. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i am totally in love with this picture right now...
actually i HAVE BEEN...
for quite some time now...
but i just think it's so pretty...
cute kids at the rodeo...
didnt expect the shot to come out decent...
coz i was trying to sneak the shot without having their parents wrestle me to the ground...
you know...
like i want to kidnap their kids or something...

it reminds me of carefree times...
where the sky is always bluer...
and the colours seem so bright...

i black-and-whited everything save for the blue blue sky...
not sure how it would turn out...
but i must say it aint bad...
at least the guy said so...
taken by my trusty ole' Casio....

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:57
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