30.4.07 |
Day 89 of Project 365... in a horribly bad mood... i dont know why... maybe PMS... hopefully a picture of the sky would help... ----Stef stopped rambling at 17:59 --Link to Post |
i hate it when pple go on MC/leave without doing anything about their appointments... urgh. ----Stef stopped rambling at 13:08 --Link to Post |
i have some guy friends who are impossible to meet up without it being a 2-person affair... i dont know how it started off that way... but i guess it's just that we werent acquainted as a group of friends... or our friendship just grew beyond a group... so i dont know if i should feel happy or sad when i tell the guy i am going to meet so-and-so... and he says, "ok. i'm going jogging." or just "Ok"... while i appreciate the trust he has in me... sometimes i think maybe he just doesnt care... i kinda suspect he thinks i'm a guy... i hate this insecurity... ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:15 --Link to Post |
29.4.07 |
![]() Day 88 of Project 365... i know the picture sucks... but i need to document the food tour i have been doing with my family the last few days... i kinda told them about my need to eat the whole list of stuff before i go... so they kindly obliged and we've been feasting the entire weekend away... added to that next week is almost full with activities already... so i'll see myself in the following places for various reasons... A r i a Bistro + Wine Bar... B R O T H... P a u l a n e r B r a u h a u s... E l l e n b o r o u g h Market Cafe... and maybe D a P a o l o if the guy decides to bring me when he treats his parents... but i think not coz he has been really jealous of my job... picture above is a really shiok fish + prawn soup in Amoy Street... Piao Ji Fish Soup or something... the queue is freaking long... but it never gets us down! lotsa fresh fish slices and prawns... in a soup that is both light and tasty... driven up a notch by deep fried blue ginger bits... dinner today was Jackson Food Centre's ngoh hiang... superb stuff... not much meals left to complete my food tour... but then again... it has been mind-blowing... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
i have always thought Pumpernickel to be a nickname like chicken backside... coz it sounds cute and have that rhymey feeling... but this tells me otherwise... there is just so much to read up on before i embarass myself next week... at two rather upmarket eateries... my aim? to not run out of questions for their PR/chef/owner/manager people... gambatte! ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:45 --Link to Post |
28.4.07 |
Day 87 of Project 365... it's finally here!!! ya... when i'm about to leave for USA... but excited, no? so many years of temping/part-timing... and this is my first set of namecards... the blank MILK one in which i have to write my name/number myself is not counted... yum yum yum! ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:47 --Link to Post |
27.4.07 |
Day 86 of Project 365... had steak at the guy's place! i devoured the steak too quickly coz it was DAMN good... so i took a photo of the salad instead... must balance out the sinful slab of meat... went to get our traveller's cheques before that... i think it's dumb... i thought your name will be on the cheque and thats why the US side ask us to bring... but there is nothing on it except your signature... in my case... ANYBODY can forge... i is very the lousy... but oh well... anything to avoid being denied entry into the US... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:50 --Link to Post |
i dont understand why i am shopping online so violently... i ought to be saving up for shopping sprees in the US... or even saving up so that i can survive USA on the bare necessities... thing is... exams are now over... i have no more IVLE to surf... nor wikipedia to check biology terms on... actually i SHOULD go on IVLE... fun to see people screaming in anguish... i am the kind who would happily throw everything (in the brain) when an exam is over... dont ask me what answer i got... unless i answered the question... and answered it well, that is... back to the main issue... i'm seriously shopping like mad... thankfully, alot of the things i wanted are pending/sold... so i cant buy most of it... but i did get a Junk Food tee at $26... i kinda want the Little Miss Naughty one (but very expensive)... but i got a Twix instead... i got a red off-shoulder at $9... i needed to prove to the guy i can carry off RED... i am getting a birthday present as well... havent transferred the money yet though... HELP ME! other than that.. i'm cool... it's 1am and i have not had my bath... ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:01 --Link to Post |
26.4.07 |
Day 85 of Project 365... dinner at Sakura with the Biomat gang... quite fun really... talked about everything under the sun... including Finnish customs of throwing christmas trees out of their window... Saara, Jouko and the rest of the gang are really a great bunch... i'm officially FREE! for this semester at least... last two papers dont seem as bad as i expected... fun modules to say the least... only 2 engineering exams... and 2 business exams... ironically... i used my calculator more during the business mods... think FNA... now it's time to focus on getting myself and the guy ready for USA... he still has one more killer paper... Stochastic Maths. so travellers' cheques, USD and packing HERE I COME! ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:30 --Link to Post |
this is it... day of the last 2 papers... not that well prepared... but there's really not much else i can do when it's Financial Accounting & Biomaterial Engineering... BAH! a thought just came to mind... and i thought i needed to say it... i'm glad the guy is 2 years older than me... the higher level of maturity is much appreciated... i like to be taken care of... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:58 --Link to Post |
25.4.07 |
Day 84 of Project 365... not taken today... but something i'm seriously craving for... it looks mushy and without that characteristic swirl... but the strawberries look utterly tempting, no? ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
24.4.07 |
Day 83 of Project 365... my subway dinner... 6" Oven Roasted Chicken Breast with Parmesan Oregano... all the veggies except onions/olives/pickles... with red wine sauce and pepper to taste... YUM YUM! ----Stef stopped rambling at 18:28 --Link to Post |
had most of my meals over at the guy's place over the weekend... think it totaled about 6... including breakfast and supper... judy, his domestic help, is a wonderful cook... especially with steaks and the like... i am seriously craving for real hawker food... PGP is so sian that i always eat from the mixed rice stall only... and sometimes, my choices kinda bore me utterly... i try to head to the other canteens during the day... but sometimes i wake up too late to deem these trips time-efficient... there are loads of stuff i really have to eat before my 3 month fast of all things Asian... and these include... bak chor mee... at bedok 85... ngoh hiang... the Jackson food centre one that is due to move while i'm gone... yong tau foo... the one at Outram which is simple and yet oh-so-tasty... prawn noodle... the super shiok kind... i think i have to beg my parents to bring me go joo chiat... xiao long bao... crystal jade or ding tai feng will be great... kway chap... must make trip down to Old Airport Road... mee pok... the east coast road one with chilli that can kill... black pepper crabs... the joo chiat one has too long a queue... bah! Peranakan food... papaya titek, ayam buah keluak! due for a review at my favourite restaurant this friday... how apt... any good 'ole steamed soup... yum yum... i dont think one week is enough... ----Stef stopped rambling at 03:46 --Link to Post |
23.4.07 |
![]() Day 82 of Project 365... slope behind Business School... like i told weixian... the Project's getting boring... but oh well... i would probably have to bear with the uninspiring photos for a while... well... afterall... it's only 13 days to USA! ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
22.4.07 |
Day 81 of Project 365... the Marketing war-zone... it's kinda neater than it was really... coz the guy and i devoured all things marketing... lectures, notes, textbooks and episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond here... first and probably last module with the guy... he's a bad influence... who is still in first-class... BAH! ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
21.4.07 |
Day 80 of Project 365... a pre-exam drive around the island... the family comprises of mainly free-thinkers... save for my grandpa and aunt who are catholics... so my mom kinda likes us to visit temples before stuff like exams and overseas trips... and since i was making that pilgrimage for 2 reasons... it was a thai temple in bedok... then guan yin temple in Bugis... i dont discuss religion very well... but i guess for my family... it's just something that gives us spiritual support and a peace of mind... i think the photo doesnt reflect much on the above... but it's along the way... at the Rochor flyover... and i think the suntec architecture is cool... actually... i really didnt take much photos over the week... exam la... the bak kut teh we had after all that was cool too... real yummy stuff over at Outram... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
20.4.07 |
Day 79 of Project 365... my favourite lecture candy... it's a toss-up between this and Meiji jelly beans... coffee flavoured chocolate... it's amazing how well the two goes together... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
i kinda dragged the guy out of studying... not literally.... but metaphorically... i made him come pick me up when his parents got back with the car... and we took a jolly ride to Vivocity for Carl's Junior! i know its not exact sick people food... but i'm feeling much better already... and need some sinful stuff... considering i only had HL milk the whole day... we totally dig the Western Bacon Cheeseburger... so we refused to try anything else... i had the single, low-carb... while he polished off a double... plus my set of fries as well... when the man wants to eat.... he can really eat... i enjoyed the time-out from FNA... it was just good to see him after so many days... ok... maybe 4.5... just occured to me... burgers with the guy is 10x more enjoyable than reviews at any fine-dining restaurant... not that my dining companions are bad... it's also funny how he talks like me now... calling me stupid dumb dumb and the likes... told him it totally does not sound manly... he's quite the alpha male... but it hasnt deterred him... oh well... just have to wait it out... until he thinks of something new... ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:26 --Link to Post |
19.4.07 |
![]() Day 78 of Project 365... this is kinda how i had wanted my results to grow over the years... it has been actually... especially since the mad C i got for physics II in year 1... while i'm smack in the middle of second lower... and pretty resigned to the fact that i would stay here... i've always been harbouring the thought of making it into second upper... kinda impossible when you know you screwed up almost every way possible this semester... the marketing project that was supposed to be fantastic... only ended up to be 1% more than the class average... and even below the average of other classes... WHY I GET THIS TUTOR?!!?!? the pressure is off really... second upper will be a bonus... but i dont think i will actively work towards it... i needed a A/B+ average for 2 sems to smell the 4.0 mark... so i guess i shouldnt think too much... just enjoy the process... and stop to smell the roses... at least i know i've milked what i could from my uni education... fun temp jobs...committee experience...overseas travel...friends... which, in my opinion, is the real part of education... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
the exam stress is really getting to NUS students... i would know... having had my fair share of weirdo sightings... not much really... but you know that occasional zombie that floats by you with no life in their eyes... it's kinda scary to see how some people get so affected by grades... one guy cut the long queue at the canteen...got scolded by the uncle...queued up behind me...i left my payment on the counter for the uncle to collect...he got his meal first...unloaded his whole wallet just to pay $2.70...and took my $10 note and 20cents with him... if it were a $2 note i would have let him take it and not embarass that poor fellow... considering the obvious stress he is under... but it was $10... i had to ask for it back... it's almost one day's allowance... i din ask for the 20 cents... not that i'm a saint or anything... but that was my last coin... so i got a barrage of coins as change from the uncle... it just brings to mind the shooting at Virginia Tech University... heard about it from my mom... who called me when my dad told her to... so how? still wanna go ah? stress might not have been the main impetus for the Korean shooter... but it is definitely one of the factors no? i think humans can most definitely cope with most things... stress, depression, grief, anguish, anger... but sometimes when all of these come hurling at you at the same time... sometimes one leads to another... your defences really just aint enough... and you just break down... some people break down silently... some people more dramatically... minus the negative connotation the word entails... thing is... life is hard... so one needs people to help you through it... family, friends, loved ones... doesnt need to be physical help... emotional/psychological support improves the situation by leaps and bounds... the bottomline is... stress/depression is a serious matter... medical help is available and very necessary... YOU are more important than your grades... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:17 --Link to Post |
18.4.07 |
Day 77 of Project 365... today marks the end of the Sports Wheelchair project... it might not look impressive... but we designed each bit from scratch... and manufactured most of the parts ourselves... with help from the lab uncles of course... the cause of much pain and anguish... yet utmost satisfaction when we seem to be the most happening group at the Appreciation Tea.. might be because we're near the buffet table... it has been an exciting journey Team Velace... while i might not have thought it at first... you guys are the best group i've worked with in University... might be because 2 sems... bo pian... *runs and hide fadz. chair. me. penny. eric. wee. jon. parts. suli. thank you for the memories.... i ought to go back to my review then my books... ciao. ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:30 --Link to Post |
17.4.07 |
![]() Day 76 of Project 365... rather old photo... but this is of the mom getting rather pissed with the dad... it's quite funny how my dad's sense of humour always gets him into trouble... but it's also his sense of humour that gets him out of it... by doing stupid things that make my mom crack... one thing for sure... they love one another in their own special way... like how my mom talks about a joke that my dad made one morning... repeatedly throughout the day... like how a proud mother would speak of her son's academic acheivements... or like how my dad tells us about how lucky he is to have found my mommy... reason why this photo is up is because i have yet to blog about my mom... when i really should have long ago... coz i was stuck in school today... i kinda did something horribly spoilt... by asking my parents to tapow dinner for me... on their way back from work... my mom works in Jurong East... not that bad ya? i msged her this to apologise... thanks mummy. Sorry for making you all come down all the way like that.and her reply almost made me cry... what to do. Love you mah. My daughter also. ha ha ha.i dont exactly know what she meant by "my daughter also"... coz i didnt mention anything about my sister... *shrugs* it might not be special to anyone else... but i'm now pretty sure i'll be homesick like mad in USA... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
am quite sick... and i know that when i hallucinate pretty badly at night... last night was a pain-in-the-ass... actually i ached all over to be exact... i was in my PGP room... no air-con... wrapped tightly in my blanket... wearing my fleece jacket... dont ask me why i have fleece... preparing for USA can? whole night i was thinking in some macro sense... like how do i drive out the germs... by sleeping in this particular way or other... i vaguely recall some form bodily reconstruction of sorts... like i cut myself into pieces then tried to put them all back together again... bleah. feeling very cold... yet head burning hot at the same time... quite the jialat... am finally feeling better.. blessing in disguise that the restaurant i was supposed to review got prb... so i'm going tomorrow instead... phew... dont think i can taste anything in this state... even water tastes gross to me now... ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:10 --Link to Post |
THIS is quite the funny... ----Stef stopped rambling at 20:06 --Link to Post |
16.4.07 |
Day 75 of Project 365... empty carriage... couldnt resist taking this shot... mine! all mine! ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
15.4.07 |
![]() Day 74 of Project 365... arguably my favourite tze char stall... real yummy stuff... simply love dinners with the family... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
into my 12th review so far... i kinda want to make it to 15 before i leave for the US of A... coz the page that has our personal write-up lists up to the last 15 reviews... i kinda want to see that list FULL... but we'll see about that... the guy has been really sweet of late... i was ordering him around the house... and throwing chocolate tantrums... but he was still as sweet as ever... and when i told him i was going to get liposuction & breast implants when i go to see the doc... he said i'm great the way i am so i dont need to... not that i was really going to do that... or that i believe what he says... but it's just sweet to have him say that... no? i feel awful when i see that his throat has been bothering him for days... especially since i cant do much about it... except buy him strepsils... or lunch when he sleeps over at my room between class that day... my revision is non-existent... and there is no YXY this semester to push me to study... i have no game plan... no preparation... i'm so dead... but at least when i log into the results database... i'll be faraway in USA... so if anything... my parents cant kill me when i tell them the bad news... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:24 --Link to Post |
14.4.07 |
Day 73 of Project 365... photo taken the day before at Vivo... but i spent most of the day at his place... trying to study Marketing... attacking Marks and Spencers Belgian Chocolate biscuits that his relatives brought from HK... if they are sold here, pls tell me... i'm totally in love with that wonderful box of sinful goodness... watching episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond... attacking the tubs of Hagen Daaz in the fridge... not my favourite flavours, but who cares! and oh ya.... trying to study more Marketing... i hope he doesnt kill me because of this unflattering pic... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
13.4.07 |
Day 72 of Project 365... first Friday the Thirteenth of the Project... but everything's fine and dandy... watched TMNT (finally!!!)... and had dinner at the new Marche at Vivocity... not bad... save that it's a little cramped... and that i dropped half of my prawn during my highly animated chat with the guy... AND i was a little uncomfortable with the female waitresses dressed as milkmaids... same feeling i get with clowns.... eerie stuff... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
12.4.07 |
![]() Day 71 of Project 365... the more important thing today was the ME3102 presentation... but for lack of a better photo... here's something else along holland road... pillars! hur hur. ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
11.4.07 |
Day 70 of Project 365... another rainy day... and a cold bus ride on the BTC... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
10.4.07 |
![]() Day 69 of Project 365... took a little walk after my review inside the Botanical Gardens... the restaurant was terribly pretty... if i ever dreamt of how my marriage proposal would be like... this is the place... (not this bus stop...but the restaurant DUH!) there will be a light drizzle... but we would insist on a walk in the gardens... and under the cover of the little waterfall... he would pop the question... and i would push him into the pond! HUR HUR. the lunch was very enjoyable though... on days with reviews... i've resorted to only sticking to only that meal for the day... 1. i hate wasting food at the restaurants coz they usually pile it on us... today we had 3 beverages each... a mocktail, infusion tea and white wine... and shared the following amongst three people... 3 starters, 4 mains and 3 desserts... 2. it's not a diet, but just a means of not getting indigestion... i just down milk when feeling the pang of hunger... the owner we dined with today is the kind of character that impresses me really... he blown my cover right from the beginning... commenting that i look very young... and we realised that he was about the age of my dad... he came across as a very family man... while being successful and all that... admirable really... just how i'd like to be when i grow up... but i really have to stop looking young... and think of more mature topics to chat with these people about... i realised we cant get very far if i withhold the truth... but the truth might just discredit me and my writing... this job is proving itself to be beyond mere eating and writing... its the people-people interaction that is truly invaluable... and i'm not complaining... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
9.4.07 |
Day 68 of Project 365... my favouritest machine in the design lab... just went back today to take photos of the place... to use in the presentation... hiakz. how to start studying like that??? ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:05 --Link to Post |
8.4.07 |
![]() Day 67 of Project 365... dinner with the guy at Botak Jones after The Shooter at J8... waiting for the food... as you can see.. am sharing the table... with a 3-generational-family no less! chairs were empty in the photo coz they all decided to go play with the toddler... when the grandmother asked to sit down with her grand-daughter... how can i refuse? problem is... they liked sitting with us pretty much i think... while the guy and i were eating.. there were as many as 3 empty tables behind us... and they didnt move!!!! fainted... and the guy scrapped his big toe when i asked him to help the grandmama get another chair... not knowing she needed so many! the little girl was very cute though... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
7.4.07 |
![]() Day 66 of Project 365... a new barrage of horrible handphone photos... so beware... my ham-sum brother and the me-whose-face-looks-like-one-glop-of-fat... i really need a diet... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
6.4.07 |
oh ya... our Marketing project scored a whooping 80% and the tutor requested to keep our report... all that anguish did not come to naught!!!! ----Stef stopped rambling at 18:10 --Link to Post |
Day 65 of Project 365... officially relocated to the space beside the window... if you didnt know... i sleep in the same room with my siblings... all 3 of us... and my bro used to be beside the window... while i was adjacent... i got the brunt of the fierce air-con despite being scared of the cold... because none of them want to sleep where i was... the bed closest to the oh-so-scary door... we always hear weird sounds at night and freak out... but i guess my bro's 15 now... and he is outgrowing his little cubicle of a space... since i'm short... and freaked out by the cold... i'm relegated there now... works out better too i guess... considering i'll be off to the US for 3 full months... should put that air-con to good use... thing is... last night, the first night in the new position, was a very eventful one... dreamt of many things... i think Jackie Chan was in one of them... and i slept all the way till 1pm... so power huh... but i like how the light falls warmly on my bed like that... even my cushion from my MJ kids seems to be happily sun-tanning! ----Stef stopped rambling at 16:29 --Link to Post |
5.4.07 |
Day 64 of Project 365... got paid for my reviews in Feb and Mar! woohoo! mosiac-ed the amounts and stuff... just in case there are any clashes with the employment contract... which i havent read and havent signed... but i am indeed a happy camper! getting paid to write! woohoo! ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
i blardy miss the guy. ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:39 --Link to Post |
4.4.07 |
Day 63 of Project 365... i accidentally switched this on at 1am last night... i needed an empty CD cover so i put Freddy's DVD inside my laptop... An Inconvenient Truth... when will i ever be able to speak like him? damn impressive/persuasive speaker... i'm glad Freddy was kind enough to lend me this... it's pretty informative... in a shake-you-up-and-wake-you sorta way... i made sure i switched off all my lights and power sockets before i left my room today... he is officially the man-of-the-moment for me now... let me get over Al Gore slowly... but surely... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
3.4.07 |
Day 62 of Project 365... finally our Biomaterials Engineering - Problem-Based Learning has come to an end... it was a great group to be with... everyone's hardworking and all... while we all had varying opinions and weird suggestions... we managed to pull through... we were co-third! popularity polls... nothing to do with Prof's opinion... which truly matters... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:43 --Link to Post |
i was just asking the guy how come his NS pals never go out anymore... when he told me they just went clubbing and he didnt go... so there i was... expecting something sweet like... after we started going out then i never go clubbing anymore... (which is true to some extent...) EXCEPT that the reason is not me! it's MONEY! he thinks it's a waste of money... i dunnoe whether to be happy or bleah... i've been avoiding his house like the plague since the previous weekend... his relatives have been flying in from Taiwan and US... to celebrate his uncle's 60th birthday... so in order to avoid the awkward DA JIA HAO! i have only stepped in once after 11pm... to get the car... and another time when they were all holidaying in Batam... i is bery the scared... even though i've met most of them before... both in Taiwan and here in Singapore... he laughs at my cowardice... but we both know who is the real coward who hasnt met the other's extended family... his family is a real exciting bunch really... although his mum was Taiwanese... she can actually speak and read Korean... how funky is that? and he has a cute nephew somewhere in HKG... whom i have yet to meet though... i love big families... ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:41 --Link to Post |
2.4.07 |
Day 61 of Project 365... spotted a crack in our 20deg camber... glad i did... else it would have been hard to rectify the problem... at least the crack is not fatigue/structural problem... just that we filed the weld too close to the original metal.. during our quest for aesthetics... got it rectified already... blessing in disguise too... coz we managed to lengthen the shaft as well... yippie yai yeah! ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59 --Link to Post |
1.4.07 |
![]() Day 60 of Project 365... no, the guy didnt get me flowers... *sobz* just thought these at his place were pretty... although the smell of the pollen quite strong... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:31 --Link to Post |
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