25.1.07 |
i almost cried while looking at photos of a friend in europe... i dont miss her all that much... maybe it's ENVY... i need need need to go there for grad trip... how am i going to do that? work my ass off to salvage my bank account post-USA... then try to convince the guy to backpack with me across that mighty continent... by offering him a year's worth of scratch back service... i so so so need to see Venice, Paris, London... visit John in Holland... and drink German beer... i really should stop watching Discovery Travel and Living... even though it's my favourite channel on earth... *sob* why do we need money for everything!?!?!? ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:45 --Link to Post |
today it was Adam Road's nasi lemak... and Island Creamery's Nutella in a cone before school today with the guy... Thursdays are gonna end up as my favourite day in the week... coz thats where we have marketing tutorial and lecture together... and can have lunch/dinner together too... i think one reason why i was hesitant to start on Project 365 was that i am shy... until i dare not whip out my camera whenever i want to take picture of food i think looks nice... or my Nutella on a cone... even though we were walking along a nobody-walks-this-pathway pathway... to NUS Bukit Timah Campus just so we could take a free bus back to school... but also because the ice cream was melting like mad... so i was licking like there was no tomorrow... yesterday was Vivocity with the guy... there is this not-special-looking cafe that I quite like... because of their seafood aglio olio that i swear by... business has been quite bad for them... i think because of their not-so-special deco and ambience... where all the other food outlets there thrive on their visual appeal... but we ate at their outlet back at Bugis and also once before when they just opened... and we thought it was pretty worth it... main course comes with soup and ice cream... and i really like the aglio olio... was at PageOne the bookstore for awhile... only had time for one book... or maybe because i was reading that Fundamentals of Photography so long... but they have so many interesting sections... like Kinokuniya but with shorter and less-dense shelves... making me a very happy girl... Borders abit intimidating... like wholesaler like that... PageOne is way cool... really have to go back there and conquer the photography shelf... it's not that i'm trying to learn photography techniques or what not... but the pictures in there are really W-O-W... kinda forced the guy to drive up Mount Faber... although i only managed to negotiate a drive-through... no romantic walk on the hill... nor a romantic sit-on-park-bench-with-head-on-shoulder kind of talk... but yeah... the view of the city area was pretty good... though i was distracted by some SMSes... and got scolded by the guy for making him drive up and not look around... my obsession with kang xi lai le is back... the last few episodes have been wonderfully hilarious... and i especially like the ones where they make celebrities learn dance... and make them perform... wah lau. especially the not-so-tall guys learning ballroom... quite a riot really... school is back. but my motivation to study or do work isnt there... i foresee impending doom. ----Stef stopped rambling at 18:51 --Link to Post |
22.1.07 |
i wanted very much to start the Project 365 thingy... where you take a picture everyday in the year... and collate them... allowing yourself to look back on the year gone by... it's exactly my kind of thing... the reminescing... the sentimental... but something inside me tells me more than half of my photos will consist of the following; - the view out of my PGP room... which isnt entirely bad actually... - the inside of my manufacturing lab, or any Mech Engin lab for that matter... considering i have my wheelchair to manufacture... and the FYP from next sem onward... - half-eaten lunch boxes... coz i dont have any friends... and eat out of styrofoam all the time... - pictures of the guy: Front, side and back... as if he's the only good thing in my life... and i have nothing else to show... painting a very sad picture of my life... actually a Project 365 like that can only mean the either of 2 things... - a very boring and mundane life...= SAD - a very uncreative person...= still got abit of hope so i was thinking... maybe i can take it up as a challenge... to challenge my inability to commit... EVERY SINGLE DAY not easy can? to challenge the notion that engineers are boring people with sad lives... although i dont see anything that spells otherwise in this dreaded semester of mine... to challenge my creativity, or lack of creativity... actually i just want an excuse to whip out my camera ANYTIME, ANYWHERE... and i want to become a better photographer... i dont have to be command-$5000-per-day-shoot better... just better. better in capturing my life... and find the beauty in all of it... actually i dont think it'll be a very boring year... Yellowstone, USA, in May... work... hike... camp out with the bears, boars and bees... probably cover as much of the West Coast as we can when we travel... Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas! and maybe stopover a couple of days in Taipei in July... visit his relatives and eat my yan shu ji! i dont care what is the exact name of the yummy thing or how to spell it... i just know it's damn yummy and i want to eat it... and the guy doesnt think it's possible to tapow for me when he goes back to TW for CNY... *wails* it also marks the first year of my adulthood... so hopefully i'll no longer be seeing this world in rose-tinted glasses... although thats actually my main aim... bleah.... contradictions! as to when i'll start this little project... i really dont know... maybe tomorrow... maybe next week... coz procrastinators rule! ----Stef stopped rambling at 18:48 --Link to Post |
19.1.07 |
watching so many of my friends leave SG to go on exchange makes me envious really... there are probably a few reasons why i didnt apply... financial constraints being the most obvious... but also... the fear of the unknown... and of solitude... i know we're all supposed to socialise and make frens... but i'm anti-social... what to do? saw Stella off to Sweden today... and Cheewei off to Denmark.. it definitely takes much more than enough moo-lah... but the courage to step into a foreign land ALONE... not knowing their language... and being away from the ones you love and cherish... i get homesick like mad one lor! i dont really know how i'll survive 3 months in the USA... the last two 3-week stints in Thailand left me crying when i called home... despite the fact that i had my teammates/YEP-mates with me... this time i'll have the guy and 3 other people i lub very much too... but i'll definitely miss my daddy and mommy... and the rest of my family of course... the trip already cost 3.3 upfront... admin and tickets... *fainted* i think my dream of a European grad trip will never materialise... ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:38 --Link to Post |
15.1.07 |
my timetable is starting to suck... and alot of things arent going as planned... but oh well... what to do? although i thot i dont have classes before 12noon everyday... i now have 3 nine am commitments per week... wish me luck... guy has been sweet... "and you make me a happy man. happy man and happy girl live happily ever after. wa ha ha" probably the first ever dumb and mushy thing he has ever said... ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:19 --Link to Post |
11.1.07 |
my equipment... second-hand aside... they're really a pretty good deal for 3 sails + 1 board... the last weekend was a blast... and the speed i reached... was AWESOME! although i was in constant fear of being flunged... or of collision and what not... consider i was such a noob on my equipment... the red-hot sail... wheet! my formula board... after being left on the rack during december... good deals make me a happy girl... anybody wanna rent while i'm away in USA? wahaha... and i realised the guy's short hair really isnt that bad... he likes it better... doesnt have to gel... and it reminds me of the photos of him as a 7 year old kid... younger... more innocent... wahaha... i liked listening to EIC cradled in his arm... feels very comfy... feels very xing fu... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:46 --Link to Post |
10.1.07 |
i am sick... and now... i made the guy sick too.. having the flu is quite the pissy thing... weekend by the beach was quite exciting indeed... racing the NUS internal race... withdrawing from the race to rig up my hard sail instead... getting slammed left right and center by the winds... worrying when the guy wasnt in sight after so long... went downwind, downcurrent with the rescue boat to look for him... getting stranded 1 km away with 3 windsurfers i dont know... walking barefooted on the tarred service road... just so the guy wouldnt miss me when he drove by to pick me up... after i so dumbly tried to rescue him... watched endless episodes of Las Vegas and The Office... ate our meals on a cardbox on the floor... i love slacking with the guy... i need to unpack the stuff in my room... but i kinda like the fact that the things are in boxes... makes moving out so much easier... ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:46 --Link to Post |
8.1.07 |
i know the picture very blur... i cant help it if i have shaky hands and needed long exposure for this picture... but i think the lone couple in an embrace on the breakwater is very cool with the sunset bkgrd... pity was... the sunset was way prettier than this moments before... but i had to run out to get a good shot... and knowing how fast (or SLOW) i can run... it took me quite some time... oh well... ----Stef stopped rambling at 18:24 --Link to Post |
3.1.07 |
it's exactly 2 years... and we planned a few days prior to revisit Buckaroo's... replay our first official date... not including ding tai fung or crystal jade that we had as buddies... it's a nice little roadhouse concept with great BBQ and grill... far far away in some obscure corner of Sembawang... the clam chowder in a humongous breadbowl is yummy... but way too big to be a starter... even for two... shared delectable calamari... and a triple platter of chicken, ribs and steak! okay... this is a boring who-i-met, what-i-ate... but the food was damn good can? i didnt get the guy anything... and it made me utterly guilty... felt really bad when i was irritated that he wanted to meet at his place... rather picking me up at the bus stop and driving down straight... gerberras and a Fossil watch waited on his desk... i have this embarassing confession... i feel sad when he doesnt go out of his way to surprise me/buy me things... but i feel bad when he does... feel so materialistic... two years... surpassed my previous 21months... no childish break-ups and patches... no shouting matches... truth be told... the guy never makes me sad... if i was ever sad about us... it was definitely because of my insatiable expectations... and unreasonable behaviour... he is really one of the most level-headed persons i have ever known... cool like cucumber... fun and quick-witted... and i guess his coolness is the only reason why we hit the big 2... sometimes i feel that i am always taking from this relationship... emotionally and psychologically... am not contributing enough.. and sometimes i wonder if i ever make him happy... although he seems very pleased when i scratch his back... it has become my weapon of choice... "turn back to my CSI, or else i dont scratch your back ANYMORE!" i know this is going to sound horribly mushy and terrible... (and this is usually the taboo subject... couples breaking up right after this is sorta thing is spoken...) but i really can imagine spending the rest of my life with this guy... save for the fact that he's not romantic... and doesnt give a damn when i'm out drinking or clubbing with guy pals... sometimes a bit of jealousy is nice... i can see us growing old together.. with that fair bit of spunk and laidback attitude... saving up money for our first car... then maybe our first house... taking holidays and get closer to my dream of visiting every continent once by 30... having a nice big dog like Tze's... it's nice to have someone walk with you through life like that... especially at an age with endless questions and uncertainties... two years aint nothing... but he was everything during this time.. ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:34 --Link to Post |
2.1.07 |
okay... i realised i was lying when i said no flashback of 2006... actually.. truth is i just showered and had time to spare till my thick mane dries out... 2006 was a great year to say the least... i got most things i wanted... i finally turned 21... the comms and events i helmed turned out a-okay... if not fantastic... haha... made fantastic friends... and discovered online shopping... okay... this is turning out to be very juvenile... 1. JOBS... there was a total of about 4 sources of income for me this year... ad-hoc teaching of windsurfing classes at PAECSSC... 3 month stint at Milk as an assistant producer... tuition teacher to 3 young Cambodian kids... internship with a marine firm doing all sorts of things... think along the lines of sit-at-desk-and-look-busy-reading-wikipedia... truth be told... i relished every single one of the jobs... taught me different things... allowed me to meet different people... and most importantly... helped rethink my ideal career path... i love the vibrancy of the creative industry... therefore the utter enjoyment of the 3 months with the fashion and advert photographer... i loved every second of it... the people... the stress... the high expectations... the drama.. it was even better than the first time i worked for him... this time i had more responsibilities... and responsibilities and work make me a happy person... even if it meant reporting to work at 5.30am in the morning... or wrapping up a shoot at 11pm... we work hard... and play hard... i guess that was what kept everybody going... in the midst of my present internship stint... i'm pretty sure that it isnt the right thing for me... people are great... but i cant imagine myself desk-bound... facing autocad or solidworks for the rest of my life... there is one more possibility that i havent gotten a thumb into yet... and that is the finance industry... not because the guy's in it... but it sounds challenging... the kind of work i like... stress + stress = woohoo! and i heard the money's good... i reckon if the guy was going to spend all his time on work in the future... why not i spend all my time on work too... earn lotsa money... and work towards his dream of early retirement... restaurant/home by the beach... waiting for the wind... i'm gonna get my hands on every business mod i can take in the next 3 sems... make sure i get those interviews exclusive for the USP... and see how things go from there... 2. FRIENDS... 2006 saw new friendships and the strengthening of those already present... being in a sport which required long hours idle at the beach definitely helped... waiting for the all elusive winds... we spent time crapping... playing cards... doing everything else... while maintaining those from long before... like crashing serene's bed... literally... the bed fell to the ground... and bravely facing the music/the wrath of her sister together... ![]() few individuals were especially significant... and one of those was John the Cycling Dutchman... and power windsurfer too... he's probably the best angmoh fren i have... and one of the few people whose letters/emails make me cry... our friendship started with chocolate connettos... buying a 3 for $dunnoe-how-much combo... where i ate 1 and him the rest... at first i thought he was just a funny guy who wore long black pants to camps... but it became more... meals in school... ice cream outside georgies in PGP... and even when he's far away in hor-lan now... i get sweet MSN msges and postcards from the big friendly giant... i cried when he left singapore... because he was the one who helped me pick up rubbish during sea sports camp... when he didnt have to... and he was the one who made me feel that all i have done for the windsurf club... was worth my while... jasmine, from my time at milk, made a bigger difference in my life than she will know... probably one of my only colleagues who put us on equal ground... and gave me responsibilities with trust... quite a foolish act, if you ask me... thing is... her attitude to work... and how hard she works is really admirable... it made me realise that education is nothing... and a person can do alot just by putting your heart and soul into it... without her... i wouldnt have survived the 3 months... and i would never have learnt all that i have learnt in that time... even after i left... we still keep in touch and she keeps me updated with all the gossip and news... lots of effort to keep in touch with a small fry like me... ![]() yxy... undisputedly my biggest hero of 2006... though our friendship goes way back to 2002... it wasnt till uni that we hung out together more... coz he's in Mech Engin as well... its a miracle that ANYONE would want to study with a noob like me... having a 5time/5time dean lister studying with me is a miracle x 10... and i have no word to describe that adequately... although he eats 5 of my Crunch minis at 3am in the morning while using my internet... calls me noob... asks me to "GET FAT PLEASE!" when i express interest in chocolate waffles at the canteen... he is hero coz i know he really wants to help me do well... even though he acts all evil all the time... it was lunches/dinners/suppers together that helped me through the exam period... yes yes, cry me a river... 3. MOVIES... undeniably... the guy and i enjoy movies a good darn lot... to an extent that i scrimp and save on money for clothes/shoes/stuff... but wont bat an eyelid shelling out 20 bucks for a weekend movie with the guy... one of the more important movie-related discoveries was Cathay Picturehouse... great seats... lack of un-cool crowds... UOB discounts + cheaper tickets... there was no reason for us not to love that place to bits... save for the fact they have special discounts for SMU students and none for us... truth is... i really cant remember what i have watched or havent... being attached to someone who loves movies and sitting 4 rows away from the screen just to have the whole screen engulf your senses meant a movie every week... or more during the holiday season... last week we watched 3... entertainment aside... it is a form of release for me... escapism... and most definitely some educational value... as with Blood Diamond which we caught as people counted down to 2007... i love previews and the ability to say, "hey i watched it!" even before it is out on the screens... i watched The Illusionist too... and lets just say the guy watched it on his flight to Bali... Leonardo DiCaprio is definitely at the top of his league right now... The Departed, Blood Diamond, Aviator.... all prove that he has come a long way since his Titanic days... 4. Exilim Z-60... my best camera thus far... not just because i wanna try my hand at arty farty pictures... albeit unsuccessfully... i am a sentimental fool... and love having pictures to remember things by... so here are some photos... all in all... year 2006 was a blast... in a good way of course... all thanks to my family, the guy, my friends... and life as a whole... contentment isnt the word... because i got more than i ever dreamed of... and for that i'm thankful... if 2007 could be half as good... it would be a good year already... wishing everyone a great 2007. ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:54 --Link to Post |
happy new year everybody... while i would love to do a blow by blow account of the year... it passed by too quickly... i dont exactly remember any milestones... i think being attached has made me an utterly boring person... not that i'm complaining... blow-by-blow account? another time perhaps... ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:10 --Link to Post |
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