. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time

Day 6 of Project 365...
this can of Milo cost me a whooping $2.20...
it was at the vending machine at the bus-stop opposite YIH...
and costs $1.10 per can...
daylight robbery can...
how can exploit desperate breakfast-less students like me??!?!?
it ate $1.10 from my cashcard without giving me anything back in return...
but i was so desperate for food...
or anything remotely like food...
that i was willing to risk another $1.10 in coins...
this can of Milo came out...
and thus...
you can understand why i think this deserves a Project 365 post...

----Stef stopped rambling at 21:08
--Link to Post

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