. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
it's interesting how the place doesnt feel entirely foreign...
i guess when you're with people you know...
it doesnt feel that different anymore...

just worked a five day stretch...
so it's my off day today...
didnt do anything...
except play ping-pong at the Recreational Hall...
with the guy, who is off with me...
my ping-pong is terribly lousy...
but i think i'm getting better...
and it's fun...

days at work pass pretty quickly...
especially when you think about all the Due-Outs you have to clear...
it's not as bad as it sounds...
but the guy and myself have been on a permanent cabin shift...
and it's rougher out there....
the weather...
the cart being heavy...
and while the ground squirrels are cute at first sight...
they can be quite a bother when they tear up your trash bags...
or even the linen bags..
crazy little things...
but most of us concluded that the people (other than us) who work in the cabins are nicer...
even the Romanian couple have been offering us rides...
after the guy worked with him once...
it's harder to get rides for the whole bunch of us...
so we've been turning down trips to the nearby towns...

thing is...
we really need a car to get us around Yellowstone...
and out of Yellowstone when we're done as well...
it's a bother because we need to get to Bozeman which is 1.5 hrs away for a car dealer...
and it's hard to get a ride so far away...
we've been dying to watch Pirates of the Caribbean...
but it's the same problem...

i'm the glad the guy brought TV series and movies...
so we've been stuffing ourselves silly with Everybody Loves Raymond...
and french movies like Amelie and Delicatessen...

weather has been a bother...
i've finally seen snow...
both falling and fallen...
so that's a first...
i havent made snow angels...
although i have a tiny one that i drew with my fingers on the fire escape the night it snowed...
it is cold sometimes...
but dad and mom, please dont worry...
the clothes keep me warm enough...

food has been pretty good...
we had very yummy chicken cordon bleu for lunch today...
and i just discovered that the root beer at the self-serve soda machine at the EDR is fantastic...
so i made myself a root beer float a couple days ago...
the soups could really do with less salt...
and their cooked vegetables are pretty bad...
but the salad bar is fantastic...
and the way they eat mandarin oranges here is peeled, leaving only the pulp...
not even the chewy membrane is spared...
so i guess the down side is that most of the fruit i've been eating is processed...
not very healthy yeah?

our hikes have reduced pretty much...
probably because we've done as much as we could in this area, without needing a car...
and to do most things else...
we need like the snow on Sepulcher to melt...
and 10min rides to trailheads that would probably take us 2.5 hrs to walk to...

it has only been 3 weeks...
but it feels as though we've been here forever...
it's hard to keep track of days when you have a non-weekend off day...
thing is...
weekends dont matter when you're in the middle of a nature reserve....

----Stef stopped rambling at 18:59
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