. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

Day 147 of Project 365...
our day off today...
although it's a Wednesday...
the guy and i kinda declared it a lazy Sunday...
wanted to go on an Old Yellow bus tour, Calvary to the Rescue...
but no guests signed up...
so we couldnt hop on...
on the bright side...
Frank happened to be at the hotel as well...
about to drive to Gardiner on some errands...
he offered us the ride so we hopped on...
walked by the restaurant at which we had dinner the other day...
no watch...
he told us about the nice little bookstore, the Tumbleweed...
so we went there to hang out while waiting for him...
smoothies and mocha blends...
just chilling in the shade...
sitting on the swing...
it was cool...
Frank joined us soon after...
and we talked for a long time...
about travelling to Europe...
Japan and its eccentricities...
and basically just about life...
it was nice to say the least...
an enjoyable day off...
considering the next schedule will be a 6-day week...
since some people have left the company...
i kinda want to work more having seen the more important attractions in the park...
i seriously need to save for my graduation trip...
if it's something i want...
i want to be able to pay for it myself...
without burdening my parents...
Europe, here i come!

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59
--Link to Post

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