28.2.05 |
i found the parts in bold plain weird... but oh well... he likes it... so this is for you... ----------------------------------------------------- Norah Jones - Turn Me On Like a flower waiting to bloom Like a lightbulb in a dark room I'm just sitting here waiting for you To come on home and turn me on Like the desert waiting for the rain Like a school kid waiting for the spring I'm just sitting here waiting for you To come on home and turn me on My poor heart, it's been so dark since you been gone After all, you're the one who turns me off You're the only one who can turn me back on My hi-fi's waiting for a new tune The glass is waiting for some fresh ice cubes I'm just sitting here waiting for you To come on home and turn me on Turn me on ----------------------------------------------------- ----Stef stopped rambling at 03:30 --Link to Post |
Norah Jones was fantastic... even though the seats (type and position) sucked... and the ticketing system was crappy... the music was great... and of course, the company too... was having fun laughing at the expression on the guitarist's face... especially during the solos... piangz... if i heard him correctly under the music... he said the guitarist looked as if he was having multiple orgasms... ok... that was the first crude thing ever on my innocent blog... *applause* but seriously... the guitarists were amazing... and i was darn impressed with the drummer... especially his solo piece... jones' voice was incredible... so soothing to the ears... and she's darn funny... relating her session on sesame street, A Date with the letter 'Y'... *sings* ~dont know why 'Y' didnt come...~ ~we can spell Yoghurt and Yum...~ *pengz* the last few songs were the bestest... she got everyone standing to Life is a Carnival by The Band... us lazy bums sat rooted to the seats... and we were treated to another 3-song encore... which included his favourite Turn Me On... and others whose names i dont know... (i'm not a fan... though i appreciate her music...) those got us up and swaying to the music... together... and that felt so wonderful... the day was fantastic in my opinion... got my free 90 bucks bikini... in white... so nice! think cameron diaz in charlie's angels TWO TIMES LARGER... (and i mean the waist...) two pairs of flip flops... one two toned blue... and a neon yellow-green unique strap one... dunnoe how else to descibe... and of course... my New Urban Male membership... muahahhaaa... so anybody who wants to get neon coloured thongs (guys only)... ultra-low v-neck shirts to show off ur pecs... skimpy trunks... 90 or 125 bucks bikinis... Havaianas... i'm ur perfect date! until 01/06 only... damn those cheaterbugs... cheated me of one month membership! fish and co for dinner... never knew we could request for fried calamari in the seafood platter... and gosh... never realised it is so much nicer than the grilled ones... in my opinion, that is... yummy yummy... so suntec fish and co. aint that bad afterall... before this... i swore by glass house and parkway... *burp* guy chose soccer over sending me back... *pouts* but i had an ultra fun taxi driver though! ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:56 --Link to Post |
27.2.05 |
![]() my 5 dollar necklace! when things are cheap i dun really bother whether they are nice annot... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:00 --Link to Post |
physics paper today was a joke... a huge one at that... prob was i din understand a word they were saying... my eraser came in handy... A, B, C, D, E, TRY AGAIN... 6 sides... only problem was it wasnt a perfect cube... maybe thats why i had lotsa Es... oh well... we have to compromise... i dont know how else to conjure up an answer... now i'm beginning to take it seriously when he tells me i have a speech impediment.. i alwaz thot it was a joke... and he probably started it off as one... but more and more pple have been hearing me wrongly... maybe i sluurrrr too much? lazy mouth? tongue dun wanna move? or i-dont-want-to-talk-to-you? really... it's pretty bad... at least i now know why CGH rejected my application for the scholarship to take up speech therapy... think of all the poor kids they saved with that decision... i shall attempt to speak with more effort now... might start off sounding like an idiot... but thats better than being a total idiot who keeps miscommunicating things... norah jones tomorrow! way cool... though i've never been a total fan... i think it'll be great just chilling out to the music... especially after headaching over physics and econs for the last few days... still got DM and maths and more econs... hiaks! looking forward to tomorrow... hopes he finishes his philo essay though... and i finish my maths tutorial and hopefully, DM as well... then why the hell am i blogging?!??! went for a short shopping trip with my little sis... bought stuff for my bro... some chocs... a cheap 5 bucks necklace coz it was 50% down from its original at 9.90... gonna wear it tomorrow! on hindsight it looks a little weird... but who cares!? it's 5 bucks! muahhaa... sis kinda said something that was quite ouch today... coz i paid for my bro's not-so-cheap present.. and was feeling sorely incomplete... esp when my bank balance is like... haiz... she suggested getting him a shirt that he liked from 77th street... i was a little hesistant... coz was thinking expenses in uni aint that cheap... after my textbook-buying chaos... and it isnt nice drinking coconuts off someone else's hongbao collection... so i just said something like maybe what we bought is enough for bro already... i dont even get something like dat for my b-day lor... and when i decided to look through another rack... which is obviously stuff not for my bro... my sis made a passing comment... "not willing to spend on your brother, willing to spend on yourself lor..." it hit me pretty bad... not coz it was insulting... it did make me feel evil... but wad it did was make me think whether that was true indeed... is it really wrong of me not wanting to add on to his present? ...wrong to think about my bank balance? especially after my mom's bday that the kids din pay me back for... ...wrong to indulge in my own wants? bumped into mr wee today... apparently i didnt leave such an impression on him back in AJ... he got my name oni on his second try... excused himself saying that he got me confused with another girl... his girls are loooking prettier than ever... cute family... really... talking about AJ... mr lim kok wee called the other day... about getting a photo from me... coz they wanna put my ugly photo on the wall opposite the staff room... would be a great honour... oni if they didnt ask for a 500kB to 1MB photo... something which my camera cannot handle... nor any of my wsfing photo ever was... probably have to give it up... though it'll be way cool to go back AJ and see my name up there... even though it's for the most insignificant reasons... greatest slacker of AJC... minyi from my YEP group moved into my cluster! how cool is that!? so fun having so many great pple in my cluster... we rock! he suggested going world cup together next year... but i said it's not good having plans too far ahead... lotsa midway surprises/changes that plans usually cant handle... it'll be way cool though! short-term goal: taiwan this end of sem! wo3 xu1 yao4 xue2 jiang3 hua2 yu3! ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:34 --Link to Post |
24.2.05 |
maybe it's a blessing in disguise that i din buy more footwear over the new year... i presently have 1 pair of Havaianas... and 2 more in the form of letters... not sure whether i should get them all for myself... or pass them on to friends... 3 pairs of Havaianas is abit over the top... but there's just so many ard... hiaks! maybe will drop by heeren to check the range out before deciding... i think i have to throw my spider away... in my attempt to give it some water and dead insects as food... i think i have unwittingly created a rotting mess... feel ultra evil... but maybe it's for the better... dear spidey... i'll miss you... just dont come back and haunt me... the sick pervert who kept you in a glass bottle... with no food and water for 2 whole weeks... gave you dead companions... and more crap... R.I.P. suddenly have more new windsurf shirts to wear... the IVP team shirt, the NTU open shirt, the ITWC shirt and the comm polo... i'm having fun rotating them... think the comm polo looks pretty smart... and the whole bunch look pretty good wearing them altogether... i love the comm... tests galore... am trying to study... but am achieving little... pretty sad when you think about it... the past sem is repeating itself once again... argh... been reading eeky men's mags as a form of escape from the eekier books... mags that came with the goodie bags from the competitions... FHM... NewMan... hiaks! wonder why do some people read all these crap... thin content... skin, skin and more skin... poor girls who have to plough through these... *flip page* "i'm fat..." *flip page* "i'm too fat..." *flip page* "gawd...i'm fat!" you get the picture... maybe its just me... but it's a sad scene indeed... kk... time for my bath and more books... may Ampere, Faraday, Biot, Savat, Maxwell, Lenz, Gauss, etc all watch over me... i need all the help i can get for this saturday... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:20 --Link to Post |
----Stef stopped rambling at 09:33 --Link to Post |
22.2.05 |
whenever i recall how much i wanted us to happen... i get confused if it's all just a dream... even if it is... i'm happy... i just dont want to wake... ever... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:19 --Link to Post |
finally... the 3 week of surfing surfing and more surfing finally came to an end... with the end result being me 10 times darker/tanner than before... but it did close off nicely... we won the IVP trophy... and the comm became even closer than before... dont think i ever enjoyed work that much before... it was stressful... hard work running ard under the sun... but i guess everything paid off... had tremendous fun with the surfers from the other JCs... good races... ones in which i was not too terribly disappointed with myself... lotsa nice photos as seen below... cant write much... coz am too maxed out from being in the sun for 3 straight days... had the TH intro course yesterdae.. was my first time in a laser boat... utterly fun... enjoyed myself... though rescuing pple repeatedly wasnt that fun... back to work for now... work work work... ----Stef stopped rambling at 15:26 --Link to Post |
![]() registration! ----Stef stopped rambling at 11:03 --Link to Post |
![]() launching out... ----Stef stopped rambling at 11:02 --Link to Post |
![]() TC checking out SMU equipment... ----Stef stopped rambling at 11:01 --Link to Post |
![]() beautiful weather... ----Stef stopped rambling at 11:00 --Link to Post |
![]() rafting up and floating away... ----Stef stopped rambling at 11:00 --Link to Post |
![]() NTU windsurfers... ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:59 --Link to Post |
![]() SMU windsurfers... ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:58 --Link to Post |
![]() the entire group...SMU, NTU, NUS... ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:58 --Link to Post |
![]() we won...WE WON! Surfer dudes and babes....WE ROCK! ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:56 --Link to Post |
![]() the NUS representatives! ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:53 --Link to Post |
![]() our Havaianas flip flops! ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:52 --Link to Post |
![]() my comm...people i'll happily sweat and tear with... ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:50 --Link to Post |
![]() lumein, joel and i...(attacking his food...) ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:49 --Link to Post |
![]() food, food and more food! ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:49 --Link to Post |
![]() wanqi and i...poor girl and her strained knee ligament... ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:46 --Link to Post |
![]() 6m winners...adrian, me and weicong! ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:44 --Link to Post |
![]() melissa SMU, shuzhen NTU, stef NUS... ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:43 --Link to Post |
![]() all the girls... ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:42 --Link to Post |
![]() having one too many sotong balls during zong ji mi ma... ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:41 --Link to Post |
18.2.05 |
while blog-surfing and friendster-touring.... to de-stress!!! stop giving me that look... i'm not feeling guilty! it suddenly occured to me... is it really necessary to make declarations of love and affection on such sites? where hundreds of friends plough through everyday... ur mushy, lovey-dovey talk in full view of others? *checks past entries for such crime* hope i didnt do that... although i must say it's quite tempting sometimes... no way... i dont think i'd go 'i love you, honey', '*muacks*', etc etc... quite frankly i'd be the first to laugh at myself if i ever came to such a stage... 'coz i do seriously think that such things are better left between two people... why the need to proclaim my love for whoever whoever... insecurity? the HE-IS-MINE-SO-DO-NOT-TOUCH chop? this is definitely something open for discussion as well... tag-board at your disposal... convince me... my opportunity cost of writing this entry is my econs essay and my statics test... make my sacrifice worth it... i really really wanna know what drives people to leave their 'face' behind... just to let their other half... and half the world, for that matter... know that they're happily in love and... shucks... am i guilty of that? okok... must qualify... it's the proclaimations i cant stand... nor sit... sometimes when he makes me carry his arm on my shoulders in school... i already feel kinda uncomfortable... i'm ok with proximity... just that i'm wondering whether is it really necessary to let everyone we walk by know that we're going out... i dont think i'm being backdated or anything like dat... coz i think it's perfectly reasonable thinking... though i dont think making wf wait two streets and one main road away when he picks me up from school back in TK was that great an idea... back to the present... i was pretty happy keeping our updated status under wraps in the first month... people who knew abt us said we deserved oscars... for our award-winning performances in front of the ignorant few... though i must admit it was weird reacting to him in two totally different ways... when we're alone... and when we're with friends... the latter grew to be quite tiresome... and my moods swung a great deal... coz i think subconciously... i was getting insecure... our acting too good... i can even confuse myself... my point being? i dont need constant reminders on my blog or my friendster how i'm supposed to feel.. all i need is to hold his hand and realise how much i dun want to let go... shucks... did i just contradict myself? it's easier to slam such stuff when you're not vaguely guilty of it as well... besides.. i CHOSE to surf onto their blogs... and click on their friendster profiles... hmmm... so now i'm pretty convinced its their business... and i have no right to whine and complain... darn... okok... if you ever catch me blogging a photo of him and me... or mentioning his name when i talk about us... or saying those mushy stuff on blogspot.com or friendster.com... SLAP ME... but dont think that'll happen soon... i'm like having an overdose of him right now... not that i'm complaining... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:45 --Link to Post |
17.2.05 |
lappy kinda acted up a couple of nites ago... was already stressing with the mounting work and looming deadlines... couldnt connect into internet at all... and at one point i couldnt even log on and access my PC... it's times like these when i appreciate having a multi-purpose number on my hp... so while he hunched over my PC... i could take my shower... do my online assignment on his PC... and sleep... was really on the verge of breaking into tears... panicking and all... but he made everything ok again... now we even have our very own greeting sign... (^..^) my pet spider havent eaten in a few weeks... but i dunnoe what to feed it... still... it's been poo-ing all over the container it's in... pretty gross stuff... coz its actually a pretty glass bottle from ikea... hiaks.... i'll have to disinfect it and everything when i'm done with it... back to EPA essay and statics... hope i'll pull through.... ----Stef stopped rambling at 12:57 --Link to Post |
...and he SNORES! ----Stef stopped rambling at 03:03 --Link to Post |
![]() the msg behind is the only reason why i'm hunching pathetically over this... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:41 --Link to Post |
![]() pretty in pink... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:29 --Link to Post |
15.2.05 |
NUS Championship happened over the weekend... came back to school with lotsa "you are much tanner now"... yes i know... peely skin once again... the event was ok i guess... though there was an obvious lack of competitors... i'm pretty sure those who were there had a great time... i did... despite aching arms... blistered hands... a blue-blacked big toe nail... which, the 4 medical students racing all agreed, will fall off in due time.. in a ugly fashion... darn... i take pride in my toes... hiaks... vday today... stuck some sweets on the doors of my cluster mates... hope it did brighten their day... jiatong was nice to slide a Closer postcard under my door... which i unwittingly stepped on... din get much work done.... just finished with my econs tutorial at 4am in the morning... the day was amazingly quick... spent a part of the afternoon making a quick dash from NUS to PS... for the little surprise that i had planned... wasnt very fun walking all over the place... am too used to being chauffeured by daddy dearest... and lugging back my purchases... which really werent very light... but just glad he was surprised... pleasantly surprised... i was too... never expected alot of the things today... the 1000pcs... the pink blooms... dinner was planned weeks ago... and it was a pretty little place tucked in some corner... the walkway into the restaurant was lined with pretty chinese bamboo... lit from the bottom up... wooden flooring... into a nice green patio with marble tables and white napkins... frankly... it was the first time i had 3 forks, 2 knives and 1 spoon laid out for me in that fashion... i think so... i'm that suaku... and plates that are at least 3 times the size of your food... nice waiters who thanked me when i thanked them... and food that really looked too good to eat... the appetizer... the entree... my salmon was just the way i liked my pan-fried to be... and he was constantly gushing over his lamb and mash potatoes... dessert was sinfully sweet... but what better way to end the meal... i never really beared to part with my savings to splurge on dinners like these... but i guess the pretty decor, nice ambience and above average food... is worthy of the special occasion the day was... and of course... the company was perfect... i left restaurant wrestling him for the receipt... never got to see it coz he threw it into the smelly bin... *pouts* thanks for the wonderful dinner... now we can start on our bread-and-water nutrition plan... esp after all that we spent so far... ----Stef stopped rambling at 04:04 --Link to Post |
![]() trying to look pro with an ugly tan line... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:55 --Link to Post |
![]() big splash... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:54 --Link to Post |
![]() pretty sky.... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:54 --Link to Post |
![]() looking pro... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:53 --Link to Post |
![]() starting the race... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:52 --Link to Post |
![]() da girls....xinyi, huiqian, vivien and shimei... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:51 --Link to Post |
![]() shifu and i... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:50 --Link to Post |
![]() group photo...participants of NUS Championships... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:49 --Link to Post |
![]() hardcore BBQ-ers... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:47 --Link to Post |
![]() crushing pam's legs....me, huiqian and pam... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:46 --Link to Post |
![]() tossing yusheng...pray that the club gets out of the red... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:45 --Link to Post |
![]() da organizers...me, justin and lu! ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:44 --Link to Post |
![]() wrapping up... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:42 --Link to Post |
8.2.05 |
never knew sharing a sub could be so enjoyable...
went to town to get clothes and shoes for CNY... but din get anything... starting to feel a little old for far east... but oh well... watched hotel rwanda... cried... but its really sad to see movies like these... reminded me a little of city of god... NTU Open concluded with me not winning anything... making friends out of collisions... morale bashed dirt low... but still a want to do my best and nothing more/less... reunion dinner was a feast... ate alot... ate too much... dont think i cant fit into that skirt anymore... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:14 --Link to Post |
![]() xinyi, huiqian and me! ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:55 --Link to Post |
![]() zhiyou, adrian and me! ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:46 --Link to Post |
![]() eyes wide shut... ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:45 --Link to Post |
![]() NUS windsurfers... ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:42 --Link to Post |
4.2.05 |
justin's back...
but he's gone to the toilet... and he's damn freaking funny... really... wonder why he's so quiet when we are in a group... i guess some people... like me... open up better to pple one-on-one... i think i react better to pple when i'm not in a group too... ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:13 --Link to Post |
dragged myself out of bed at 0730 this morning...
really really wanted to sleep more... but couldnt... had bazaar duty this morning... and as a person who stays in PGP... i probably shouldnt be late... i thot i was... but no one was around... so i stared at the booth for a little while... allowed myself to wake up a little... before frantically smsing the rest about wat to do... but no one replied... except justin who was supposed to join me in this slot... he came slightly late... but he was definitely more chatty and funny this morning... willingly let me cheat him of one bag of marshmellows... which i declined for a lunch treat instead... thats for leaving me all alone at the stall.. setting up by myself... but his antics definitely brightened up the gloomy morning already... i think friends are a very important part of one's life... remember how very happy i was on monday... after bumping into a number of havent-seen-in-a-long-time friends... and having lunch with my JC klassmates... being in lecture with few of my bestest pals... i was practially skipping away... felt happy... it was mommy's bday yesterdae... made my way home... got her a nice bag from the bazaar.. which she promised to use... pretty bunch of roses from the florist... yellow-red... with lotsa nice smaller ones... put it in the bag and hid the thing behind the couch... but she found it anyway... should see her face... it simply lit up... that reaction made lugging the whole thing home entirely worth it... somehow it feels damn good to have made someone else feel good... especially someone close to heart... it feels super... but dinner wasnt that super... thai express... food was good... everyone enjoyed their dinner... but i think i ordered a tad too much... having mamuang salad... fish laksa and tomkhagai... and mango rice and red ruby dessert... the soup, appertiser and desserts shared... but it was still freaking alot... 12 hours on... and i'm still recovering from the over eating... *burp* went back home for the mango cake i bot for mum somemore... *double burp* but just glad that she was happy... just that the whole thing has left me pretty broke... that and fund transfer to my dad... kinda offered to pay for my own hostel... since i dun wanna stress their finances... especially when it comes to my university expenses that run 4 figures... like hostel... thats probably the only thing actually... coz the fees are paid through CPF... so that isnt too bad... i guess it's alwaz good to have spare cash on hand... something we alwaz dont have... ironic that despite that... i'm still getting a monthly from them... but oh well... not working... cant do much about it... though i probably would work during the sem break... maybe forgo whatever trips i had planned... put back what i have been draining the past year... though i wonder who would actually want to employ me... have had bad experiences on most of my temp jobs the past year... tuition centre ended ugly... meridian was alrite... though it was hard keeping ur cool in front of kids less than 2 years younger... trying to act grown up and all... milk was interesting... but even more stressful trying to act cool and grown-up in the creative line... my favourite mantra... "clients are ALWAYS hard to please...stop trying..." wonder what kind of job i'll get this year... hope it's something fun... no call centres... ...i'll probably slam the phone on the caller... no waitressing... ...i'll probably pour minestrone soup on the customer... no sales... ...i'll probably tell the girl her butt looks big in those jeans... (coz mine do in those...) hard to please? the kind of person who will never get a job? get me something that makes use of my brain please... actually i like brainless work too... not thinking can sometimes be very enjoyable as well... i'm blogging so much now... coz i'm still alone at the booth... justin went for tutorial... and vivien who was supposed to be here... is not here... and darren who was supposed to deliver the money box has not come as well... i'm so glad i brought my lappy... if not i'll probably have to stare at the back of my hand... i want to go back to sleep... damn freaking tired... slept at 3 plus last nite... and woke at 7 plus this morning... wheres the logic? that's less than 4 hours of sleep clocked... *need sleep* NTU open tomorrow... just hope seletar reservoir will be fun... and that i dont get eaten up by the crocodiles that mingle mailed us about... ----Stef stopped rambling at 09:04 --Link to Post |
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