. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

Day 156 of Project 365...
after weeks of negotiation...
Jason finally offered to bring me to the dirt track for the weekly car races in Belgrade...
managed to convince him to take 3 more, including the guy...
i know this is no F1 and the track is tiny...
but it is probably my first car race ever...
and it was way fun!
the cars looked like something out of Matchbox...
and boy were they loud...
but it was fun choosing cars and cheering for them against the cars Jason and the guy chose...
it was frigging awesome...

so i'm glad something good came out of being a TL...
interacting more with my fellow co-workers...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59
--Link to Post

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