. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i realised i have been gushing about the guy way too much....
i will NOT...
in this post...

family time has been great this holiday...
everyone's crazy and fun...
laughing on long car rides...
having my dress teased as a christmas tree/maternity dress by my sibs...
although my ex-boss says it's nice...
i TRUST the photographer...

parents been hearing lots about children who forsake their parents post-graduation...
while none of us can imagine how we will ever have heart to do that...
they seemed resigned and prepared for that possiblity...
thing is...
i love my parents...
especially for all that they have done and given up for us three...
so selflessly...
we werent born with silver spoons...
but they given us all that they could...
while being fillial children to their own parents as well..
they rock.

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:53
--Link to Post

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