. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
my family and the guy's family are so crazy over tiramisu from tiramisutra.com...
so much so that the almost all our birthday cakes this year were from them...
considering how many people there are in my family...
at least those living under the same roof...
that's a whole lot of cake...
the cakes are really awesome...
to the extent that we never had the heart to try anything else from tiramisutra...
so all i can say is that the Original Kahlua Tiramisu rocks!
even the guy's parents love them...

(chey...wanted to post photos...but the blardy blogger photo seems to be down...)

am so surfing facebook...
never knew my ex-boss profile got so many celebs...

----Stef stopped rambling at 00:20
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