. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
after the meeting in school with the Sea Sports Camp committee on Friday...
Justin and myself adjourned for dinner at Fong Seng...
we didnt have a choice...
and talked about lots of stuff...

as we walked to the bus terminal...
his bus 10 came along...
so we said our hurried goodbyes and he did a half-sprint over to the pick-up point...
then he stopped in front of the bus...
and let the bus go...
i thought he forgot his bus pass...
no coins...
or whatever la...
thing is...
he was just trying to be a gentleman...
to wait with me for my bus before he left on his...
which is damn blardy sweet...
(other than the fact that the bus 10 that he missed was the ONLY bus 10 in the terminal!)

then i recall that a few days prior...
the guy jumped onto his 151 without waiting for my A2 to arrive...
dont you have to be gentlemanly to your girlfriend too!?!??!

----Stef stopped rambling at 14:05
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