. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

Ted's the protagonist in this sitcom...
How I Met Your Mother.
where the sitcom revolves around him telling his kids about the time when he was younger...
and still very much alive in the dating scene..
so it was woman after woman...
and of course, the bunch of very interesting friends...
very Definitely, Maybe...
but i think this sitcom came first...
unless Definitely, Maybe was a book...
we're guessing this woman is IT...
she's a doctor with a kid in tow...
so she refused to go out with him...
saying that she doesnt have time...
only two-minute lunches...
when she obviously likes him too...
this is the date he planned...

loved the song in the background too...
its thirteen by big star...
which is so perfect...
perfect for this scene...

it made me cry...
coz it is oh-so-sweet...
and insanely beautiful...
something you dont quite expect from a comedy...

sometimes you dont have to lose things to realise how much they mean to you...

----Stef stopped rambling at 01:52
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