... wondered if it was my obligation to go... i would willingly go to see off two of my bestest mates... but the way andrew snapped at me when i wondered aloud why they had to go in so early... making bow take the taxi all the way from newton for nuthing... and me, my daddy doing all the unnecessary... i really felt like biting him again... dunnoe why he had to be so irritating of late... getting on pple's nerves all the time... grr... so left with bow... the took the long train to newton... and i took the small train to T1 to take the bus... i miss sam and wq... hope they are adapting well there!!! went to sch to jiao the 20th sc... and check out the orientation... not bad la the j1s... and was thoroughly happy to see my council again... yippie... met up with luke after that... went to great world... ate jap... watched ju-on... hate horror movies... probably oni watched 1/3 of it... eeks... bought a couple of tops today.. and a skirt... and realised i've got really tanned feet.. ugly ones... wondering how can i wear sandals like dat... eeks! ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:45 --Link to Post |
4.1.04 |
luke's back from china...
but he's leaving again in a week... asked me to call him when i got back home... its been 4 hours... but i didnt... dunnoe why... maybe coz i see no point in it... he's gonna leave again... move on... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:23 --Link to Post |
the 4 gurls competing in siam cup...
the HKGurls are really a cool bunch... looking forward to seeing them again... anytime this year! me.ahyee.WQ.connie2.JPG ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:17 --Link to Post |
my favourite bunch of pple...
they truly rock... PFbummers.JPG ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:59 --Link to Post |
my race report...
too tired to blog abt my sucky day... will do so some other day... today's entry would be something i stayed up till 3am last nite to finish... (not considering the fact i started past midnite...) Sawasdee! Though we have been back from beautiful Thailand for some time now, we don’t seem to miss out on any opportunity to flaunt our (lack of) fluency of the Thai language. (Unless you consider being able to count from one to ten as being fluent.) Thailand, however Asian it might seem, was pretty different from Singapore, explaining the culture shock we experienced on the first few days of our stay. Having strangers striking up conversations with you in Thai (and frantically waving your hands saying, “no speak Thai!”), adding condiments such as chilli, vinegar, fish sauce and sugar (!!!) in your already tasty noodles, the obvious lack of rubbish bins in the area, (having to walk the distance of NSC to the nearest bus stop for the bin and back) were just a few of the abnormalities that we soon conformed to. In short, it simply meant that the Thais were amazingly friendly people, the food there was so good you wondered why you only had 3 meals to eat and that you would probably have a mini rubbish bin in your pockets to save yourself from all the walking. On a serious note, training in Thailand was undoubtedly tougher and more regimental that what we experienced in Singapore, (though Coach Andrew will beg to differ about the ‘tough’ part). We literally lived by the sea, with the beach just four lanes across the road. The 4 of us relished the convenience but it also meant that we could never escape training, (not like we tried to). The weather in Pattaya was amazing, the sun never fails to blaze and throughout our 23-day stay, not a single drop of rain fell from the skies, (that also meant that we could not escape training). So everyday, we just breathe sea air, drank seawater and ate seafood (in tomyam, stir-fried, steamed and broiled). But before I give the impression that it was a 23-day holiday funded by taxpayers, I must give credit to Coach Andrew for giving us the whacking of our lives. Days begun at 0540 hrs when my Siemens M55 starts the cockerel ring tone and I begin my treacherous journey to the adjacent bathroom to wash up. By 0630 hours we would already be all warmed up and ready to embark on our ‘25x2-mins’, ‘Pattaya-Park-and-back’ or ‘up-the-hill’ jog. The boys would usually speed up and leave me in their dust, trudging behind with my little shuffles. On hindsight, it was a routine I would not even think possible, much less do, but still am glad I did (without hesitation). Weight training was done every other day, torture techniques, (hanging like a dead fish on the pull-up bar, sit-ups, weights, weights and more weights), you name it, Coach Andrew already thought of it. Winds there are ever so punctual, to an extent that we regard morning water time as our pumping session and afternoon training as our ‘flatten-your-sail-and-sheet-in’ sessions. Winds there vary from the gusty offshores to the constant 12-18 knots northeast winds. The waves there were more defined and were indeed very much easier to ride as compared to those in Singapore. So if there was only one thing I learnt, it was riding the waves on the downwind effectively, (but of course, I learnt more than that). Afternoon training coincides with that of the Thai Olympic squad, was thoroughly amazed by their board speed and agility on the board, and have been trying to copy their stance and reactions to the waves to the best of my ability. After that would be a long 4-person queue to the toilet, then heading out with the locals for dinner and maybe some grocery shopping. Visited the night market at Threpprasit Road as well, and that would probably record as the most “no speak Thai!” exclaimed in a night, especially since we looked utterly local (read: non-Caucasian). Days usually end by 2300 hours and it would be comatose till the next morning. Luck was on our side, (or maybe otherwise) that during our stay there we managed to race the Siam Cup and join one of their club races as well, at Bangsaen Beach, Chonburi. The former saw a fleet of MODs totalling at least 20, though the diversity of nationality was not present, it was a good learning experience racing with the team from Hong Kong and the locals, of course. Though our results struggled behind ideality, it cannot be disputed that we learnt a lot about board handling and sail rigging from the experts we never fail to look up to. These would include Arun Homraruen, Khunthong Saksan and twins Kookiat and Kreaungkrai Sakulkaeng. The latter was raced in incredibly gusty offshores and flat waters. It was probably the first time we raced such a small course ever since we converted from soft sails to the MOD. But as expected, short races meant that mistakes were amplified ten times over, a little struggle would probably set you back by at least several points. At the very least, we experienced the transitions of a 20-knot gust and an 8-knot breeze (and vice versa) all within a couple of seconds; now, we would probably handle such situations more aptly, (no longer swimming in the cold, freezing waters). A full report of the 23 days would probably clog up the server, not surprising because this trip was indeed a fruitful and rewarding experience for the MOD team, (*points to the 2000 baht won at Bangsaen by SIN90). The four of us came back to Singapore with nice brown (or black) tans, team spirit strengthened (or tested), stomachs tuned to the fiery spice of tom yam and pok pok and the calluses on our hands higher by several millimeters now. Many thanks to our dear Coach Andrew who never failed to instill in us the importance of punctuality and efficiency, and bringing up our fitness and strength to a level never before attained. The training stint was trying, both physically and mentally, but one thing for sure we learnt, is that physical limitations can always be stretched further simply by playing with the human mind. (“Just a little bit more!”, however untrue, gets you through the most trying regimes, even if you were telling yourself that for the past hour or so.) ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:53 --Link to Post |
2.1.04 |
before the road trip to bangsaen beach...
am standing beside nick.... cool kid... really nice and polite... one of those who went all out to make me feel right at home... esp during the races at bangsaen... group2.JPG ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:48 --Link to Post |
went out with angel, YXY, yz, xiuz and keats today...
school of rock... my treat... muahhaha... but cant afford to treat more pple liaoz... am running low on cash... went shopping with angel... and the guys in tow... piangz... totally cannot go shopping with guys... they really cannot make it one... make u feel so guilty that u make them wait... we DID warn them that we're shopping wad... but they said they din mind... hhahaha... my next shopping trip will be fully female... so tat i wont feel guilty ya??? but back to sch of rock... it was GREAT man... the kids could really play... pretty well in fact... feel so utterly inferior... but i guess my talents lie elsewhere.. namely sleeping and eating... we wanted to go get the soundtrack... but guess wad... it costs 45 bucks at HMV... siao! no wonder pple resort to piracy and online d/l-ing... 45 bucks is killer to poor pple like us... we have no income... yet have to pay adult fare on the public transport system... which is really daylight robbery lor... am thinking of cheaper ways to get me to the beach and train... but dad's totally against me cycling to ECP... so i really dunnoe how... spend 4 bucks just to get to ECP and train? i have to take 3 buses you know?!?!! argh... i really dunnoe... am feeling the pinch liaoz... that i'm no longer some carefree airhead just sponging off my parents... time i should get some work.... but i dunnoe what kinda work can allow me to train often... dad suggests that i shouldnt look too much into wsfing... that its probably time that i take my mind elsewhere... and not focus on something that doesnt give me a future... much as i wanna disagree and maybe fall out with him... cant help but remember all the times he were right... all the times his predictions came true... all the times that i regretted not listening to his advice... frankly dun really know wad to do... or wad to think... ciaoz... ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:42 --Link to Post |
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this is krai...
he doesnt look his age huh??? 26... but cant tell whether he looks older or younger though... just doesnt look 26... but he's a nice guy la... hanging ard the 4 of us... the bunch they collectively address as small boys... including me and WQ... dunnoe by choice or as an act of kindness... to look after us in thailand... but he's really nice... squeaky.krai.me.JPG this is my favourite idiot... most pple think he's some serious chap... u know? the strong, silent type of guy... though he's really skinny... like even lighter than me... strong for his size... but in actual fact... he's this ultimately lame idiot... that everyone loves to hate... ultra insensitive and not one to take initiative... but still... probably my favourite idiot in all of history... sammy boy... disclaimer: plz stop thinking he's my bf or something... even arun asked if he were my boyfriend... oh plz... i'd rather get a block of wood... and WQ... stop saying we're compatible... sam.me.JPG ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
day after singapore open... woke up at 2pm sia... din party the nite away... but stayed up late to do up the photos... and post some of them on the blog... part two of photos coming up soon... man... i love photos... though i hate being in them... stayed home the most of today.. was supposed to go out with ben... but we couldnt get each other the most of NYE... so plan's off... went for dinner with family... and to the thai temple we alwaz frequent... for a good year ahead... sis had the whole car shaking in fits... when we finally realised that she din know the meaning of bus 11... so taking bus 11 means walking ah??? my frens who stay near school alwaz tell me they take bus 11 home... and i alwaz wondered where they take the bus from... piangz... and i thought i was blur.... she's much worse man! have decided to quickly take all the licenses that i plan to take before i go uni la... its not alot of time... but its alot of things that i really want to do.. about working during this period of time... am wondering if NSC needs to employ pple... but i dun really like the environment there... so i guess since i probably cant find a job that can inculcate my training schedule... i'll probably not work... and slack... and rot... =P ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:35 --Link to Post |
came back not long ago from the NYE party...
was great having the thais ard... are a fantastic bunch of pple... chionged the last race today... hiaks... wasnt too good... but got me second for ladies and first for gurls... ended up treating the team to pool and coffee... at parkway... realised that i totally suck at pool... and that i should probably stick to more familiar things like sleeping and eating... told uncle ben and mr tan that my parents arent keen on me going china... opportunity lost i know.. but really want to spend the time in sg... i've got a life outside windsurfing one you know? food wasnt THAT good tonite... but i guess at such stuff... its the company that truly matters... and am glad that i have all these pple ard me... its back to feeling how blissful my life is... and i thank God for it... ----Stef stopped rambling at 03:56 --Link to Post |
conclusion of the pattaya trip...
and singapore open... i think my team did end up being closer than ever before... post race party... NYE together... like every year... we simply love each other too much la... MODteam.jpg my supposed ouxiang... ARUN... though impression changed after a while... nevertheless... he still remains as an amazing windsurfer... someone to look up to in terms of skills and technique... head got cut off abit though... too dark to aim the cam properly... me.arun.JPG ----Stef stopped rambling at 03:39 --Link to Post |
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