. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

Day 141 of Project 365...
a ride to Bozeman that we almost didnt make it for...
apparently our friends managed to secure a ride to Bozeman...
but of course, there were so many of us...
the guy and i were left out...
but luck had it that, Jan, the driver who offered them a ride knocked on our dorm door...
so we spent half hour chatting/crapping and got offered a ride as well...
we had to squeeze though...
all 7 of us in a Toyota Corolla...
all the way to Bozeman, 1.5 hrs away...
but Jan was a fabulous driver...
superbly safe...
and wonderfully skillful...

shopped a good deal actually...
bought some stuff from Bath & Bodyworks....
since they were having a semi-annual sale...
didnt see anything my type/size at Victoria Secrets...
bought 40USD worth of clothes/shoes/bikini top at the Old Navy sale...
wasnt planning on spending so much...
coz i thought my 16.50USD shoes were off 50%...
and i was wrong...
Wal-Mart was the last stop...
for Ben & Jerry's at 3USD a tub...
a beach towel so i can sun tan back in SG...
more Doritos and the Godfather trilogy as a DVD collection...
the guy got a cool grey Mustang tee for 10USD...
pretty good deal if you ask me...

looking forward to the factory outlet stores in SF...
luckily the guy has relatives there so we wouldnt be so lost...
hurray to free lodging and rides...
*crosses fingers*

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59
--Link to Post

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