. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
you know you are too reliant on technology when...
...you have to use excel to keep track of attendence when organizing gatherings...
granted that it wasnt an excel sheet made just for that...
just the contact list that i have had since eons ago...

am staring at the guy sleeping right now...
he has this ultra long 3 hr break on mondays...
and after a hour-long study session with his friend...
now he's flat out...
like always...
love watching him sleep...

i know i am a horrible gf...
like in the previous Project 365 post...
i kinda forced him to buy me chocolates...
it's just typical of the guy...
he has his own ways of being nice to me...
and they are just not the flower-sending, handbag-toting, chocolate-buying kind of stuff...
i get insecure sometimes coz i dont see his sweet actions...
but on hindsight...
they all come to me...
like how he drives me home or pick me up from school, especially when we stay quite far apart...
how he helps me carry my sail after making helluva noise about how 'light' it is...
how he switches off the sound in the TV when he sees that i dozed off while studying...

i told him yesterdae that he reminds me of my dad...
but i dont think he realises how big that is to me...
not in the sense that i am comparing him to my dad...
but that i've always wanted the man of my life to have all the good qualities of my dad...
and i'm glad i found that...

i love the fact that he knows what he wants in life...
that he loves his parents...
that he is smart, funny and articulate...
and it's amazing coz when we first started out...
i never knew him to be all this...

USA will be something new for us...
post-graduation too...
it's been more than 2 years...
thats something and nothing all at the same time...
i dont know where this can take us...
i just know that for now...
there is probably none other who can be as great to me as he...

----Stef stopped rambling at 16:48
--Link to Post

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