. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i kinda dragged the guy out of studying...
not literally....
but metaphorically...

i made him come pick me up when his parents got back with the car...
and we took a jolly ride to Vivocity for Carl's Junior!
i know its not exact sick people food...
but i'm feeling much better already...
and need some sinful stuff...
considering i only had HL milk the whole day...

we totally dig the Western Bacon Cheeseburger...
so we refused to try anything else...
i had the single, low-carb...
while he polished off a double...
plus my set of fries as well...
when the man wants to eat....
he can really eat...

i enjoyed the time-out from FNA...
it was just good to see him after so many days...
maybe 4.5...

just occured to me...
burgers with the guy is 10x more enjoyable than reviews at any fine-dining restaurant...
not that my dining companions are bad...
it's also funny how he talks like me now...
calling me stupid dumb dumb and the likes...
told him it totally does not sound manly...
he's quite the alpha male...
but it hasnt deterred him...
oh well...
just have to wait it out...
until he thinks of something new...

----Stef stopped rambling at 01:26
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