. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

Day 45 of Project 365...
raw fish salad at the Zhen Zhen Porridge of Maxwell Food Centre...
this is really good stuff that i dont eat much of...
the queue here is usually blardy long...
so the only time i can NOT wait so long is when i join my parents for a real early breakfast...
this was one of the days...
they dragged me up at 6am...
on a Saturday, no less...

the raw fish are all hidden under the generous helpings of sesame seeds, spring onions, fried shallots, ginger and red chillies...
then drizzled with lotsa of lime juice...
i love to grab a bunch of everything with my chopstick...
and dip it into their tasty plain porridge...
ala chinese fondue...
and it's totally yummy can?
because the fish gets slightly cooked...
but still coated with all the wonderful goodness of the lime, sesame and greens...
wah lau...
it's amazingly great...
and this portion is just $3...
the plain porridge goes at $0.50 a BIG bowl...
which you probably cant finish on your own...
trust me...

thats why i love breakfasts with my parents...
we always have cheap and yummy stuff...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59
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