. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i thought i'd have grown up over the years...
by default or something...
and i'll stop making stupid mistakes...
doing things i'll regret for a long time...
that's not even saying forever...

it has been maybe 5 weeks..
it still haunts me...
each moment replays and i ask myself why...
i cant say i'm young, ignorant or any other factors that alleviates my guilt...
coz i'm not...
at least no longer...

it eats me up from the inside...
the happier i am...
the angrier i get with myself...
i ask myself why...
it has been two consecutive sleepless nights so far...
this might be the third...

i should have known...
why should it ever be otherwise...
what was i thinking...
so now i'm stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea...
where the pursuit of happiness drags me into a grim, deep pit of remorse...
one that i probably would never be able to climb out of...

i guess when happiness != happiness...
you know your life is pretty much screwed.

----Stef stopped rambling at 01:59
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