. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

Day 117 of Project 365...
Happy Birthday Daddy!!!
just a random shot of some scary looking wormy insects...
in other insect news...
one of our team leaders got bitten by a spider...
the Brown Recluse is suspected...
and it got pretty bad...
she visited the hospital twice...
and apparently they have to remove the infected portion of flesh...
Ron was telling us people have lost limbs to its venom...
probably due to delayed medical treatment...
so we got pretty freaked out...
but those at home please do not worry...
we have a spider man in our group...
he works with spiders in school...
catching, feeding, studying and whatever not...
so we're in safe hands...
he caught a unidentified spider today...
and placed it in a glass cup...
so yeay...
one less spider to worry about...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59
--Link to Post

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