27.2.06 |
making the new blog banner was enjoyable... looking through all the weird and crappy pictures... especially of wilson... just makes my day... see yy... something great came out of ITWC... it was still an event great for bonding.. within NUS... and with the rest of the 3 (or 4) universities as well... it got me a fan too... John says he's my biggest fan... well... i am his biggest fan too! ![]() i had to blur the background coz wil's expression is just too hilarious... and did i mention before that John looks a little like Olivier, my ex-boss? uncanny resemblance... but i guess it's coz they are both...ANGMOHS! and although i was momentarily pissed with the guy... for not coming to my rescue when i beached... and for leaving his sail on the ground... thus, i had to help him derig and everything... ok la... he had like 4 blisters on his palms la... cannot blame also... the episode also showed me that i have a shoulder to cry on... 24/7... and even if i was in the Ladies... he would send his troops... in the form of Xinyi... to comfort me as well... and that is like how sweet la... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:34 --Link to Post |
NTU Open 2006 was held on the 4th of Feb... and boy was it exciting... winds came... and conquered most of us... leaving the racers scattered all over East Coast Beach... some sighted as far as Costa Sand Chalets... it was great... and although SMU walked away victorious... NUS put up a close fight... winning two Firsts, a Second and a Third place... ![]() the NUS Novice racers who have become so pro since... ![]() me battling Weicong... our feud is neverending... ![]() the mighty wash-up... macham like charity car wash... ![]() part of the NUS Windsurfing Race Team... at the NTU Open... and i think the guy looks good in this one... ![]() the tri-university gang... well... we love windsurfing! ----Stef stopped rambling at 03:10 --Link to Post |
26.2.06 |
after the meeting in school with the Sea Sports Camp committee on Friday... Justin and myself adjourned for dinner at Fong Seng... we didnt have a choice... and talked about lots of stuff... websites...girls...school... as we walked to the bus terminal... his bus 10 came along... so we said our hurried goodbyes and he did a half-sprint over to the pick-up point... then he stopped in front of the bus... hesitated... and let the bus go... i thought he forgot his bus pass... no coins... or whatever la... thing is... he was just trying to be a gentleman... to wait with me for my bus before he left on his... which is damn blardy sweet... (other than the fact that the bus 10 that he missed was the ONLY bus 10 in the terminal!) then i recall that a few days prior... the guy jumped onto his 151 without waiting for my A2 to arrive... dont you have to be gentlemanly to your girlfriend too!?!??! ----Stef stopped rambling at 14:05 --Link to Post |
25.2.06 |
we were driving past Scotts 28... having just sent his mom, aunt and granny to his uncle's place... as usual i was looking out of the window.... and i saw how PDA needn't be as gross as i thought it would always be... it was a Caucasian man... and an Asian looking lady... both pretty of age... waiting for a cab by the road... he turned to her... gave her a light kiss... and turned away beaming... as if he's the happiest man in the world... so sweet... ----Stef stopped rambling at 17:41 --Link to Post |
24.2.06 |
as i gave my previous post a quick once-over to make sure there wasnt gross errors... i recalled how upset he made me last night as well... for choosing a drinking session with his buddies... granted: they do not meet up often... over comforting a stressed out and depressed me... so i did the very childish and very unreasonable thing of.... "so your friends more important than your girlfriend la?" while i was at his place today... one of his buddies called... and as always... i pressed my ear against his head... to check for gender and authenticity... nay... i just like to tease him... but i heard his buddy's response when the guy said he cant meet him coz i was at his place... "so...got girlfriend then friends not important liao la?" i think he's in quite a spot... aint it? ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:50 --Link to Post |
went over to the guy's place for lots of American Idol... with my Feedback Control notes in hand... unflipped... the guys were pretty good... better than the girls, at least... had our dinner before that... have been long deprived of our Subway clubs... had my favourite Roasted Chicken Breast with Parmesan Oregano... while he woofed down a foot-long Subway Club... faster than i did my 6-inch... i'm a lousy person to eat with really... half the time i was peering over his shoulder... at some cute guy... nay... watching Wallace and Gromit being played on Repeat (same chapter) over and over again... but it was just his... and therefore ours... his style to eat in near-silence... concentrating on every bite of his food... something i was uncomfortable with it at first... but slowly getting used to it... i still eat pretty slow though... was deciding between Ben and Jerry's and Starbucks... settled for the latter... considering the outlet at United Square had nice comfy looking sofas... and tall glass windows... sadly... it was too freezing cold to stay in the joint... with a Frappacino in hand... so we took the long romantic walk back to his place... we changed the route slightly today... taking the path opposite the one we usually take on the side of Novena Church... walking... talking... and enjoying it... we came to a little sliproad... which had a few pretty walk-up apartments along it... we stood there for a couple of minutes... admiring the penthouse... HIM: "i like that house..." ME: "me too..." HIM: "cheeeee-ken...it's at least 2000 square feet..." just thought that the way he said cheee-ken was quite out-of-character... even if he wanted to use a Hokkien word for some body part at first... it was unlike him as well... but it was funny... as if my self-invented (or maybe inspired by GY) swearwords finally got to him... - chicken backside - wu gui ji dan gao (turtle chicken egg cake) but at the same time... penthouses are stuff that we both want so badly but cant afford... so many a time i wanted to say, "let's work hard for one together..." but thought i might freak him out and upside down... making plans for the future or whatever's next... it's so taboo-ish... yet so natural a thought... i can see myself living with this man... probably the only one who can tolerate me... give in to my whims and outbursts... (maybe not give in... but ignore me effectively until i snap out of it...) much as it would scare him to read this... i want to grow old with him... living out our dreams of penthouses and beachside holidays... but i know better than to over-dream it... we'll take it as it comes... Us, may not be permanent... who knows? but whatever we have now... is more than i can ever ask for... ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:20 --Link to Post |
23.2.06 |
it took me forever to write this 700-worder... but at least i emailed it to the team... got it out of my system... coz the truth is... they rock... and at least something great came out of all the sweat/tears/moo-lah... ------------------------- Hi Guys, Believe that this email is long overdue, because of the mountain of things i wanted to tell you guys after the ITWC. Firstly, i would like to apologise for my inability to control my emotions and thus acting terribly un-Chairperson-like. (For those who dont understand that new word, it means that i am sorry for not behaving like how I am supposed to, especially at an event in the presence of the other schools.) Before i am misunderstood further, I wasnt upset about not winning, (myself in my category or the team trophy), but more of how the hard work, watertime and training put in by everyone, was undermined by a few bad decisions. Coach and i had a long conversation last night about how the whole event turned out and we talked about the squad. He told me how impressed he was with our squad; the equipment-maxing attendence of our surfers, the extra long debriefing because we always had so many questions, the pace at which all of us improved and how we bonded together as a team. Although we only paid him such a miserable fee, he enjoyed teaching us as much as we did learning from him. Personally, I feel it too. Although i get very stressed up with the equipment allocation at every training, it's the kind of thing that gives you a great satisfaction thereafter, seeing people training, improving and enjoying themselves. PA told me that they were betting on NUS to win, having seen first-hand our level of commitment and dedication. Coach pointed out something that i failed to realise, something subtle, but really quite the measure of our success. If you realised, we are the only school without any points from the ex-TJCians or ex-TKGians. We started this team with little expectations, thinking that all our "star players" are either graduating or overseas, but little did i expect that our stars were within. Trophies or otherwise, we are all winners; for enduring the ultra long MRT/bus/bicycle rides, forking out every cent of the rental/coaching on your own, holding on when your palms blister into sashimi-like wounds, pumping your guts out at trainings and embarking on this journey of self-discovery and bonding with us. Not that i am bling-bling sensitive, but special mention must indeed be awarded to Tesma and John for having improved truckloads since NTU Open. For those not in the know, the two of them, plus a few others, have been having secret trainings over at PF in the short time between NTU Open and ITWC. Tesma for her kick-ass performance, beating the two SMU ladies to get 2nd in the Novice Ladies category. John for his 1-3-1 stunner on Day 1 and proceeding on to win 3rd in the 6m Mixed catergory, putting up a brave fight against people who have been surfing since goodness-knows-when (beating me *mutter mutter*). Added to that, Coach Tan is also someone i believe we are truly indebted to, because where else can you get such professional coaching at such a small fee? Coach not only has to bake under the unrelenting sun with us, he has to paddle furiously against the currents lay our buoys or just to stay stationary, just so we can keep the cost of training low. I need to thank every single one of you, for everything you have put into windsurfing for the last 3 months. While short, it feels as if we have known each other for ages and some of you are surfing like you were born a windsurfer. I sincerely hope the camaderie we built up will not go downhill from here, as we start to catch up with our work, but instead prosper into something greater as we move on. Memories of the camps, trainings, meals will really stay in my heart (and in pictures on our website) for a long long time to come. I hope you have enjoyed every single moment of it as i had. Thanks once again. Cheers! Stef PS: I apologise for the team shirt as well, it looked 10 times better on my computer screen. ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:03 --Link to Post |
22.2.06 |
after the long and stressful weekend... and the hooha over the intro course on monday... the day out was indeed very welcomed... yolanda and i met bernie at SMU... for breakfast... went shopping at suntec, tangs and far east with yollie... then met the guy to watch The Constant Gardener... which was quite good really... very real... very painful... ![]() breakfast with the girlies... ![]() yollie... ![]() bernie... ![]() the flash didnt look too bad in this... and bernie is like how skinny la... ![]() at least yollie gained a little weight.... ![]() and i think that is quite a funky green... ![]() the kind lady at the counter helped us with this.... ![]() and of course... we tried one ourselves... the movie was really good... and i cried... especially when Ralph Fiennes finally broke down after his wife's death... i felt that tug... so pain... and when they had a little voiceover of how the wife said, "i love you"... the guy said, "i love you too"... and that just feels so familiar... well... i guess it's about saying the things you want to... when you can... before you dont have a chance to... ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:50 --Link to Post |
18.2.06 |
![]() my favourite time-waster of the week! ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:30 --Link to Post |
17.2.06 |
the best vday gift this year isn't anything tangible... it wasnt the dinner at the pretty Olive Ristorante... nor the pink gerberas wrapped in purple paper... nor the little hug we gave each other during the short time we met between classes... it was the fact that he helped me bring back to my room... 3 red heart-shaped balloons that i wanted to give my clustermates... and my humongous Mechanical Design textbook... on the NUS shuttle bus... from the very central location of the NUS Central Forum, no less... considering how 'face' is so darn important to him... and he would never be caught dead as a SNAG... it was very very sweet... probably sweeter than the ultra-fantabulous tiramisu i got him from tiramisutra.com... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:53 --Link to Post |
13.2.06 |
i didnt really realise it before... but today... my dad sent me to PGP from home... so we had a good long journey together.... chatting... scolding horrible taxi-drivers and road hoggers... save for the fact that i half the time i was groaning away... in pain as i was having the dreaded monthly cramps... he was really sweet to drop by Boon Tong Kee to get me a pack of chicken rice... my daddy... then the guy picked me in the evening to go for dinner at Labrador Park... and i realised how similar the whole set-up was... me in the front passenger seat... and the most important men in my life driving... i remembered thinking to myself before... that the man of my dreams will be someone like my dad... funny... kind... fillial... selfless... intelligent... the kind who doesnt mind driving me all over Singapore... so that i can try my darnest to be the Superwoman who cant fly... the kind who knows the answers to my every question... a man i can cry my heart out to... it would be unfair if i expected the guy to fit into my dad's shoes... which happens to be a rather big pair... and the guy doesnt like wearing shoes... it's akin to asking him to change what he is... just to fit what you want... to be someone else totally... which is utterly wrong la... especially if you consider all that idealistic notions about loving someone for who he is... and not mould him to become who you love... but the thing is... i think the guy is already so much like my dad... his qualities... his personality... his heart... what more can i ask? ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:28 --Link to Post |
12.2.06 |
steamboating on the 21st at Lu's place... quite good really... coz it was a comm treat... from my pocket (!?!?!)... we didnt spend too much... but still had lots of food... until Lu had to eat our leftoevers for many days on end... plus the fact that his granny and maid can make yummy dumplings... our CNY celebration was a blast! ate all the way from 7pm to 10pm... wooooo... ![]() girls preparing the food... ![]() guys setting up the boats... ![]() lao yusheng! ![]() time to steamboat! ![]() Windsurfing Sub-Committee 0506... minus Lyna, Kelvin and Yaou... ![]() the mandatory candid shot! ----Stef stopped rambling at 15:47 --Link to Post |
pity that i have a test on the 15th... and another 50% test on the 17th... that deems the 14th a Hibernation Day... minus the sleeping... plus a lot of studying... have been so busy and stressed out that i didnt get a single thing for the guy... i guess he must be pretty used to it... used to me not doing anything... and expecting everything... i told him i wanted a swatch... diamonds... Ixus 55... flowers... and he used the old PLASMA TV threat to shut me up again... training yesterdae was fun... though very tiring.. pumped till my back hurt... dinner will be at Olive Ristorante later in the evening... the reviews look great... and the place... utterly ulu and out of place... love such places... thanks to Lalame for mentioning the restaurant... else we'll be at some boring 'ol restaurant with ridiculous prices and no ambience whatsoever... and thank goodness the guy got the car... after chauffeuring his parents all over the place... else we'll be feeding mosquitos walking down from the hill top... ----Stef stopped rambling at 15:14 --Link to Post |
5.2.06 |
i think i am PMSing... which explains why i got frustrated pretty easily with my Level 1 class today... wind was gusty, patchy and strong all at the same time... making it difficult for them... and myself... having to kayak towards them... change equipment... sail back... repeatedly like 10times altogether... frustrating because they did not adhere to instructions... simple actions that would have prevented them from drifting so far away... i was pretty pooped... and it was even more terrible when people suggest that students drifting are a result of incompetence on the instructor's part... i thought i was competent... i gave instructions on how to avoid drifting... but they just didnt follow them... despite me shouting at them repeatedly.. i felt very bad when i started to get sarcastic with them... but i couldnt help it... i really tried... i had one girl who drifted out pretty far... and i was running all over the place to get someone to use the safety boat to rescue her... it was tiring really... good training for the arms, all that paddling... for that i earned 90 bucks... for that very physically/mentally/emotionally-draining 6 hours... dad picked me up to send my mom off to KL for work in KL... and gave 3 of my students a lift to the airport... ate with my family... and paid for our dinner at sukhorthai express... coz i havent done that in some time... 120 bucks... money that was so hard to earn... but my mom enjoyed the dinner... my siblings too... and i think my mom appreciated the dinner together before her 5 nights in KL alone... with her colleagues though... i guess it's true when people say that you will only fully appreciate your parents... and how much they must slog for the money they earned to put you in school... feed you, clothe you... i guess i did... with this ad-hoc instructor job... and the other temporary jobs i have tried thus far... i'm glad i'm not the kind who spends my parents money blindly and extravagantly... or at least, not on myself alone... i really want to give back to my parents... the love... the driving me around... the care... the money... if 20 years later, i morph into some lousy loser who abandons/neglects my parents... please give me a good slap on the face and wake up my idea... ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:32 --Link to Post |
4.2.06 |
NTU Open was quite fun actually... drifted all the way to PF... from PA... wind was terribly strong... couldnt hold down the sail... especially without a harness... went back to PF ripped my harness lines off my SIN23... then got towed back to PA by Saini... races were okay... 1, DNS, 3, 3... managed to discard the 2nd race... a race in which only one 5m guy finished... first race was the only one with super strong winds... and it's quite a wonder why i won that race... when i'm probably the lightest... and the weakest... considering the rest were mainly guys... and hardsail windchasers at that... NUS lost the overall title to SMU... by 3 points... but yeah... we'll be back... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:37 --Link to Post |
3.2.06 |
Mom's bday... so i had to make the painful decision of giving YZ's party a miss... decided we havent had Jap for the longest time... so went to Ichiban Boshi at Great World City... where we ate A LOT... the Business Bento is quite a steal really... $14.90++ u get grilled mackerel, salmon sashimi, tempura, chawanmushi, soup, rice and fruits! yummy! ![]() Happy Birthday Mom! ![]() bro and dad... ![]() sis and i... ![]() dad fighting with the tempura ice cream... ![]() mom and her strawberry shortcake! ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:31 --Link to Post |
2.2.06 |
had an impromtu date with the guy today... was supposed to go out to look for some bday presents... but we ended up watching Fun with Dick and Jane... and walking Jurong Point upside down and inside out... it's queer how it seems that the honeymoon period hasn't seem to have ended just yet... i'm still behaving like we just got together a month prior... and still the happy bambi... truth is... it's been 13 months... not long... but at least i can use the word YEAR... and the YEAR with him have been nothing short of fantastic... i know i act silly in front of him sometimes... okay... ALL the time... but it's like you dont have many people you can be silly in front of... so it's nice to have someone with which you dont have to care how you appear to him... it's a closeness you can only have with your family i guess... and i'm glad i found it in the guy... ![]() we dont take many photos together... maybe it's just that i end up looking terrible in most... but i guess the most important picture is probably the one in our hearts... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:58 --Link to Post |
1.2.06 |
ate my 'lunch' at 3ish, 4... dinner with the wsfers at 6 after we closed the booth... small dinner of yummy fish soup.... met my parents for a late dinner (#2)... yummilicious XO fish bee hoon... sam loh hor fun... har chong gai... wah lau... damn freaking good... wasnt really keen on the second dinner... but i couldnt pass up the opportunity of valuable family time with my parents... had fun... laughing at my dad's incessant requests to order more dishes... at my mom for making statements that are all too obvious... just hanging out together like that... slurping up XO soup... and bingeing on the the tasty hor fun overloaded with beansprouts... really... and how many people can truly say that dinner with parents are fun? i can! i think i ought to be real thankful for whatever i have... family, guy, friends, health... like REAL thankful. ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:12 --Link to Post |
![]() my bro... ----Stef stopped rambling at 04:17 --Link to Post |
my family expanded by two members when we went out for dinner today... my sis' bf... and the guy... which was fun really... none of them except the guy tried fish and co. before... we went Manhatten Fish Market instead... 7 of us.... with very bloated stomachs left after 140+ bucks damages to my mom's credit card... i went over to the guy's house the previous evening... it was fun! played lotsa blackjack... dont really like gambling... only did coz i was using the guy's money... and that i din want to be left out... food was good... yummy chilled crab... cousins were friendly... and aunties too... realised his family is almost PURELY shandong-nese... as in his dad's generation married within the dialect groups... the guy is too... wah... so selective ah? especially after considering how rare shandongnese are in sg... (considering i never really met any b4...) and i realised that the hand brand peanuts are SHANDONG peanuts... so i DID hear the term before... i have SO got to learn the dialect... so fun... it's like funny-sounding mandarin... though i'm barely grappling with my own hokkien and teochew... ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:58 --Link to Post |
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