. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i almost cried while looking at photos of a friend in europe...
i dont miss her all that much...
maybe it's ENVY...
i need need need to go there for grad trip...
how am i going to do that?
work my ass off to salvage my bank account post-USA...
then try to convince the guy to backpack with me across that mighty continent...
by offering him a year's worth of scratch back service...
i so so so need to see Venice, Paris, London...
visit John in Holland...
and drink German beer...
i really should stop watching Discovery Travel and Living...
even though it's my favourite channel on earth...

why do we need money for everything!?!?!?

----Stef stopped rambling at 21:45
--Link to Post

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