. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

Day 168 of Project 365...
after so long of bugging Justin to take us somewhere (anywhere)...
we finally gone today...
they were planning to go fly fishing but it takes a pretty 2 mile hike to get to the fishing spot...
so we tagged along for the scenery...
Justin didnt drive in the end...
it was Chris instead...
kinda squeezy with 7 people...
but it was fun...
the spot is kinda along Hellroaring trail...
and along the way...
we had to walk across this pretty suspension bridge...
which was swaying a little...
no time to stop for pictures...
especially considering the fact that we hiked back in the dark...

it was nice just sitting on a rock leaning against the guy...
told him i'm glad i met him three years ago...
coz i really am...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59
--Link to Post

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