. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

Day 91 of Project 365...
review at Millenia Walk today was great....
though i was abit dumbfounded against all the PR lao jiao...
not that they were old...
just very experienced and therefore, slightly intimidating...
but i thoroughly enjoyed the food and beer...

and was trying to convince they guy to bring his parents here...
but the parents wanted Korean...
so ahn-yong-hase-yo!
spicy tofu soup HERE I COME!

conquered the whole of Orchard Road with Justin prior...
i got my Lonely Planet USA...
a traveller's pouch....
and wonderful conversations with my Sea Sports Camp kaki...
he got a shirt for work...
A shirt...
considering our goal that entire afternoon was his shirts...
i think that guy has fantastic self-control...
or very fussy taste...
*runs and hide*
lunch was at Big O and we did a very tai-tai thing of having tea and desserts at Hagen Daaz....
enjoyable afternoon...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59
--Link to Post

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