30.10.06 |
i hate quarreling with the guy... not that we scream at each other at the top of our voice... but he speaks so calmly and cooly that i immediately feel at fault and immature... it's terrible how i feel so at fault thereafter... so i'm glad that our outbursts never last more than 10 minutes... we watched The Break-Up after that... how apt... but i really see the Vince Vaungh character in him... and not Jennifer Aniston in me... it was so sad to see 2 people break up like that... i've had one... and would never like to relive that... we finally got couple rings! wahaha... suggested it a couple of months back... was searching for steel rings instead of the shiny silver type... actually am quite surprised that the guy agreed to it... coz he never came across as the kind of guy who would wear a ring... he doesnt even wear a watch... and he's not the flaunt the girlfriend type... coz i'm nothing to flaunt... he doesnt put our photo as his hp wallpaper... despite me changing it for him many times (as a form of irritation)... and so we've got new rings! stainless steel types that look like cyclops' eyegear... school's getting mad... bleah... and i think my wisdom tooth is coming out... pain.... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:50 --Link to Post |
23.10.06 |
the guy and myself are going for WATUSA 2007! it'll be Yellowstone with Yijun, Xinyi and Yaodong... and i'll be the only freak with a ang-moh name and no driving license... not that the first fact matters... but i think it'll be way fun! and the lady who interviewed us was impressed with the guy's english... indicating in his form that he was "GS possible"... which we took to mean Guest Service or Gift Shop possible... must be his addiction with american TV... USA, here we come! the guy's birthday came and gone... bought him the adidas Chelsea jersey... and the tiramisutra cake he has been craving since eons ago... the latter was ultra yummy... each morsel of cake (minus the creamy part) was soaked in kahlua.... wah lau... but the blardy cake so small... his mom said the cake was nice too... and his dad took a second helping over soccer... so i'm glad! ----Stef stopped rambling at 16:19 --Link to Post |
19.10.06 |
Magni - The Dolphin's Cry great voice... ----Stef stopped rambling at 10:28 --Link to Post |
16.10.06 |
my blardy internet is being selective... i cant access Pandora... no great, unlimited music... no MSN, hotmail, I-banking... i am officially useless and cut-off from the rest of the world... i can access blogspots and livejournals though... voyeurs unite! ARGH. ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:10 --Link to Post |
11.10.06 |
![]() the guy and my Godiva Chocolixir.... i finally tried it two weeks ago... and it was divine... choco bits in the coffee-based drink... i know it sounds starbucks... but GODIVA leh... even the name sounds more atas... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:14 --Link to Post |
ive been superbly impatient of late... and i dont know why... it's killing me coz i'm being mean to everyone... and i know it's horrible... am trying to cut back and take things slower... but it's mad when nobody wants to listen... teaching my Cambodian kids have been real fun... each one has a different character and they really make my evenings... even though the journey there and back is horribly long... the youngest one is damn cute... he looks like the guy's HKG nephew whom i never met... but have been gushing endlessly over his photo... the second one is a chubby little kid... not as cute... but has a great sense of humour and a penchant for adding laughter to the lessons... the eldest is like the mother to all of them... helping me shush them if need be... and really willing to learn and master the maths i'm teaching... we even got to speaking Thai phrases in our class... coz they been there pretty much as well... i bought new equipment... not exactly new... but in really good condition coz the previous owner is going overseas... 1 board and 3 sails for $400... when these things usually sell for thousands of dollars... i think i struck gold... mr Tan helped me set up the smallest sail... the 7.5m... and i cant wait to take it to the water... it's a nice red colour and really looks brand new... couldnt even tell it has been repanelled... i have been threatening the guy with the 8.4m... coz he really wants something that size... and his birthday is coming soon... so he better treat me nice... havent been feeling very good of late... dizzy spells... the almost-blackouts... headaches... rashes from the seawater... it's been mad... was telling the guy... no one would know if i fainted in my room in PGP... life is that miserable... dont know whats wrong... coz i'm been watching what i eat... meaning i dont skip meals and i eat a balanced diet... and i've been sleeping quite alot... oh well... just hope its nothing major... and i think i'm in the wrong faculty... i really dont belong in engineering. argh. ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:55 --Link to Post |
6.10.06 |
my dad always scolds me when he is in hearing distance of my phone conversations with the guy... he thinks i'm damn rude to the guy... saying that i'm taking him for granted and that i wouldnt do that if we just met... but the thing is... that IS how i talk to him... and how he talks to me too... we thrive on trashtalking one another... it's like how the guy justifies being rude to his own mother... i know he loves his parents to bits... but sometimes he just shuts his mom off verbally and i always reprimand him for that... it's ruder than how he talks to me... so it kinda worries me... whether our ease of conversation will one day end up like that... since he says it's because they are so close... oh well... ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:26 --Link to Post |
2.10.06 |
turning 21 didnt feel particularly special... i dont feel like i've suddenly become an adult... but what did happen... was that i realised that i could not depend on my parents for money any longer... i still am getting an allowance every month... but i took on a tuition job.... 3 primary school kids together... 4 hrs per week... and the pay's not bad... i'm gonna ween myself off the $400 allowance i get a month... obviously... with that measly sum... i eat into my savings from my holiday job... and i live off the guy and my parents for meals pretty much... rather shameless eh? once i get my tuition pay in 4 weeks... and with my instructor fees doing ad-hoc courses by the beach... i'm well beyond what i have been getting prior... let's just hope i can pull this off and maybe even save enough for WATUSA... whooo! ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:13 --Link to Post |
1.10.06 |
5 Signs that you are becoming a shopaholic:
somebody save me... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:10 --Link to Post |
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