. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i am contemplating a total shut down of this blog...
but i'm reluctant coz of the crappy archives i have here...
it's fun to read and cringe at the horrible language, (lack of) maturity, etc...
another option is to keep it...
and start a new wordpress...
have always been pretty drawn to the neatness and organized layout...
and wx wants a RSS feed...

i dont know.

much as i dont know why alot of things happen in life...
before you read that and start linking it up to what you might have seen on facebook...
things arent always what they seem they are...
i dont even know what i am talking about...

but to all the nice people...
who are voyeuristic like me...
thank you...
especially linc mah who was terribly sweet...

in other news...
i'll be taking up powerboat lessons soon...
so i might just get a boat license before i even get a driving license...
not sure how everything is going to work out...
but i'm hopeful...
at least i know if i'm gonna be unemployed for some time post-graduation...
i know i'll be suitably entertained and kept occupied with things like my first aid course...
or the ncap theory...
i like to be distracted like that...

but wth...
i hope what doesnt kill me, only makes me stronger...

same goes for the finance quiz that i didnt prepare for, coming up tomorrow...
its the last lap of school...
i need to do this well...

----Stef stopped rambling at 21:01
--Link to Post

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