. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

Day 152 of Project 365...
it was the back of Jon's pick-up again for the rodeo at Livingston...
this one was definitely much better than the one at Gardiner...
due to the higher prize money and stuff...
so we got to see people who compete in the Nationals...
the Team Roping event didnt go too well though...
i guess the calves and bulls are also better at this event...
i tried something called Elephant Ears as well...
it's like a giant hum cheem peng...
coated with sugar...
and like that 3USD...
after the entire event was over...
there was a fireworks display...
because we're so close to Independence Day...
at least 4 minutes worth...
it was lovely...
i heard it was nothing compared to the ones we had in SG last year...
but still...
it was nice...
to be so far away from home...
yet still enjoying a pretty moment with the one you love beside you...
our pick-up got pulled over on our way back...
but since all of us were strapped in legally...
the officer couldnt issue a ticket...
so he instructed Jon to drive safely...
and drove behind us all the way from Livingston to Gardiner....
which was approximately an hour's drive apart...
how cool is that?
i mean...
police escort leh...
never had in SG before also...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59
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