30.12.06 |
this sem's results is probably my best ever... despite throwing heat transfer away and giving up by the last weekend... but... A 2A- 2B+ B *slurp* it's not wonderful... but it's an average of 4.2 this sem... for that i'm happy... really thanks to YXY... for the motivation and help... on another note... should anyone be blamed for something they have no control over? no? but even when its definitely going to be a big problem in the long term? no tagboard... so i'm just talking to myself... i feel like spending the next 3 days at home... though its been ages since i last touched my surfboard... and i kinda want new clothes... my last 2 impulse buys doesnt seem to fit very well... urgh. dun seem to be able to fit in the short trip with the guy... disappointing... but that'll mean more money for USA... ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:39 --Link to Post |
been going out pretty much... dinners... movies... confession of pain is good... or at least... because i really really like Tony Leung... and love bespectacled intellectuals... (like the guy...=X) *cues mass blood-puking by readers... met up with the bballers today... so it was good... real good... know how its like when you have a particular schoolmate/colleague whose eyes you always meet unwittingly and you turn away instinctively and end up looking guilty... you know very well it's nothing of the romantic sort... but it just makes it so uncomfortable... we get along pretty well... but then again i get along well with most of my colleagues now... its been pretty fun... was on the MRT/LRT today... when i saw my favourite Adam King sorta guy... made my long trip so much more interesting... coz i kept stealing glances... and made sure i wont get caught... some how i love the bespectacled & scruffy look... nice goatee and all... he stay near me!!!!!!!! after gushing about guys... i have to gush about THE GUY too... we'll be 2 next week... amazing how time passes so fast... it feels so comfortable being with him... and everytime i see him, i fall in love all over again... save for the times i am angry with him... but seriously... no one else can tolerate my nonsense except for him... he buys the worst gifts... but what does it matter when he IS the gift ? ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:44 --Link to Post |
25.12.06 |
i realised i have been gushing about the guy way too much.... i will NOT... in this post... family time has been great this holiday... everyone's crazy and fun... laughing on long car rides... having my dress teased as a christmas tree/maternity dress by my sibs... although my ex-boss says it's nice... i TRUST the photographer... parents been hearing lots about children who forsake their parents post-graduation... while none of us can imagine how we will ever have heart to do that... they seemed resigned and prepared for that possiblity... thing is... i love my parents... especially for all that they have done and given up for us three... so selflessly... we werent born with silver spoons... but they given us all that they could... while being fillial children to their own parents as well.. they rock. ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:53 --Link to Post |
the week has been great... although the job is slow... the people have been great... crapping with the project engineers... i end up reading wikipedia a lot... to learn about the equipment they're making.. and also to pass time... improving my general knowledge so that i can catch up with the guy... been shopping with the guy a lot.. was sweet actually... to buy gifts together.... for the people we love... had dinner at his place... pretty yummy stuff... and his dad gave me a whole durian to eat.... but couldnt finish it of course... guy started playing the guitar while we were channel surfing.... first time he played John Mayer's Your Body is a Wonderland... he tried singing and couldnt get very far into the song... but it sounded pretty good... he obviously wasnt singing it to me... but i just started tearing with my head on his back... he didnt see... just felt the connection... 2 years isnt a long time... but it isnt short either... it's been great knowing that there's someone you can turn to whenever... and for whatever... the guy is all that and more... oh ya... and i love our head-slapping, hair-messing public fights... while it's just in jest... it just makes life more exciting... AND PAINFUL. ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:32 --Link to Post |
17.12.06 |
oh ya... my ex-boss invited me back for Christmas lunch... so exciting! so happy coz he's cooking and i've never tried his cooking before!!! was actually paiseh to go back... but i HAVE to try it coz i heard it rocks... will drag the guy along... so i wont be lonely... but i doubt it will be... coz all the cool people will be going! my present company has a christmas lunch too... i've got the present exchange already... and i'm damn proud of my wrapping... lalala.... ----Stef stopped rambling at 22:38 --Link to Post |
finally had time for a proper date with the guy on friday... the past week had been tuition-mania... coz the kids were having their entrance exams soon and we wanted to make 8 sessions.. so that i can get paid! 8 sessions in 2 weeks... i'm powerful... we went for dinner at pepperlunch... went borders to get presents for his maid and his cousin... watched Eragon... which was quite cheesy by the way... coupled with bad acting... made our way to his place... watched How i met your mother... before having him send me back home... it was a good date... good because we had fun... laughed a lot... was supposed to do all our christmas shopping this weekend... but i'm down with food poisoning... which is horrible really... never felt this weak and sick before... slept with my parents last night... think i must have worried them sick... so i guess we have to do it over the next few days... so many people to buy for... so little time and money... it sucks to be sick so near to christmas... i miss the guy already... ----Stef stopped rambling at 19:47 --Link to Post |
12.12.06 |
![]() just bought this online... i DO think the guy's a nerd... job off to a slow start... i'm starting to doubt my communication skills... either that... or my colleagues and i are really on different wavelength... maybe thats why i'm glad the guy transferred out of Engineering... or maybe its the fact that they say Finance earn more moo-lah... doing some marketing stuff for their products... so that entails alot of reading... and writing... guy's back from Bali with peeling back and face... and the most absurd part is... he was sunburnt in Singapore and not Bali... so clever... but i'm glad he's back! it's a mad week... activities every night... bleah... i want to sleep... ----Stef stopped rambling at 21:50 --Link to Post |
10.12.06 |
tomorrow... is the day... i DUG through my entire wardrobe just for something to wear... goodness... and i havent even thot about tuesday... i am so screwed. and i finished a Korean drama in two days... considering it was a busy two days... thats quite a feat... My Sassy Girl, Choon Hyang... the guys are damn cute... one of them looks like a cuter Jay Chou... and the girl is damn pretty... i cried like 10 times during the movie... hiaks... why other pple relationships so exciting one? think i'm going to start beating up the guy during our dates to add some colour into our lives... okok.. we're not entirely boring as well... ----Stef stopped rambling at 23:17 --Link to Post |
9.12.06 |
the guy arrived in Bali... i reach already... think its gonna be boring... he doesnt know how much i want to be in his shoes... i miss the pig. ----Stef stopped rambling at 00:30 --Link to Post |
7.12.06 |
i know i am fat... i can feel the fat running through me... actually, the weighing machine the guy's cousin bought for the family can run a current through your body and tell you your weight, body fat percentage and water content... and the results werent pleasing... the guy was sweet though... firstly... he said i am not fat... although he's lying... it's a comforting lie... and when i asked, "what would you do if i become very very very very very very very fat?" he said it wont happen coz he will watch my weight with me... and when i asked again what would happen if the weight came on in one day... all 50 kgs of it... he said he wont throw me away... or something along those lines... have been sleeping alot these days... like i'm making up for lost time during the exam period... when i get to the guy's place... within 5 mins of watching TV from the bed... he sits on his chair so that i can have the WHOLE BED! i am fat, remember? i fall into deep slumber... like deep deep deep slumber... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... i am going to be so sleep deprived when work starts... the guy is heading over to Bali with his parents... *envy* and he refuses to bring my camera over to help me take pretty pictures... EDIOT. should have just gone for the trip and not cared about my internship... ok... not smart... ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:34 --Link to Post |
6.12.06 |
and oh ya... my mommy won a PS3 in a lucky draw... think its the 20GB one... anyone interested to buy, do let me know... coz there aint any gaming freaks in my family... singapore havent release yet i think... ----Stef stopped rambling at 09:39 --Link to Post |
the exams are finally over... it was quite terrible this time round... i was so exhausted after the entire thing... i concussed for 4 hours at the guy's place instead of going windsurfing... went tuition... then slept for 10 hours straight... here are some photos to commemorate the last lap of the race... my heat transfer past year paper... *puke blood* my trusty 9 year old calculator... my tuition kids laugh and despise this little fella for being so old... though it's probably as old as the youngest kid... and Judy's yummy fried rice... with Snapple that the guy's mom bought at 1 dollar a bottle... ----Stef stopped rambling at 09:24 --Link to Post |
2.12.06 |
![]() having fun trying to create composite pictures... saw some nice examples and wanted to give it a shot... will try with photos taken for that purpose next time... ----Stef stopped rambling at 01:00 --Link to Post |
1.12.06 |
![]() ever wondered how the river gets cleaned? just re-discovered all the photos i was taking going around SG while doing production work... free ride on the bum-boat... how very exciting... miss the job... miss the excitement (from last minute disasters to cute guy alerts)... miss the people... i hope my internship will give me a better idea of the working world out there... though i very scared about having to lunch alone.... all my previous jobs have either been with small companies or schools... never really had the chance to experience office politics... nor see how a company really works... looking forward... yet not so as well... suggested taking a short trip with the guy after my internship... since we're saving up for the US of A... suggested a trip up to Malaysia... where the guy can finally get his hands on poker and chips... he's quite excited about gambling... though i rather he give me the money instead... but at least now i can go in with him (the joy of being 21!)... i pull the plug if need be.... had an extended dinner with yxy... had coconuts... so he was complaining about eating them very often back home coz he has 2 coconut trees... talked about his house back home... how his architect father drew the house... how it's on the slope of a hill... each part of the house is on different levels to accomodate the slope... about how much architects earn per drawing... i also want to be architect can? 10 drawings and i can retire in comfort for the rest of my life... i enjoy personal conversations like that... very therapeutic... one more on monday... then it's my 5 day holiday before work starts... oh bugger. ----Stef stopped rambling at 20:22 --Link to Post |
i'm an MSN addict... so i re-read some of our conversations last time at 3am last night... coz the guy doesnt come online anymore... apparently coz he never liked MSNing... maybe he was into it only because he was staying in hall... thing is... i miss those times... when we would just MSN each other late into the night... where i was desperately trying to keep awake while struggling with my engin tutorials... dont understand why you engineers like to stare at your tutorials...or when we disturb one another with ultra long nicks... you cant help how you feel...i would squeal with delight everytime he says something that suggests reciprocation... u dont notice i respond quite fast when u chat with me meh?i miss the online him... although i the real him isnt any bad... the online him was fun... but the kind of fun you have between friends... sleepy... paper at 1430 tmr... 2nd last of the lot... ----Stef stopped rambling at 02:46 --Link to Post |
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