. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

Day 7 of Project 365...
was filling up forms late into the night...
for the US visa application...
to make sure nobody thinks that I'm a terrorist wanting to bomb the country...
although the guy is quite sure i'll run into a lot trouble at the airport...
coz i dont look cheena enough...
i'm pretty pissed at the amount the whole trip is costing upfront...
about 3.6k to date...
my bank account is officially pathetic...
and i have to think twice before i do or eat anything beyond the bare minimum now...
i'm quite bent on financing this trip entirely on my own...
even though my grandma wanted to give me some...
it's a want...
not a need...
and i truly believe in working for your wants...
but the blardy air tickets are 2k already la...
if only i was Hiro Nakamura from the new AXN series, Heroes...
then i can tele-port to USA...
*cues Japanese accent*
"Like Star Trek."

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:59
--Link to Post

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