. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

Day 165 of Project 365...
it was down to Gardiner to watch Jon and Rob play at Devils Slide...
we had to hitch hike down...
luck wasnt on our side at first...
only the 10th car or so stopped for us...
but like i told the guy...
it's fate man...
the family that stopped for us are from Bozeman...
and they are definitely some of the nicest people we've met so far...
they have 3 kids...
and boy were they adorable!
the kids were like excitedly telling us stories about animals they saw and stuff...
all that within a 15min ride...

we got to Gardiner safe and sound...
found the pub easily...
met a lot of interesting people...
some nice...
there was a cute bulldog hanging out in the pub too...
and when we ordered pizza...
it came around and looked at us with that melancholic bulldog face...
darn cute...
luckily Nicole was down at Gardiner too...
so we had a ride back to Mammoth...
it was cool hanging out...
over cola and pizza...
starting to experience the un-touristy side of USA...
a little at a time...
picture is of a little rainbow...
on the way to the place we start trying to hitch hike...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59
--Link to Post

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