. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i think i am PMSing...
which explains why i got frustrated pretty easily with my Level 1 class today...
wind was gusty, patchy and strong all at the same time...
making it difficult for them...
and myself...
having to kayak towards them...
change equipment...
sail back...
repeatedly like 10times altogether...
frustrating because they did not adhere to instructions...
simple actions that would have prevented them from drifting so far away...

i was pretty pooped...
and it was even more terrible when people suggest that students drifting are a result of incompetence on the instructor's part...
i thought i was competent...
i gave instructions on how to avoid drifting...
but they just didnt follow them...
despite me shouting at them repeatedly..
i felt very bad when i started to get sarcastic with them...
but i couldnt help it...
i really tried...
i had one girl who drifted out pretty far...
and i was running all over the place to get someone to use the safety boat to rescue her...
it was tiring really...
good training for the arms, all that paddling...

for that i earned 90 bucks...
for that very physically/mentally/emotionally-draining 6 hours...
dad picked me up to send my mom off to KL for work in KL...
and gave 3 of my students a lift to the airport...
ate with my family...
and paid for our dinner at sukhorthai express...
coz i havent done that in some time...
120 bucks...
money that was so hard to earn...
but my mom enjoyed the dinner...
my siblings too...
and i think my mom appreciated the dinner together before her 5 nights in KL alone...
with her colleagues though...

i guess it's true when people say that you will only fully appreciate your parents...
and how much they must slog for the money they earned to put you in school...
feed you, clothe you...
i guess i did...
with this ad-hoc instructor job...
and the other temporary jobs i have tried thus far...
i'm glad i'm not the kind who spends my parents money blindly and extravagantly...
or at least, not on myself alone...
i really want to give back to my parents...
the love...
the driving me around...
the care...
the money...
if 20 years later, i morph into some lousy loser who abandons/neglects my parents...
please give me a good slap on the face and wake up my idea...

----Stef stopped rambling at 21:32
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