. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

Day 171 of Project 365...
3 of my favourite guys in Yellowstone...
Petr, the guy and Radek...
we hung out in their room after we left Frank's...
and it was awesome looking at pictures of Czech Republic and stuff...
now we're all the more convinced that we had to visit Eastern Europe...
especially since Frank showed us amazing scenery in Romania and Crotia...
if only i have enough money to take myself there...
not sure how i'm going to earn enough for it...
especially when the writing doesnt pay that much...
but oh well...
we'll see at the end of the next school year....

but frankly...
i will miss these guys...
hanging out with them at the pub...
laughing at our inability to communicate properly...
it's kinda hard to think about leaving the people in Yellowstone...
and never see them again...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59
--Link to Post

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