. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

Day 188 of Project 365...
here's a picture of some of the guy's cousins and us...
it's our last day here in the US of A...
pretty sad...
and not very happy to go...
especially since his relatives were really nice and took very good care of us...
the guy would probably miss the weather...
miss the SGD1 Hagen Daaz ice cream bars...
and i will miss nice things to take pictures of...
quite frankly...
i really like his family...
the whole extended family deal...
thousands of miles apart...
yet they are even closer to each other than my own extended family is...
i guess i am also opening up more...
getting involved in conversations rather than just keeping quiet like i did 2 years ago in Taipei...
it's how i want my old age to be with my siblings...
still close...
and still lots of fun...

the whole US experience can pretty much be described to be life-changing...
i think i grew up a little...
although i'm still horribly emotional...
and still expect too much of people...
we just about made back the amount of money we pumped in for the trip...
i'm glad i didnt take/borrow money from my parents...
coz it made me treasure every little bit more...
i guess it also relieves me of the guilt trip i would have been on...
enjoying myself thousands of miles away while my parents work hard for the money...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59
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