. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

Day 77 of Project 365...
today marks the end of the Sports Wheelchair project...
it might not look impressive...
but we designed each bit from scratch...
and manufactured most of the parts ourselves...
with help from the lab uncles of course...
the cause of much pain and anguish...
yet utmost satisfaction when we seem to be the most happening group at the Appreciation Tea..
might be because we're near the buffet table...

it has been an exciting journey Team Velace...
while i might not have thought it at first...
you guys are the best group i've worked with in University...
might be because 2 sems...
bo pian...
*runs and hide

fadz. chair. me.
penny. eric. wee.
jon. parts. suli.

thank you for the memories....

i ought to go back to my review then my books...

----Stef stopped rambling at 22:30
--Link to Post

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