. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
bumped into Emmanuel two days in a row...
which aint bad coz we ended up ranting about FYP and our dumb CAPs...
but he told me he got A for Genes and Society...
so now i'm fueled with optimism...
loading up on the CD-ROMs...
which really is 10x more interesting and insightful than the lectures...

i dont have much time...
it's going to be a crazy 3 weeks...
maybe more...
my foresight now only extends to three...
with all the tests, presentations and deadlines...
but like Melv says...
who runs a marathon and slows down at the very end?
it's time for a sprint...

wish me luck.

----Stef stopped rambling at 00:56
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