. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
maybe it's a blessing in disguise that i din buy more footwear over the new year...
i presently have 1 pair of Havaianas...
and 2 more in the form of letters...
not sure whether i should get them all for myself...
or pass them on to friends...
3 pairs of Havaianas is abit over the top...
but there's just so many ard...
maybe will drop by heeren to check the range out before deciding...

i think i have to throw my spider away...
in my attempt to give it some water and dead insects as food...
i think i have unwittingly created a rotting mess...
feel ultra evil...
but maybe it's for the better...
dear spidey...
i'll miss you...
just dont come back and haunt me...
the sick pervert who kept you in a glass bottle...
with no food and water for 2 whole weeks...
gave you dead companions...
and more crap...

suddenly have more new windsurf shirts to wear...
the IVP team shirt, the NTU open shirt, the ITWC shirt and the comm polo...
i'm having fun rotating them...
think the comm polo looks pretty smart...
and the whole bunch look pretty good wearing them altogether...
i love the comm...

tests galore...
am trying to study...
but am achieving little...
pretty sad when you think about it...
the past sem is repeating itself once again...
been reading eeky men's mags as a form of escape from the eekier books...
mags that came with the goodie bags from the competitions...
wonder why do some people read all these crap...
thin content...
skin, skin and more skin...
poor girls who have to plough through these...
*flip page*
"i'm fat..."
*flip page*
"i'm too fat..."
*flip page*
"gawd...i'm fat!"

you get the picture...
maybe its just me...
but it's a sad scene indeed...

time for my bath and more books...
may Ampere, Faraday, Biot, Savat, Maxwell, Lenz, Gauss, etc all watch over me...
i need all the help i can get for this saturday...

----Stef stopped rambling at 22:20
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