. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
it has been three days since the guy last sms-ed me...
and i get pretty neurotic at that...
thing is...
he did talk about calling me every day from Taiwan...
and i told him i didnt need him to do that...
thing is...
i get worried whenever things like that happen...
i know he's alright...
and that he's probably playing all the mahjong he can get his hands on...
making lots of money at that...
it also makes me worried...
coz i tend to wonder alot...
but the most logical reasoning is that he forgot to bring his handphone charger to Taiwan...
and thus, cannot sms me anymore...
which is logical coz he stopped after 2 days plus over there...

but it's true that you really only understand the value of the person only when he/she is gone...
now there is no one to watch Protege and Dreamgirls with me...
no one to laugh at kang xi lai le today...
when xiao S did that superbly funny dance-off with cai tou...
or when i just want to complain about extended family drama...
and have him tell me that the world is like that...

it's only 1am on wednesday...
how am i ever gonna survive till sunday???
and i dont even know what flight he will be flying back on...

----Stef stopped rambling at 00:53
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