. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
it's women's month or something in March...
and so i'm supposed to come up with 2 articles...
i'm quite the nub when it comes to serious writing...
so i thought maybe i'll blabber on here before i start to think about what i wanna write for real...

thing is...
it aint easy being a woman...
frankly, i think i'm one huge contradiction personified...
it's like i'm dying to prove myself...
that i'm as good as the guys...
in work, play...
but yet..
i yearn to be doted upon...
given in to...
and make helluva fuss when the guy does not...
maybe the guys are having a tougher time trying to figure us out...

but maybe like what cass mentioned once...
and i thought it was pretty true...
we're from student council...
so i understand what she's trying to put across...
us girls can go about our days pretending to be superwoman...
juggling studies, work, committees and what not...
but at the end of the day...
most of us just wanna be xiao nu ren when it comes to the significant other...
thing is...
there is a limit to how many decisions you have to make in a day...
and sometimes, being able to leave your life, or at least your leisurely time, for someone to run...
can be a bliss indeed...
i can really imagine a woman in a powersuit scolding her subordinates to death during work..
and then hooking her arm ard that of her spouse asking him what he wants to eat meekly...

women are queer...
hard to fathom...
and oh so fickle...
you can check out our wardrobe if you dont know what i mean...
but it's this changing nature and lack of predictablity that distinguishes us from the males...
so if men are mostly boring beer-guzzing folks...
we're then the perfect complement...

i think i'll just go with the Nokia series of handphones for women...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:18
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